The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1444 The Sith Story (Part 1)

1444. The Sith Story (Part 1)

Before coming here, Anakin Skywalker imagined countless scenarios.

He was besieged by countless soldiers just after he came here, or the powerful Dark Lord rushed out suddenly, or he was attacked by fighter jets halfway, and he even thought of the absurd situation of seeing Count Dooku after opening the door. Pass.

He is ready, as soon as an enemy appears, he will swing the lightsaber without hesitation!

But he didn't expect the situation in front of him - a speaker of the Galactic Republic who was seriously injured but was still working diligently.

As he always knew about Palpatine.

In fact, the friendship between Anakin Skywalker and Sheev Palpatine has lasted for more than ten years.

Thirteen years ago, just after the Battle of Naboo, Schiff Palpatine was successfully elected as the speaker, and Anakin Skywalker was accepted as a disciple by Obi-Wan Kenobi and entered the Jedi Order.

Since then, Palpatine has paid special attention to Anakin Skywalker. When Anakin first arrived and was unfamiliar with everything around him, it was Palpatine who kept encouraging him and giving him warmth.

Palpatine often wrote to Anakin as a representative of Naboo, praising his heroic performance in the Battle of Naboo, and repeatedly claimed that Anakin saved the people of Naboo.

At that time, Anakin Skywalker was not very popular with some elders of the Jedi Order. In Coruscant, he was very lonely. Palpatine, on the other hand, gave him the greatest encouragement... He kept asking Anakin-Skywalker about the details of the Naboo battle in the letter, asking him like a curious baby how he destroyed the world alone. of the giant robotic control ship.

It’s like you’ve just pulled off an awesome pentakill and some guy is like, ‘Oh, good job. ’ Then they went about their own business; but another person repeatedly asked you about the process of the five killings, how did the second person kill you? How does the fifth person get stuck with the skill CD and position...

At this time, who do you have a good impression of? Especially for Anakin, who was just 10 years old at that time.

In the next few years, Palpatine also gave Anakin just the right help. For example, when Anakin was on a mission, he would give him some small conveniences, which would neither make him feel privileged, nor would he feel that it was a charity.

On the contrary, it is often just an intelligence, a spaceship, or an official turning a blind eye inadvertently. This process makes Anakin Skywalker very comfortable.

After Anakin grew up a little, Palpatine also continued to instill his own governance philosophy in him, telling him that he hoped to build the Galactic Republic into a powerful regime, a place where all galaxies are united and there will be no more exploitation and oppression. regime. And what he showed in front of Anakin was also his tireless efforts towards this goal.

And now, it's the same...

After Anakin rushed into the speaker's office with the posture of asking questions, what he saw was such a scene - even though he was seriously injured, he was still worried about the Republic. Palpatine was half lying on the sofa at this time, with medical equipment connected to his arm, and the medical robot on the side was treating his injury.

Except for this place, the rest of the office was in a mess, as if 20 wolf-like bulldogs had entered and made a fuss.

In particular, the metal statues usually placed around the office door have fallen to the ground, and one of them even cracked into pieces.

Seeing Anakin-Skywalker coming in, Palpatine coughed a few times, and said to Governor Tarkin on the side: "Go. Although your Fourth Army has no combat missions now, the logistics work in the northern border, cough Cough cough...I will leave it to you to deploy. Be sure to cooperate with the Seventh Army to block the progress of the geth...cough cough cough cough..."

Wilhuff Tarkin nodded, looked at Anakin again, smiled slightly, and walked out of the office.

Now, in the huge speaker's office, only Anakin and Palpatine were left.

Palpatine waved his hand and smiled: "Please forgive me for not informing you immediately after the incident, Anakin. Because at the same time, the Geth had already repelled the second branch of our Seventh Army. The fleet landed on the planet Dorin... I tried my best, even sent the retired Kamino clone army, I just hope they can keep the hometown of Master Plo-Kon from being slaughtered by geth ..."

"You are the Sith Lord! You have been deceiving me all this time!!" With a bang, the lightsaber in Anakin Skywalker's hand was unsheathed, and the blue blade was less than Palpatine's face 5 centimeters!

"I didn't lie to you Anakin, I never said I wasn't a Sith Lord, did I?" Palpatine said without any fear of the lightsaber in front of him, "Remember last week when Did I tell you something in the theater? That wise, powerful Sith Lord who can even create life is my master..."

"Why?! Why start a war!! I believed in you so much, but now you are a Sith Lord!!" Anakin-Skywalker was almost about to collapse, he directed at Palpa Ting yelled hysterically.

"A Sith Lord... that's right." Palpatine still had a smile on his face, "A Sith Lord who has devoted himself to the Republic and sacrificed almost everything. Even now, he is still fighting for the unity of the Republic, Sith Lord Lord...hehehehe..."

Palpatine's smile was a bit bitter, and he continued: "Okay... I am very weak now, with your strength, you can kill me with a single sword, and remove a Sith Lord from this galaxy... Cough cough cough've grown so much, Anakin...I'm so relieved..."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

"You..." Anakin Skywalker stabbed with his sword suddenly, but stopped in front of Palpatine, he did not pierce Palpatine's head.

Palpatine opened his eyes and asked back: "Why did you stop? You should have killed me. This is the duty taught to you by the Jedi Order."

"I...I need an answer!! Where is Master Yoda?!" Anakin yelled with a grim expression on his face.

