The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1498 Windu's Rage (Part 2)

1498. Windu's Rage (Part 2)

The flagship of the main fleet of the Second Galaxy Army of the Galactic Republic, Endurance is a hunter-class battlecruiser.

Jedi Master Mace Windu sat cross-legged in his meditation room, meditating with his eyes closed. However, his tightly closed eyes were trembling violently, cold sweat almost drenched his whole body, even the mechanical prosthetic eye in his left eye was turning up and down crazily, and the electric motor made a whining sound.

He saw Master Yoda standing in front of him covered in blood...

He saw Darth Sidious standing on the mountain of corpses of countless Jedi knights and laughing wildly...

He saw Darth Malthael stretching out the haggard claws from the endless darkness...

He saw Depa-Bilaba pull out the blood-red lightsaber with a cold face and slash at him!

In the end...he saw himself...the incomplete self with wounds all over his body...he raised a hand as if trying to grab the unreachable light, but his broken body could no longer support it. As soon as he moved, the whole body collapsed and disintegrated, and in the end only the blood-red mechanical prosthetic eye remained, which seemed to prove his past existence...

"Hiss...!" Mace Windu opened his eyes suddenly, only to realize that he was already holding the sword in his hand at some point, the purple lightsaber had been opened, and the plasma blade made a slight buzzing sound.

He quickly put away the lightsaber, clutching his forehead and panting violently.


No! Jedi don't dream! This is the revelation given to him by the Force!

Mace Windu looked down at his robe that was already soaked in cold sweat, stood up and walked towards the bathroom, taking off the robe and the tight clothes inside while walking, revealing his dark muscles.

However, on that daunting body full of explosive power, it is impressive to see that the entire spine on his back has been replaced with machinery, and pieces of silver-white mechanical spines open and close rhythmically with his breathing, and then The mechanical device has been extended from the left scapula to a pipeline deep in the neck and connected to the back of the head, and then the mechanical prosthetic eye device has been covered from the back of the head to the left face.

From the hideous scar at the junction of the machine and the body, it can be seen how painful this terrible machine transformation operation was.

But it was precisely because of this pain that Mace Windu completely changed!

He will never forget that day, planet Harunkar...Depa-Bilaba and, Darth-Mathael! It was they who caused such injuries to themselves that almost disabled them for life!

But it is also because of them that a new Mace Windu was born!

Blood Warrior - Windu!

That's right, the series of changes that occurred in the Jedi Order later were all intentional by Mace Windu. Under his deliberate influence, some of the more extreme Jedi Knights gradually changed. Their behavior changed from the peacefulness of ordinary Jedi Knights, but became very tough.

All this is because of Master Mace Windu!

Now, he no longer cares about light or darkness! Now he has only one purpose - revenge! eye for eye!

All Sith, whether it's Darth Sidious, or Darth Malthael, or Count Dooku! They will all be wiped out under the wrath of the blood warrior!

It was also at that time that Mace Windu launched his own plan-to occupy the Second Galaxy Army of the Galactic Republic and turn it into all the power of the Jedi Order. Or, to be more specific, to become his own power!

Only by mastering the power can we fight against Darth Sidious and Darth Malthael!

Crashing~~~~ Ice-cold water sprayed on Mace Windu's body, but his extremely high body temperature directly evaporated the water, and a mist rose in the entire bathroom until he couldn't see anything.

In the clouds and mist, there seemed to be another burst of shrill screams... There were dying curses, painful howls, and desperate cries...

The countless mist also seemed to be distorted, forming one after another distorted human face shapes. These human faces were of various shapes, but their expressions were all incomparably painful.

Looking carefully, these faces seemed to be Jedi Knights that Mace Windu knew!

As these people kept screaming and screaming, the surrounding white water mist seemed to be stained with a layer of black, and the black became more and more thick, and finally even turned into a black mist that swallowed everything!

Those screams hit Mace Windu's rock-solid heart like a heavy hammer, but they were immediately washed away by his strong will. If these screams are heavy hammers, then Mace Windu is a mountain!

boom! ! The bathroom door flew out like a bullet under the collision of the force, Mace Windu's body stepped out quickly through the white mist, raised his hand, and a brand new black robe flew out from the closet next to him. body.

He went directly to the bridge of the Endurance and said sharply, "Is there any news on Coruscant? What happened to the Jedi Temple?! How much damage did Order 66 cause elsewhere? Report to me immediately!"

The fleet commander said respectfully: "Master Windu, Coruscant's communication is still blocked, and we don't have much information. But what we can know so far is that the negotiations between the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order failed, and the Republic Order 66 was issued to eliminate all Jedi Knights. According to the information we have so far, at least two-thirds of the Jedi Knights were killed by clone troopers."

"Two-thirds of the Jedi Knights! This is impossible! What happened?!" Mace Windu was furious immediately.

