1401. Turning point

boom! boom! boom! A burst of explosions exploded on the SPHA-T self-propelled turbolaser gun!

In front of this super giant land unit with a length of 140.2 meters, the length of the M-808B Scorpion tank is only 10.2 meters. The ratio between the two is like an ordinary person standing in front of a building.

However, it was the giant SPHA-T who was completely powerless to fight back.

In front of the flexible Scorpion tank, although the SPHA-T is equipped with 10 anti-infantry scattering laser cannons, this weapon cannot pose a threat to the armor of the Scorpion tank at all.

On the contrary, the 90mm caliber high-speed smoothbore gun equipped on the Scorpion tank can easily penetrate the opponent's armor because it adopts the supermatter acceleration technology widely used by the Fourth Civilization.

After hitting more than a dozen artillery shells in a row, even the huge vehicle with a length of more than 140 meters was finally overwhelmed and paralyzed in a violent explosion.

After receiving the news of the raid, the distraught Wilhof Tarkin had to use more fighter jets for patrol and defense on the battlefield, which also reduced the pressure on the air defense over the City of Steel.

It's not that he didn't think about letting his cheerer-class assault landing ship directly penetrate into the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite to support the operation, but reason still prevented him from doing so.

Because according to various sources of information, the separatist army on the planet Onderon has at least two or more J-1 proton cannons in their hands.

The J-1 proton cannon produced by the Techno Union, like the Galactic Republic's SPHA-T self-propelled turbolaser, are both powerful and low-production weapons. And in recent months, the Technology Alliance has always refused to provide the J-1 proton cannon to the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies on the grounds of insufficient raw materials and shortage of funds.

This makes this powerful weapon that can directly shoot down the cheerer-class assault landing ship not appear in large numbers on the frontline battlefield of the Federation of Independent Galaxy.

But the current situation is that since there are at least two J-1 proton cannons on the planet Onderon, and when the planet Onderon was occupied before, these two cannons were not found on the planet, then the most likely outcome That is, these two proton cannons are now on the Dexen satellite!

And according to the information provided by Saw Gerrera, the Separatists probably installed these two proton cannons on the terrifying Thor mecha.

So if this is the case, the Thor Mecha will have the ability to threaten the Cheer-class assault landing ship!

With this invisible threat, it is naturally impossible to casually send the Cheer-class assault landing ship into the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite.

You must know that the cost of the Cheerer class is more than 100 million. If you don't count super battleships like the Commander II class, the Cheerer class is still the most expensive warship in the Republic Navy series.

The worse news is that even though the battle was so fierce, the two J-1 proton cannons of the separatists still did not appear.

Wilhof Tarkin, who was standing on the flagship bridge at this moment, was already extremely angry. He slammed the portable terminal in his hand on the face of the staff officer who was reporting the battle situation to him, hitting the innocent staff officer on the head. Broken blood.


Boom! With a muffled sound, a door was kicked open.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of Onderon planet soldiers with fierce faces rushed into a basement, but there was no one in the basement.

The commander searched for traces left in the basement, and said in the communication: "General, we raided the basement of Building M in the market area based on intelligence. There are traces of Stella's rebel activities, but they have already evacuated."

There was a gloomy voice in the communication, "Your Majesty's direct order, search for the traitor Stella Grera and her accomplices throughout the city! They have betrayed the Galactic Republic, and even our Planet Onderon! King Your Majesty demands that they be caught within one day, and then sent to the guillotine!"

"Yes!" The commander quickly responded, and then he said fiercely to the other soldiers behind him: "You heard it too! Immediately expand the search area for me! Even if the city is turned upside down, I still have to find Stella-" Grera!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out. Outside the door, more soldiers were gathering. Following the commander's order, everyone immediately divided into groups and started a large-scale search.

They broke into residential houses, smashed and looted everywhere under the pretext of hunting down rebels, and things like robbing QJs happened everywhere along with their footsteps.

Most of the people who can identify with and join Saw Gerrera's team are hooligans and terrorists. When these people put on military uniforms and pick up blaster rifles, they transform into fully armed hooligans and terrorists.

For a while, with the search and arrest of a large number of troops, the entire city of Izzy, which was already in chaos, is now in chaos!

The residents of Izzy City not only have to face the oppression and fear brought by the Army of the Galactic Republic, but also face the white terror of Sor-Gerrela. It is already appropriate to describe it as deep water and hot water.

But at this moment, Stella Gerrera led one of the most elite teams and quietly sneaked towards the Temple of Unity in the center of the city.

Because Stella Grera and her comrades have always been committed to helping and saving civilians, so they can also get a lot of help and information.

Under the ubiquitous eyes of the residents of Izzy City, they avoided the patrols of the Galactic Republic army and the hunt of the Onderon army, and arrived at a place 2 or 3 kilometers away from the Temple of Unity.

"Be careful! There's a Republic Patrol ahead!" Stella whispered.

Everyone hurriedly avoided. After a while, there was a flash of glass reflection in a building in front of him. Stella looked at the flash of light and said, "Go! It's now! Hurry up!"

The others quickly followed her footsteps and soon came to the building. The door opened quietly, and they hid in.

A middle-aged woman in her 40s approached her. She walked over and gave Stella a hug, and said, "Have you finally made up your mind? Stella! Now only you can save our planet! Ah... It's His Majesty the King!"

As she spoke, she saw Ramses Dundup behind her, and hurriedly saluted, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here, Your Majesty Dundup."

Dundup smiled slightly and said, "It seems that Stella has a very high status in the hearts of the people. In this way, I can go there with peace of mind."

"Your Majesty, do you want to..." the middle-aged woman asked.

Dundup said with a smile: "Someone has to stand up and use political means to fight against the occupation of the Republic Army. Now I can't let Stella stand on the front stage to bear the Republic's open and hidden arrows, let me, an old bone, Let’s clear the way ahead first.”

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