The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1496 The Uncomfortable Palpatine

1496. The Suffering Palpatine

"Your Excellency Speaker, this is the preliminary intention survey of the members of the Parliament you want." The Deputy Speaker of the Galactic Republic Mas Almeda curled up his burly body and respectfully handed over a document to Schiff Palpatine.

He now, and when Palpatine first took office, his attitude has completely become two extremes.

Once upon a time, Mas-Ameida was also a very strong politician. He served as the deputy speaker for about 2 years longer than Palpatine became the speaker.

After two years of operation, when Palpatine ascended the throne of the speaker after the Naboo Star Wars, Mas-Ameida once hoped to rely on his older qualifications to exert influence on Palpatine, and even made him Become a puppet.

But Schiff Palpatine easily defeated him with his very sophisticated political skills and outstanding political wisdom, and seized his handle, and Mas Almeda has since become Palpatine's No. A loyal dog.

He has always been afraid of Palpatine, and he is also one of the very few people who knows another true face of Palpatine. After witnessing the terrifying power revealed by Palpatine inadvertently, or maybe deliberately, Mas Ameda was even more unable to generate the slightest feeling of resistance.

Because of this, under Palpatine, he was also a prosperous official. Although the position is still the deputy speaker, in fact, the power and resources in his hands are no longer the same as before.

For his loyal dogs, Palpatine has always been generous, and he has never been stingy with rewards.

Therefore, in such a high position, Mas-Ameida really watched step by step how Palpatine turned the Galactic Republic into his own private property, and then forced the Jedi Knights into a lonely family. Such terrible political tactics also made Mas Ahmeda, who is also a politician, more and more frightened.

After Palpatine directly admitted his identity as the Sith Lord, Mas-Ameida didn't even have the courage to look at Palpatine.

At this moment, he kept his stooped posture and did not dare to straighten up, only dared to sneak a glance. From his current angle, he could only see Palpatine's mouth, and he didn't dare to raise his eyes anymore, because if he went up, he would see those eyes that he didn't even dare to face!

But at this moment, Palpatine was looking at the investigation report with a relaxed and warm smile, but he didn't mean to let Mas Ahmeda get up.

In this investigation report, the political leaning reports of at least half of the members of the Galactic Parliament are listed in detail, as well as their views on recent events.

Palpatine read at an extremely fast speed, but it didn't affect his careful examination and understanding of every piece of information. However, the content shown in this information is not so optimistic.

That's right, he didn't handle the Jedi Knights as easily as he appeared on the surface. On the contrary, he is now suffering a huge backlash against the Jedi Knights.

In the Galactic Council, more than 70% of the people opposed this matter! For the parliamentary structure of a regime, this is already an extremely fatal number!

Fortunately, many of these people were still intimidated by Palpatine's current power, and did not dare to take any substantive actions. But some of them have already started their own actions.

For example, the group of congressmen headed by Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa, according to intelligence, they are brewing a political storm in order to fight back.

In fact, this is exactly what Palpatine is worried about.

His political foundation is still too shallow. Compared with those aristocratic families who have operated in the inner ring and core circle for tens of thousands of years, he still lacks foundation and accumulation.

In the original plan, if his master Darth Plagueis was still there, with Plagueis's accumulated reputation in the Interstellar Banking Association, the two should cooperate internally and externally, and the accumulation of political capital would be faster and better.

But the problem is that at that time, Palpatine himself was ready to launch. Because if Darth Plagueis is not killed, he will ask himself to nominate him as the co-chairman. This condition is absolutely unacceptable...

This is the shortcoming of the mutual use relationship between the two. The result of mutual use is that once interests conflict, it will become a stabbing of each other.

Also because of this, even if he knew that Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala and others were plotting against him behind his back, he would never dare to directly attack them. In the original plot, he became the emperor of the Galactic Empire for 20 years, and after he completed the construction of the Death Star, he dared to directly blow up the entire planet Alderaan, killing Bail Organa, whom he had always regarded as a thorn in his side.

From this point of view, we can understand how deep the foundations of the powerful planets in the core circle and the inner ring of the galaxy are. This background is not necessarily how many fleets and tanks they have, but the resources and connections they have.

Maybe you disregarded the rules of the game today and directly killed one of them, then the backlash you received might be that dozens of planets jumped up to turn against you, even if they didn't directly set off an anti-flag rebellion, they just did something on the tax issue The hands and feet were enough for Palpatine to drink from a jug.

And don't forget, even Palpatine himself was able to ascend to the position of speaker only with the support of those inner circle bigwigs.

Looking at the contents of the document Mas-Ameida gave him before him, Palpatine was already furious in his heart!

It's too early!

That's right! too early!

Now is not the time at all!

His control of the council is not complete yet! In the current parliament, there are still several disobedient factions that have not been cleaned up, but he has to forcibly eliminate the Jedi Order.

And in order to achieve this goal, he even sent 100,000 troops to the Jedi Temple!

Regardless of how majestic and powerful the 100,000 army is, you must know that this is Coruscant! And the place where the Jedi Temple is located is the core of Coruscant!

Directly mobilizing troops in such a place, the nobles and wealthy families of the Galactic Republic will all watch! It's the equivalent of shitting in their faces!

When a family controls wealth calculated in units of galaxies, what do they care most about? One is safety and the other is eternal life! Directly using force at the core of Coruscant, how would these nobles view themselves as the speaker?

But the problem is, he has to, too. Because the Jedi Order already has very crucial evidence, and they must not be allowed to continue investigating along this evidence! Because if you follow this evidence, the collusion between him and Earl Dooku to trigger the civil war in the galaxy will be made public!

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