The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1427 Immigrants from Tatooine

1427. Immigrants from Tatooine

On the planet Tatooine, there used to be two major settlements, Mos Eisley City occupied by Jabba of the Desilijic Family and Mos Espa Port occupied by Gardullah of the Besardi Family.

Mos Espa Port was later plowed to the ground during the all-out gang war between Jabba and Gardullah, and now nothing remains but ruins. Now there are many people living in this ruin, mainly scavengers, and after Gardullah drove Jabba away, he used this place as a garbage dump.

So now the Port of Mos Espa is a huge mountain of garbage, plus the surrounding shacks where countless scavengers live. There is filth and smog here, and the people living inside have no order at all, and they can even kill people for a piece of seemingly usable garbage.

And Mos Eisley became the only large settlement on the planet Tatooine, and all the people with a little bit of ability on the planet were concentrated here. But later, with Jabba's return, the Scourge and Gardullah parted ways, and Mos Eisley fell into a split again, with various forces entrenched here, a mixed bag of fish and dragons.

It is impossible for them to give up the planet Tatooine, because it can be said to be one of the most convenient places in the entire outer ring star region, and there are no laws at all. Here, they can do whatever they want. Moreover, as the gateway to the Hutt space, the smuggled products from the Hutts' ruling core - the planet Nalheta and the Nasada satellite will also pass through Tatooine and be sold to other places in the galaxy. There is such a thing Now, Tatooine will always continue to prosper in such a sinful way.

Now, the population on the planet Tatooine has skyrocketed from more than 200,000 people in the past to more than 1 million people now, and because of the chaos on this planet, all the people who moved here are vicious.

The struggle among the Hutts has become more and more chaotic. Following Zorba's sudden death, he left a will to hand over the family to Ziro, and Ziro recruited another brother of Zorba to fight against the alliance of Jabba and Kiliak. Split.

After Ziro came to power, he continued to attack the Besardi family with great fanfare. Of course, the offense between the gangs is not a line-up charge, but smashing each other, destroying smuggling routes, attacking spice dens, and so on.

Under the leadership of Aruba, the Besardi family has gradually formed a monolith, and it is no longer the chaos it was when Aruba and Gardulla were there. They are like a poisonous snake, while resisting Ziro While waiting for the opportunity to attack, give the opponent a fatal blow at any time.

As for Kyriak and Jabba, on the one hand, they want to kill Ziro and reunify the Desilijic family. On the other hand, they don't want the Besardi family to take advantage of the opportunity to grow bigger, so their attitude is also to attack on both sides.

The war that took place outside the Hutt space is also affecting the Hutt people. Among them, Jabba and Kiliak are secretly supported by Darth Sidious, Tang Xiao's Freemasonry Alliance is also using Ziro's power to get a share of the Hutt space, and the Fourth Civilization is in the Hutt space. Many of the large-scale spice trades are actually carried out through the Hutt space.

Only the Besardi family still maintains the pure power of the Hutts. But don't think that the Bessardi family will be weak because of this. With the power and wealth of the Hutts, they are enough for the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies to treat them cautiously.

In such a chaotic situation, the planet Tatooine is just that. Here, you can gain anything, and here, you can lose anything.

Countless people came here with different purposes, including a pair of men and women who seemed completely inconspicuous.

In the chaotic shack area of ​​Port Mos Espa, a young man with an oriental face carried a cloth bag and walked into one of the shacks built with leftovers from spaceships. He looked at the thick steel bar at the door of the shack. The 'lock' made by twisting together, found that no one had touched it, so I raised my hand to straighten the steel bar, opened the door and walked in.

Although the inside of the shack was extremely crude, it was tidy and there was no peculiar smell. On a bed made of piles of cloth, lay a woman.

This woman is close to 30 years old, with a beautiful face, wheat-colored skin and a heroic temperament. The only fly in the ointment is that she has one arm, and her right hand is gone up to the shoulder. Moreover, this woman's expression is extremely sluggish now, as if she has just recovered from a serious illness.

Seeing that the woman had sat up, the young man stepped forward and said, "Are you awake? Looks like you're in good spirits today."

The woman frowned and looked at the young man, "Are you...that Jedi Knight?"

"Ah, I'm glad to see that you still know me. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Jing Fang, a Jedi Knight...or, it's not anymore..." This young Jedi Knight is Jing Fang.

And the woman in front of her was Arden Lin who once made both Darth Sidious and Darth Malthael suffer!

Jing Fang looked at this Arden-Lin, and continued: "During this period of time, you seemed to have been immersed in a nightmare, and your mind was completely unclear. If you were not so weak at the beginning, when you went crazy In those few days, I was beaten to death by you."

"Where is this?" Arden-Lin asked, rubbing his forehead.

"Planet Tatooine." Jing Fang replied.

"Tatooine? Aren't we in the Rendili galaxy? And you are obviously a Jedi knight, why don't you go with your fleet?" Arden-Lin asked again.

"We lost... We lost badly. We lost the Lundili galaxy, our army was completely wiped out, and there was not much left in our fleet." Jing Fang sighed, standing on the shell of a mainframe that was used as a stool Sit down, "During the final defeat, I escaped with you. And your identity as a user of the dark side force has been known by Master Yoda. I don't know what he will do to you, so I also I can only take you far away."

Arden-Lin groaned, clutching her head in pain, she shook her head vigorously, and said, "I lost to that person! Death Angel!" She gritted her teeth when she said the name.

"He and Darth Sidious are both liars!" She clenched her left fist tightly and then opened it lightly, "I have almost lost my strength... I still need a longer time to recover Recover. When I recover, I will let them know, and what will happen to me!"

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