"He wanted to kill me, and I fought back." Palpatine said lightly, "He was also seriously injured and not in the best condition, so I defeated him."

"You killed him?" Anakin's eyes were red.

Palpatine shook his head with a wry smile, "No. In fact, the damage I caused to him was not as serious as that of the dead angel... You may ask me why I know this, but it is actually not difficult to recognize. Because the mastery of A dead angel with the power of death, the scars he inflicts are unique."

"So where is he?!" Anakin asked.

Palpatine shook his head again, "I don't know, he disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Anakin was stunned for a moment, then furious, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"Use the Force to sense, Anakin." Palpatine said slowly, "Your master Obi-Wan Kenobi is a very good Jedi Knight, he trained you very well. So, you You should be able to feel that Master Yoda is not dead... Where is he? I really don't know. Because to be honest, I did intend to kill him."

"You!!" Anakin raised his lightsaber again, but at this moment, he used the force to perceive, and he could indeed feel Master Yoda's weak induction, but he couldn't sense Master Yoda either. Where the hell is it.

Seeing Anakin who was a little dazed, Palpatine smiled and said in his usual gentle voice: "If you plan to let me live for a few more minutes, would you mind listening to me tell a story? A... A Sith story."

Anakin didn't speak.

Palpatine turned his head to look at the ceiling, and slowly said: "My father is a noble class on the planet Naboo. When I was young, I also lived a carefree life. I respect my father very much, Because he is so elegant and decent, with a noble temperament. At that time, my dream was to inherit my father's career and contribute my strength to the planet Naboo. If... I can become a member of the planet Naboo and enter the Galactic Parliament Building It is naturally the best to speak out for the Everbright people of Planet Naboo."

He smiled wryly, "But my dream stopped when I was 17 years old. My father died... At the same time, my mother, my brothers, sisters... even my family members died. Neither the chef nor the babysitter has escaped that hell...why?"

He turned his head to look at Anakin, "Because our family blocked other people's money path... yes... plasma mine... the most precious resource on Planet Naboo."

Anakin was slightly moved when he heard this.

Palpatine went on to say, "My father's political views are against the trade of plasma mines. Because it means not only the destruction of the environment, but also the possibility of war between us and the Gungans. The planet Naboo is a A peaceful planet cannot be involved in such a war... But my father was wrong, the war burned my family before it broke out."

He sighed, "I don't want to judge who did it, who made me an orphan when I was only 17 years old. I only know that the Naboo planetary regime later colluded with the Interstellar Banking Association, Plasma mines are being mined and profiteering. But how much of this profit is used to build schools and orphanages? I can also tell you that there is no penny. Gorgeous Naboo Royal Yacht, Naboo with excellent performance The N-1 starfighter is the profit from selling plasma mines and even going to war with the Gungans. As for me..."

Palpatine looked at Anakin, "I was saved by my master. Ironic? He was a representative of the Interstellar Banking Association at the time. He happened to pass by during a meeting in Sid City, the capital of the planet Naboo, and he said he Feeling the flame-like anger in my heart, I rescued me and accepted me as a disciple. So, Anakin... you are unfortunate, but you are also lucky... because at least you still have a mother. And I've..."

He shook his head, seemingly unable to continue.

After a long time, he calmed down his emotions, and then said: "It was then that I knew that I had the talent of the Force, and after witnessing the tragedy of family destruction, yes, I fell into the dark side. You should I can also understand my thoughts at the time, I am angry, I am not reconciled! I have been thinking, why? Why did my family break up? Why not someone else? Why did you take my favorite father and mother away?"

Hearing this, Anakin's expression became a little loose, and he thought of his mother. Unknowingly, he clenched his fists tightly and clenched his teeth.

"Later, I came to a conclusion... This is because the wrong people have the right to speak. And I also found that in this galaxy, there are many wrong people... There are also many things that the Galactic Republic needs to change "Palpatine's voice became firm, "Corruption, malfeasance and bribery are happening in almost every corner of the galaxy! Corporate giants wantonly plunder those backward planets, and they would rather spend a penny of profit A whole planet of people sold into slavery! Such a thing... have you ever seen it, Anakin!"

His voice became louder and louder, "Your past on Tatooine was your misfortune, but it was also your luck! Because you, who lived at the bottom, did not stand at a certain height to see that Exploitation and oppression throughout the entire galaxy! I saw it, Anakin... I saw it... Even my home planet, Naboo, was changed from a natural planet that has nothing to do with the world to It has become a tool for destructively mining plasma mines and making profits for those noble gentlemen!"

Having said this, he seemed a little tired, and became weak again, "So... I want to change all this. The Galactic Republic needs to become stronger, to become stricter, stricter... Those who only want to make money Existence, corporate giants that do not assume any social responsibilities should be eliminated...Government agencies need to be reformed, bureaucratic mechanisms need to be streamlined...Everything should be based on national interests...Those who contribute to the country, regardless of their origin Can live a good life...and the moths in those countries are only become the nutrient of the country..."

Palpatine tremblingly raised his left hand, which had been replaced with a mechanical prosthetic limb, pointed to his desk and said, "In order to do all this... I must ascend to the high position of the speaker..."


[PS: Remember what Palpatine said when he killed Darth Plagueis? Hehe, in fact, his family was killed by him. He was an illegitimate child and was not well received by his father. Darth Plagueis sparked darkness in him, and Palpatine killed his entire family. 】

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