The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1453 Death Lightsaber (Part 1)

1453: Death Lightsaber (Part 1)

"Death? Hehehehehe... Interesting..." Darth Malthael stood up again, his expression became extremely ferocious again, "I am the embodiment of death! And you actually want me to die ...Hehehehehe, hahahahaha!"

"Here is a restricted area for the living. And you, no matter how close you are to death, you are still a fresh life! Hahahaha!" Marca Ragnos grinned, "Look at your current appearance! Very Quick, you will become one of us! Hahahahaha!"

"This... seems like a good idea." Darth Malthael suddenly showed a strange smile.

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground again, into a meditative posture, and then spread out his hands. In his hands, he was holding nine pitch-black gems! It was the nine ancient Sith Lords he killed in that dark world just now!

Of course, strictly speaking, it is not to kill them, but to imprison and seal them with a powerful force of death.

This has nothing to do with the strength of the power, it is simply because the death force he practiced can really touch these Sith ghosts.

From another point of view, the death force is a bridge that can communicate between the real world and the ideal force world just now.

Then, Darth Malthael took out a bunch of parts, among which there were several white Kyber crystals. White Kyber crystals represent pure natural crystals without any processing.

After putting these parts in front of him, Darth Malthael closed his eyes and started to meditate right here!

"Do you want to court death?" Marca Ragnos roared loudly in the distance.

"Why do you keep cursing me to die? Don't you think it's ridiculous?" Darth Malthael didn't open his eyes, he just mocked, "Now I'm here, you can try to kill me me?"

"Death~~~!!!" Maka Ragnos let out a terrible roar regardless, and countless Sith ghosts around him appeared again, and they surrounded the surroundings, waving their invisible claws to catch Darth- Masail.

However, something amazing happened, these ghosts couldn't get close to Darth Malthael at all! No matter how they growl, howl, how they collide, how they tear, they can't touch him!

Beside Darth Malthael, it was as if there was an invisible barrier, making it impossible for them to touch.

Upon discovering such an anomaly, Marca Ragnos was furious. His figure appeared next to Darth Malthael again, and rushed over in person, but was still blocked!

In anger, Marca Ragnos began to swear. Once this guy started to swear, he would be endless. He would swear at everything, from the eighteenth generation of Darth Malthael's ancestors to his current buttocks. Pressing down on a stone, scold whatever you see.

When they were confronting just now, this guy kept talking non-stop, which was completely different from other Sith Lords who kept silent and just shut up. And now, after finding out that he can't touch Darth Malthael at all, he has fully utilized his ability that once scolded Darth Plagueis into autism, and surrounded Darth Malthael That is to keep scolding.

However, Darth Malthael turned a deaf ear, and just said lightly, "Do you know? Since the death force can build a bridge between the real world and the force world, it can naturally give this bridge to the world of the force." Take it down. Simple as that."

Hearing this, Marca Ragnos scolded even more.

He has already noticed that Darth Malthael is very weak now, and any Sith apprentice can kill him at this time. But the question is, on this planet Korriban, where there is almost no life, and the valley of the Dark Lord, where no one can enter, where can I find someone?

There are only these Sith ghosts here, and after their plot to pull Darth Malthael into the world of the Force to kill him was smashed, they themselves have been weakened a lot, and it is already difficult to deal with them. The real world has a bigger impact.

Now, Darth Malthael just closed the door and stopped playing with them! This almost made Maka Ragnos so angry that he exploded!

So cursing became the only way for him to vent his anger.

However, at this moment, Darth Malthael had already started his actions. After isolating the attacks of those ghosts, he quickly adjusted his state. He integrated the insights just now, and seemed to feel that he had touched a little edge of the world of force.

In fact, he had already failed in his confrontation with the ghosts of these ancient Sith Lords. Although he was able to fight out from the dark world just now, he was also seriously injured. If it wasn't for the death force, such an injury would have made him unconscious and in shock.

The reason why he failed was because although he was able to defeat these ghosts, he was unable to conquer them. If you can't conquer them, you can't complete your dark ritual, and you can't really become the incarnation of death.

He had successfully taken the first step at the Sith Academy before, and it was also when he conquered the ghosts of countless Sith teachers and students at the Sith Academy.

But just now, he had a new understanding of the Force.

For the cultivation of the Force, thinking and understanding are far more important than training and cultivation.

So now, he is going to make a new attempt... This attempt will consume his last force, and if he fails, then he will not be able to walk out of this valley of the Dark Lord, as Maka Ragnos said All the same, he will be a part of it here.

What's even more miserable is that he doesn't even have his own mausoleum.

But he won't back down! Not just because if he went back, then Darth Sidious' eyes would be on Korriban again, and he wouldn't have a second chance. It is because, as the incarnation of death, if he retreats in front of these long-dead ancient Sith Lords, then he will never be able to take this step again!

A part flies out of thin air under the action of the force, and then splices with another part in mid-air. After a while, the third piece flew up and was spliced ​​together.

Darth Malthael, making his own new lightsaber!

The process is very slow, piece by piece. The riveting of these parts is very strange, and even in the process, Darth Malthael will use the force to forcibly twist these parts, and then combine them in a very strange way.

A hilt, or a metal stick, gradually took shape, but the countless twisted parts made the hilt look uncomfortable.

It's so confusing! So twisted! It's like looking at a photo of Jupiter's atmosphere, the distorted scene makes people go crazy when they see it!

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