1392、The last step

Saw Gerrera sat on the throne in the Temple of Unity, enjoying the pleasure of power. While eating fresh fruit, he said to the trembling clerk next to him: "Let's speed up the cleaning work on the ruins of the Central Commercial Building! Resume traffic as soon as possible!"

"My country...Your Majesty, we have mobilized more than 5,000 people to clean it up. But the engineering equipment is insufficient, and many people can only dig with shovels and picks, which is very inefficient. Hundreds of people have fainted due to overwork... ..." the clerk said softly.

"Then send another 5,000 people there! In short, within today, I will see the ruins cleared!" Saw Grera pulled out a pistol and played with it in his hand, and said coldly, "If you can't Come on, then you go digging too! Show off your ability to make excuses, maybe you can dig a little more."

"Yes... yes..." The clerk replied tremblingly, and then ran out as if fleeing.

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Galactic Republic! Separatism! Hahahahaha! Jedi... Hahahahaha!" Saw Gerrera laughed wildly.

However, in the midst of madness, his eyes were completely cold.

The communicator sounded, and Saw Gerrera looked at the name displayed on the communication frequency band, his face turned cold instantly, and he pressed the button.

However, the holographic projection did not appear. Obviously, the other party chose the voice mode, "Do you really think that what you are doing now will not be punished? So-Gerrera!"

The corners of Saw Gerrera's mouth turned up slightly, and he said: "There is no retribution in this galaxy, only power. I got power and I succeeded. But everything is still in vain, why don't you come and help me? Stella- Grela. I can appoint you as one, Prime Minister. Ah... wait a minute, the position of Prime Minister is now occupied by Noorda, who used to think about it when he was driving a truck, so... How about Deputy Prime Minister? "

"You bowed your knees in front of the Galactic Republic, is this the answer you gave?!" Stella asked sharply.

"What's the difference? Have you ever thought about it, if our resistance movement was really successful at that time, the result would be much better than it is now? The result is the same, under the power of the Galactic Republic, we will realize our own power." Saw Gerrera said.

"It's just your own ambition! You don't care about the life and death of the people of the entire planet, and you only have your own ambitions and desires in your heart! For a person like you, if you stay in the position of the king of the planet Onderon for one more day, it will be a waste of money." Disaster for the people!"

"Did I bring the disaster? When the separatists used that THOR to massacre our comrades in arms, wasn't it a disaster? When the Galactic Republic's army of millions was overwhelming, wasn't it a disaster? You don't care about all this Facts have never been just empty talk of ideals! Then now the ending of Onderon Planet is something you should take a good look at!” Saw Gerrera jumped up and roared, “You don’t understand at all! Onderon Planet, from the very beginning time, there is no choice!"

"But you still chose to push things to the worst side! Even if you succumb to the feet of the Galactic Republic, you can do more! Fight for more for the people of Planet Onderon! However, even if you Nothing is done!" Stella Gerrera exclaimed.

"I told you, Stella. Onderon was never a choice. Don't you see that everything is being driven by the Galactic Republic or Separatism? They don't think about Onderon either. Thoughts. Because we are just pawns.” Saw Gerrera stood up, opened his hands and looked at everything around him, “Governor Tarkin doesn’t care who will be the king, he only cares about whether his goal Achievement... If that's the case, why don't I enjoy it here?"

"You have disappointed me so much, Suo. The ideals and beliefs you once talked about, but in the end you just sit on the throne and enjoy them? Is this the answer you gave me?" Stella Gerrera's voice trembled.

"I enjoy it because I have seen it through." So-Gerrera said, "Besides, I went to Governor Tarkin to win this throne myself. It is justified. In a few days, when the Dexen Satellite After the fall, my document as king will be formally submitted to the Galactic Republic Council for discussion, and the result will not change. I will be enthroned as king."

He suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Oh, by the way, where did you hide the old king Ramses Dundup? I sent someone to look for him in his secret residence, but I couldn't find anyone? You must have snatched it away." right?"

"That's right. King Dundup is with me." Stella said coldly, "Many of what I said just now are exactly what he wanted to tell you."

"Hahahaha, you are too cunning Stella. I really underestimated you." Saw Gerrera laughed, "I didn't expect you to be the one who hides the deepest. As long as you control King Dundup, Ondron Those people on the planet will choose you, right? This move is really too clever."

"In your eyes, besides this throne, is there nothing else?" Stella Grera said with great sorrow.

"Don't tease me, Stella. Don't I know you yet? You want to be king too! Right? If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!" Saw Gerrera said sharply, "You only have one day Hand over Dundup! Otherwise, you will be wanted by me all over the world! Not only that, I will also report your affairs to the Galactic Republic and make you a wanted criminal in the entire galaxy!"

However, there was only a sound of electricity in his answer, and Stella Gerrera had already cut off the communication.

"Bastard!! Bastard!! Idiot!! Idiot!!" Saw Gerrera smashed the communicator to the ground, cursed loudly, and then shouted to the outside: "Come here! Come here!! Here I want Stella Gerrera! Say she kidnapped the old king Dundup! Give me a global wanted! Find her! Immediately! Immediately!!"


At the same time, a large number of transport ships have begun to assemble in the outer orbit of the Deksen satellite, and the attack is about to begin.

On the flagship of the fleet, Tarkin's Will, the fourth army of the Galactic Republic, the official governor, Wilhof Tarkin stood in the center of the bridge with his hands behind his back, staring at the burning planet outside the porthole——Dexon satellite.

"No matter what plans the separatists have and what power they hide, this is their last hiding place! And we will completely crush their last hope!" Tarkin raised his hand and shouted, "The whole army! Get ready to land! I want to plow the planet Dexen into flat ground in one day, just like capturing the Onderon planet!!"

There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

Coming! almost there! Just capture the Dirksen satellite and destroy the Separatist Behemoth-class battlecruiser production line! Then his title of number one general of the Galactic Republic will be well deserved!

Now that the planet Onderon has been captured, Izzy City has become an extremely large logistics base. Countless spaceships transport countless supplies, which will be able to support the battle of these millions of troops!

That's right! That's it, this step!

Suddenly, an alarm sounded! A controller shouted: "Master Governor! A strong energy reaction has been detected! The target...is behind us!"

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