The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1438 Clues 13 Years Late

1438. Clues 13 years late

Jax Pavan called I-5YQ to him and said, "Execute the shutdown command."

"Good master." I-5YQ did not disobey, only saw its electronic eyes flicker, and immediately lowered its hands and head weakly, without making a sound.

Jax Pawan walked over and checked carefully on I-5YQ, but found nothing.

In fact, like Anakin Skywalker, he has a great love for machinery, so the two of them can become good friends. However, he really did not find any traces of modification on I-5YQ.

"Memory?" Jax Pawan frowned, "That's not right... the memory of this robot my father left me should have been cleared..."

He took out the memory of I-5YQ, connected it to his computer, and checked it carefully.

Among the countless files in the memory, there are records of all kinds of things after he got this robot more than ten years ago... From the beginning he was a carefree, bright and sunny boy, to the outbreak of war, he gradually became Anxiety and deep process.

There are even countless bits and pieces that make his heart surge...

Yes, more than ten years ago, when I got the news that my father was killed suddenly, I felt that the sky was about to fall. However, he still persevered with the encouragement of his master and friends, and gradually grew up to this day.

But more than ten years later, the war has completely changed itself.

Jax Pawan sighed and continued to check the memory, but there was still nothing.

"Nothing?" Pawan frowned, if that's the case, then why did Darth Malthael say that? Why would he say he put the truth of the war in it?

But in retrospect, it's true... I didn't receive this robot until several months after my father died. And who sent the robot over, I don't know at all.

This is the only doubtful point about I-5YQ - it is indeed of unknown origin. Because if it was really given to him by his father, it would have been impossible to send it over a few months later, because his father, Lorne Pawan, was originally in charge of logistics for the Jedi Order.

This only shows that during the past few months, I-5YQ was in the hands of someone else, and this person must have nothing to do with the Jedi Order. That's why sending the robot to the Jedi Order required countless rounds, which took a lot of time.

Jax Pawan looked at the motionless I-5YQ in front of him, lost in thought. He mechanically clicked on the computer, repeatedly checking the large-capacity memory—according to the law of the Galactic Republic, all robots need to clear the memory regularly, but Pawan did not do this, I-5YQ, when his father was away In life, the biggest motivation to accompany him to grow up.

Suddenly, he discovered the clue!

There is a problem with the memory capacity!

In order to confirm this, he quickly looked up the information, and performed calculations with auxiliary calculation tools, and then confirmed his judgment!

The memory capacity is abnormal!

According to the current algorithm in the Milky Way, the capacity unit of the memory should be a multiple of 26, but the memory capacity unit of the I-5YQ is as high as 9 digits, it is not!

Not only that, hundreds of memory sectors of I-5YQ all have problems! None of them are multiples of 26!

Moreover, the problematic capacity is very small, and even daily inspections will ignore these problems. These capacities also do not cause any logical errors that would not be detected by ordinary inspection tools.

Basically, except for the fact that Jax Pawan subconsciously completed the multiplication and division of 9-digit numbers in an instant with the help of the Force, the problem was discovered. If you switch to other people, it is impossible to find this subtle difference!

That is to say, the person who designed this small mechanism has fully considered the factor of the original force!

Jax Pawan jumped up as if getting an electric shock. He began to carefully manipulate the computer, starting from the bottom code, stripping off the capacity that the numbers did not match, and then forming a series of codes composed of countless characters.

He tried to run a sophisticated decryption program to break the string of codes, but found that the string of codes was so simple that it was simply the result of digitizing a piece of audio.

The processing was quickly completed, and he clicked the play button with a feeling of apprehension.

[Jax, my son. When you hear this voice, I don't know if I'm still alive... This man, I don't know what he wants to do, but he gave me this opportunity to leave this message. Listen to me Jax...] There was a somewhat hoarse voice in the audio.

The sockets of Jax Pawan's eyes turned red in an instant, and the tears couldn't stop pouring out of his eyes.

It's father! That's right, it's my father's voice!

[Jacs... I might really be dying... because, because I got something I shouldn't have—a memory, which I bought from a Neimoidian for 500,000 credits of. That person was Hass-Monchar, and he was very flustered at the time. He told me that all his accounts had been frozen, and he was really penniless now, so I was able to get this thing...]

The voice of Lon Pawan continued to come (probably the beginning of the plot in chapter 308).

[Of course, I played a trick. The 500,000 credits I promised were fake, and the Neimoidian didn't get a single penny. But the next day, I saw him again on the news...he was actually the Vice-Governor of the Trade Federation! And he has been killed! Only then did I understand the value of this thing in my hand... Yes, they can kill anyone for this thing! including me! 】

There were gasps in the audio, obviously Lon Pawan was trying to calm himself down.

[I checked this memory... There is a plan in it. The Trade Federation is about to block the planet Naboo... This is crazy! How dare a company like the Trade Federation resort to force against a sovereign planet? This is absolutely impossible! But... But the plan is true, according to this record, the Trade Federation has already begun to mobilize their escort fleet... and...]

When Lon Pawan said this, his voice calmed down, [Moreover, this blockade has a deeper purpose - to put the final pressure on the current speaker, Phines Valoren, through this armed conflict, Let the planet Naboo propose a motion to impeach Speaker Valorum and force him to step down! That's right! The trade alliance's action this time, even put themselves in a position of hostility to the Republic to block the planet Naboo. The real purpose is to let someone sit in the position of speaker! 】

Lorne paused for a while, and then said, 【I don't know who this person is, but the killer sent by this person has found me. He wields a red lightsaber and is very powerful... I've also been working for the Jedi Order for decades, so I know who such a person is... Sith... Yes, my son, Sith, has been Infiltrated the highest levels of the Galactic Republic! 】

[If you can hear the news, don't worry, Jax, you are a sensible child. You give this memory to Master Yoda, he knows what to do! Believe in your teacher, believe in your elders! I... I still have evidence! 】In Lorne Pawan's words, he still treated Jax as a child. It seems that he didn't expect that it took Jax Pawan more than ten years to decipher this news.

