The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1398 Reclaiming the Throne

1398. Reclaiming the Throne

"I feel... death. Endless death..." Judgment looked at the sky and murmured.

"The Galactic Republic has already begun to land on the Dexen satellite, but the news is tightly blocked, and we cannot know the specific situation." Stella-Gerella said.

"This is war... what I try my best to avoid." It was an old bearded man who spoke, and his spirit didn't look very good.

This is the former king of Onderon planet, Ramses Dundup.

He looked at the constantly rising and falling transport planes in the sky, shook his head and sighed: "Whether it is the Galactic Republic or Separatism, both are full of corruption. There is no right or wrong in this war, or in other words, both sides are just fighting for their own ambitions." be involved in a war like this is a disaster."

The judge glanced at him, and asked back: "Then if you are still in power, before the war broke out, would you accept the investment from the Interstellar Banking Association and Tyron Heavy Industries?"

"I can tell you with certainty, absolutely not." Dundup said firmly, "but I can also say with certainty that if I refuse, then my position as king will also be lost sooner or later. All of this, or will happen……"

Speaking of this, he sighed softly: "So, this is why even if General Kalani released me, I refused to become the king again-this war left us with the option of Onderon Planet, In fact, there is only one, war."

"We have to do something!" Stella Grera said, "I know Saw Gerrera very well. He became the king, and he will only pull the planet Onderon into the endless abyss!"

"We should attack the Temple of Unity and pull him off the throne!" Seth said, "Your Majesty Dundup, in our hearts, you are the real king of Planet Onderon."

"It's just that I was overthrown by Sanji Rush's coup before everything happened, giving you a good fantasy. In fact, even if I hadn't been overthrown at the time, the ending would not have changed much. And What I can tell you is that the success of Sanji-Rush's coup is inseparable from the support of many large companies and consortia on our planet." Dundup said, "Now you see the investment brought by Tyronn Heavy Industries. It is natural to think that this is wrong. But at that time? Who can really refuse the increase in output value and increase in income?"

He turned to Stella-Gerrera, and said: "And, even if we do succeed, overthrow So-Gerrera, and let me return to the throne, so what? Can I still say quit the war and remain neutral? ?Once I say this, Wilhof Tarkin's army will immediately take me to prison again and re-appoint a king he can control.And what if I accept the conditions of the Galactic Republic and join the war?Then How is my behavior different from that of Saw Gerrera, who obeyed Tarkin's order?"

Stella Gerrera slumped on a box, holding her head and said with great pain: "Then do we just watch things keep getting worse? Are we still going to continue to evacuate civilians everywhere? Is there any place on the planet that is safe?" Yes? We also received information just now that the Republic has requisitioned an agricultural area outside the city and set up a temporary hospital there, and many medical robots and medicines have been sent over from other galaxies."

Her gaze was a little dazed, "But...but in that agricultural area, there are more than 7,000 civilians hiding. They were forced to leave their homes and were driven out of the city to make room for the Republic Army, and now they are once again facing being arrested. Drive them out...then where can we send them?"

Ramses Dundup smiled slightly at this time, walked over and patted Stella Gerrera on the back, and said kindly: "This war did not give us any choice on the planet Onderon. We are powerless to control our own destiny. If you are looking for an answer, then I will tell you, the answer ... is outside."

"Outside?" Stella was still at a loss, "I don't quite understand."

"Compared to So-Gerrera, your biggest advantage is that you are willing to listen to the voice of the people more than anyone else, and you can clearly recognize your shortcomings. You are still young, and there are still too many things to learn " Dundup said with a smile, "So now, we old bones still have to do something."

He stood up, his expression became extremely serious, "I will reassert the throne and lead the people of Planet Onderon to take the most difficult and painful steps."

"Dundup...Your Majesty..." Stella Gerrera looked at him, not knowing what to say. But in his heart, he was already in awe.

At this time, Ramses Dundup said to the judge: "You are not a Jedi Knight, but I can still feel your immense power from you. I beg you, help Stella, help us Soldiers... I only hope that at this time, we can give our people another way. Without your help, we cannot break into the Temple of Unity."

Judgment looked at Dundup, then at the sky, and said, "I'll help you, as a bystander. After this, I'll leave, and go to the Derksen satellite, and get that man out." "

Stella Gerrera asked a little strangely: "Who are you trying to save? That person is on the Dexen satellite? It's a battlefield right now."

The judge replied lightly, "It doesn't matter if you say it. The person I want to save is Zhang Jiarui. He is one of the senior engineers of Tailun Heavy Industries, an expert in energy and engineering. He is currently the experimental weapon Thor Mecha of Tyrann Heavy Industries. presided over the design."

"Oh, you are indeed a separatist. But you are not like those mercenaries who work for separatist super corporate giants. You give me the feeling that you don't seem to care about money." Dundup said.

However, Stella Gerrera, who was on the side, turned pale when she heard the name THOR!

In her mind, the massacre when they went to intercept THOR immediately appeared. The rebel soldiers who were burned beyond recognition by the white phosphorous bombs that rained down like raindrops, the screams and howls of pain...

And in the subsequent investigation, she also learned that the person driving the Thor mech at that time was Zhang Jiarui, one of the chief designers of this weapon.

But now, this mysterious Jedi who has been with them for several days, has been helping them, and saved many rebel soldiers and civilians, her purpose is to save Zhang Jiarui?

The butcher who killed so many rebel fighters? !

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