The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1413 It Happened Suddenly

1413、It happened suddenly

Shua~~~~~ The ashes are spilled out, drifting into the distance with the sea breeze, sinking into the sea, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Stella Gerrera was holding the urn with her brother Saw Gerrera's name engraved on it, standing on the sea boat in a daze, but her eyes followed the formation of Republic fighter jets passing by in the sky, and turned to the direction of Izzy City.

Behind her, there stood only 5 rebel fighters, and the trial.

"Thank you very much for coming with me, Judgment," said Stella Grera.

"I'm just on the way, the offshore factory ahead, I can snatch a spaceship from there, and it won't attract too much attention." Judgment replied lightly.

"Is your body okay? At that time, you fought with the pair of Jedi knight sisters..." Stella asked.

"My question is more from Carness Moore, but he is dead and only exists in my memory now." The trial said, "As for the sisters, I said that they threatened me even Not as good as another young Jedi."

Stella sighed, "But for ordinary people, or relatively weak people, facing them is even more desperate than facing the devil in your body..."

"What about you? If you are willing, King Dundup should not hesitate to reward you." The judge asked.

Stella shook her head again, "This is not what I want, nor is it what Dundup wants, let alone what the people of Planet Onderon want... Those who want to stay, stay, or It is for the sake of high officials and rich salary, or to fight against the Galactic Republic, or to save the people, but choosing to be with me is for a nobler ideal.”

"What ideal?" Judgment asked again.

"An ideal where everyone is equal, people are not oppressed, and the planet is peaceful and stable..." Stella replied, "For this ideal, I will go far away to seek the answer..."

She paused, and then said, "Can you come with me? Whether it is separatism or Dawn Star, it is not the answer. No matter what the outcome of this war is, what will be born from the ruins of the war will only It will be a more extreme and terrifying existence."

"I can only say that even 4,000 years ago, this kind of thinking of yours is the one I hate the most. The reason why the Jedi Covenant was separated from the Jedi Knights is exactly this." The judge turned his head and looked at Stephen. La, a smile appeared under the mask, "But I respect your choice, have a choice."

After finishing speaking, she looked up at the approaching offshore factory, jumped off the boat, and galloped away on the sea.

Stella Grera watched her back, and after a long time, she turned the bow and headed in another direction.

The sea breeze was blowing her hair, and in her mind, King Dundup's last request sounded...

[I am destined to die here, on the throne, Stella... Neither the Galactic Republic nor Separatism will give our planet any choice, but I must sit here, on the throne, with my own Way to fight to the end. But I always believe that there is a third way besides the republic and separatism...]

[I will use my life to pave a road for you. This road is not to the throne of the planet, but to a farther place. This is destined to be the most difficult road, full of hardships, thorns, and even darkness... But I will always believe that at the end of that road, there is a light of hope... For this light of hope, even if you give everything... fight, to rebel, to...revolution! 】

Whoosh~~~~ A spaceship took off from the offshore factory, passed over the ship where Stella was, and then suddenly pulled up the nose and flew towards the sky.


Dexen Satellite, Steel City Command Center.

"General Kalani!" Liu Zhichao, the staff officer of the Fourth Civilization, walked over and said, "The No. U industrial zone has fallen, and now we have lost one-third of the entire city."

"Continue to calculate the number of troops invested by the Galactic Republic." General Kalani, the super tactical robot, said in that flat tone.

"In the past 5 hours, the number of confirmed frontline armies of the Galactic Republic was 1.77 million, 1.64 million, 1.8 million, 2.41 million, 2.16 million... Among them, the number of 2.41 million reached two hours ago was the peak after the war started. "Liu Zhichao said.

"Number of transport ships."

"The highest peak was 1962 sorties per hour, which also happened two hours ago."

"Yes. This should be the limit of the force projection of the Galactic Republic. The other troops are resting and rotating on the planet Onderon." General Kalani said, "Then, inform the Fourth Legion to act. Still There is Dr. Zhang Jiarui, tell him, get ready."

"Yes!" Liu Zhichao nodded, gave a military salute, and began to arrange various orders.


Planet Onderon, the largest spaceport in the city of Izzy.

Countless materials are piled up in the cargo loading and unloading area of ​​the space port. Because the daily cargo throughput is too huge, these cargoes are hardly sorted out. After everything was transported from the rear galaxy, it was almost roughly thrown off the transport ship, and then the transport ship would leave immediately, ready to start the next transport.

And the only thing the Army of the Galactic Republic can do is to simply classify these things.

At this time, an alarm sounded suddenly in the spaceport, all combat units were immediately in position, the anti-aircraft guns were activated immediately, and countless radar waves swept across the sky.

In the distant sky, a spaceship is rampaging at an almost berserk speed, and around this spaceship, there are at least dozens of fighter jets besieging it.

"Someone robbed a spaceship and wanted to escape, just leave this matter to the flight squadron! Go back to work for me!!" The Republic officer shouted at the soldiers who watched the excitement.

They didn't notice that a cargo ship that was landing suddenly turned around and swooped down towards the hangar platform of the space port!

boom! boom! boom! ! ! ! The cargo ship transported explosive gas, and these flammable and explosive materials immediately caused a very violent explosion. Dozens of transport ships around the scene were immediately blown to pieces in the explosion!

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! More explosions were set off all over the spaceport, and the whole place suddenly fell into chaos!

Amidst this chaos, a mysterious army seemed to appear out of nowhere, and it was impossible to know how they hid before. I only know that they are now dressed in all kinds of clothes, there are porters, drivers and cleaners, but they hold the most advanced battle rifles in their hands!

With an unimaginable tacit understanding, this army quickly formed hundreds of combat groups, each with three people. They were very skilled in combat and almost never missed a shot.

They took advantage of the explosion and directly rushed into the depths of the spaceport, destroying supplies, landing and landing spaceships, and even gathering soldiers!

Those ordinary soldiers of the Galactic Republic had no possibility of resisting the attack of this army at all. These ordinary soldiers were even shot in the head by precise bursts as soon as they emerged.

As the mysterious force advances, it starts planting bombs at every crucial point to wreak havoc!

In fact, if they wear the usual N-7 combat uniforms, this unit is not difficult to recognize, and it can be said to be notorious in the Galactic Republic military!

Fourth Legion!

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