There was a rustling sound in the audio, and then a distorted and greasy voice sounded, 【...I don't care what excuses you use! A military dispute must be triggered on the planet Naboo! Only in this way can I give Phoenix Valoren the final blow! Only in this way can I have the chance to continue with my plan! 】

This distorted voice beat Jax Pawan's heart, even if he simply listened to it, he could feel the disturbance from his own force! It can be seen how terrifying power the owner of this voice possesses!

With a plop, Jax Pawan fell to his knees weakly, holding his head, extremely annoyed, and full of self-blame, he let out a painful howl, "No!!! Father!! No !!! Woooo..."

Immediately, he lay on the ground and wept uncontrollably.

Such crucial information, he actually only got it now! Undoubtedly, through this information from his father, it can be shown that the siege of the planet Naboo that happened 13 years ago was a conspiracy against Phoenix-Valorum! And the result was indeed the case, because of this battle, Phoenix Valorum stepped down sadly, and Schiff Palpatine became the new speaker of the Galactic Republic!

If... If I could decipher this information 13 years ago and hand it over to Master Yoda, maybe this war would never break out now!

The current speaker of the Galactic Republic may be the owner of this distorted voice! Because judging from the front and back logic, there is only such a possibility!

Jax Pawan grabbed the memory, quickly rushed out of the dormitory, and ran towards the top of the Jedi Temple.

Master Yoda is there!

Although this news is 13 years late, maybe there is still a chance to make up for it now! There is a chance!

"Darth Sidious, the owner of this voice." Master Yoda shook his head after listening to the content in the memory, "The speaker of the Galactic Republic, he is. Schiff Palpatine."

"You know about this?" Jax Pawan turned pale with shock.

Master Yoda nodded and said, "Pass us this information, Death Angel."

"Dead Angel! That's right! He was the one who told me there was a problem in this memory!" Jax Pawan said, "But why did he tell us this?"

"Mutually hostile, Necromancer and Darth Sidious," said Master Yoda, "enemies to both of them at the same time, our Jedi Order."

"So the dead angel wanted to make a profit? But why didn't he give me this thing directly? Instead, he hid it so deeply that I didn't find out about it until more than ten years later?" Jax Parker Wan couldn't understand, he thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Wait a minute! If we had known this information more than ten years ago, maybe we would have been able to get Schiff Palpatine to step down at that time! By then, let the Jedi Order A life-and-death plan with Darth Sidious won't come true?!"

Master Yoda nodded and said, "The time has come, now. Can't get out of the war, us and Darth Sidious."

"Then what should we do? Master Yoda! I have listened to the recording repeatedly just now. Although the recording only logically shows that this person is Speaker Palpatine, there is actually no direct evidence. Therefore, We still cannot directly accuse Palpatine of being behind the scenes..." Jax Pawan said, "And, if we really do this, then... that would be equivalent to publicly turning against the Speaker! And if this recording Is it fake?"

The more Jax Pawan thought about it, the more frightened he became. This dead angel actually made plans for today 13 years ago? What a scheming, what a calculation! And with such a simple recording, the Jedi Knights were caught in a dilemma!

Go ahead and publicly impeach Speaker Palpatine in Parliament and the Supreme Court. This is tantamount to a complete turn-off with the Galactic Republic, and the two sides parted ways. If the recording is true, it is natural to talk about it. What if the recording is fake? And there is no direct evidence, how to accuse Palpatine?

But is it okay not to go this far? According to intelligence, Palpatine is the Lord of Sith! !

Retreat, just let a Sith Lord sit in the highest position of the Galactic Republic, dictate to the Jedi Order, and let the entire Jedi Order serve his own ambitions? is it possible?

"Yoda...Master...?" Jax Pawan turned pale, looked at the silent Master Yoda, and asked tremblingly.

Master Yoda took a deep breath, stepped forward, grabbed the memory in his hands, and said, "Go back and rest, you are now."

"Master Yoda! Under such circumstances, how can I rest!" Jax Pawan was anxious.

"Go and solve this! I am now." Master Yoda said, "Can't participate in such a thing, you are now. Solve it, I will go."

After finishing speaking, he walked out without looking back, and with his backhand, the door of the meeting hall was closed immediately.

"Master Yoda!" Jax Pawan hurried to catch up, but he was surprised to find that the door was blocked by an invisible force! No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the door of the chamber!

And at such a time, it is impossible for anyone to come to the meeting room that the Jedi Council only uses for urgent meetings.

"Master Yoda!! Master Yoda!!!" Jax Pawan yelled, but there was no response.


Galactic Parliament Building, Speaker's Office.

"Let's leave this topic as it is. Pay the funds to the Alcanian Micro Manufacturing Company as soon as possible, and let them assemble the Spati clone troop as soon as possible and put them into the front line." Schiff Palpatine was in the office, Instructions to Deputy Speaker Mas Almeda.

At this time, the office door was opened, and a short figure less than one meter appeared at the door.

That full of anger surged around, even making the air tremble!

"It's none of your business here, Mas Almeda, go back." Schiff Palpatine showed a warm smile and said to the deputy speaker.

"Master Yoda, hello." Mas-Ameida saluted Master Yoda. He also felt that the atmosphere was not right and ran out in a hurry.

"Ah, Master are here so late, what's the matter..." Before Palpatine finished speaking, Master Yoda raised his hand, and the voice in the memory came.

【... Only in this way can I have a chance to continue with my plan! 】

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