"Although those clone soldiers have just entered the service, there are a large number of them, and they were immediately sent to the major frontline battlefields. The commanders of those battlefields used ordinary soldiers to fight before this, and the battle situation was very pessimistic. Ordinary people are no match for the robot army. So when the clone troopers were deployed, they almost all put the clones into battle immediately. But no one thought that these clone troopers suddenly mutinied and shot every Jedi... Many Jedi Knights failed to escape..." said the commander.

Then, he suddenly remembered something, took out a communicator still stained with blood from the side, and said, "Oh, yes, look at this. This is when you were meditating before, Master Bo-Gul came from the Ironthorn Captured from rioting clone troopers on the battleship."

Mace Windu grabbed the communicator with a wave of his hand and pressed the button.

I only saw Anakin Skywalker's sinister expression projected in the holographic projection, as well as the repeated order—【Execute Order 66! 】

"Anakin-Skywalker!! You traitor! Scum! When Qui-Gon-Jin brought you to the Jedi Order, I should have killed you directly!!" Mace Windu was furious.

The soaring anger aroused the original force, and even made the entire battleship tremble.

"I feel the death of countless Jedi knights..." Ki-Adi-Mundi walked over with an extremely heavy tone.

"It's Anakin Skywalker! He betrayed us!" Mace Windu gritted his teeth.

"He got too close to Palpatine, and he should have started premeditating very early." Ki-Adi-Mundy said, "But we can't do anything about it, Coruscant is too far away from us, and we can't do anything about it anymore." We have returned to the Republic. However, we have sent a message to all the Jedi Knights within the signal coverage through the hyperspace signal transmission tower on the planet Garros, asking them to come to us to join us after they get rid of the pursuit."

"One day, I will personally lead the fleet back to Coruscant! Then I will personally chop off the heads of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Sidious!!" Mace Windu roared.

Ki-Adi-Mundi nodded and said: "Our top priority now is to settle down as soon as possible. After the launch of Order 66, the Galactic Republic has discovered that our Second Galaxy Army has no action. I believe Palpatine already knows The fact that we are out of his control."

Mace Windu said viciously: "The best place for us to regroup is the planet Mandalore! It's just that the situation on Mandalore is still out of control. Send someone to contact Vizsla the Extraordinary and tell him that we And asked him to cooperate with us! Compared with the red-tape Galactic Republic, the bargaining chip that the Second Galaxy Army in my hand can give is obviously more direct!"

"Okay, I'll contact Transcendence-Vizsla in person." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"In addition, inform the entire Neutral Alliance and all the Republic planets in the star area! Now this star area is taken over by our Second Galaxy Army! Those who refuse to surrender will be directly attacked by us!" Mace Windu said , "Let's start with the planets of the Galactic Republic! Planet Velmor is our next target! Let the Eighth Squadron act immediately!"

"Yes!" The fleet commander stood at attention and saluted.

While he was arranging the battle plan, a communications soldier came over and said: "General Windu, our Q-912 escort fleet has lost contact!"

"Being attacked again? This is already the fourth time this week!" Ki-Adi-Mundi was a little surprised, "Is there any other force here that can match us? It's impossible!"

Mace Windu pondered, and he went on to say: "It is not ruled out that it is Darth Sidious who deliberately disclosed our information to the separatists and wanted to kill people with a knife..."

"Then we should immediately change the deployment of all fleets! Change the communication code and the identification code of friend or foe, and completely separate from the Galactic Republic." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"But this may make our originally shaken military morale go further out of control. Don't forget, half a day ago, the Second Galaxy Army in our hands was still the military establishment of the Galactic Republic. Even if we try our best to choose people without families as our own cronies , but to be independent from the Galactic Republic, they still need further protection." Mace Windu said, "If they can directly occupy a few planets as our logistics base, they should be able to stabilize the morale of the army."

"If this is the case, then I suggest that the target be changed from the planet Wilmore to the planet Garros IV, which has a much more developed industry. And before we came here, they were once a member of the Separatists, It can also be used as a justification for our direct armed occupation," Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"Then do this! Occupy the planet Garros IV directly! And contact the extraordinary Vizsla! After obtaining a stable base, search the surrounding star fields and find out the attackers!" Mace Windu loudly ordered.



At the same time, at the end of an unknown channel, a huge battleship was slowly flying among the wreckage of countless spaceships.

This battleship has a rounded shape, with a bow like a bird's beak, and a huge saucer-shaped device on each side.

This shape is exactly the same as the battleship Fang that ravaged the Republic before, and it is the second ship of the Conqueror-class battleship-the Battleship Destroyer!

"General! The search has been completed, and it is confirmed that there are no survivors." An officer wearing the fourth civilization's dark blue navy uniform came over to report.

Sitting in the middle of the bridge, propping her chin with one hand lazily, the sharp-eyed female Chiss General Severance Tann smiled coldly and said, "Okay, let the task force hide."

"Yes!" The officer immediately stood at attention and saluted, and then conveyed the order.

At this time, under the cover of 3 Sentinel-class heavy electronic warfare frigates, the 20 Executioner-class heavy frigates following the destroyer battleship flew towards an inconspicuous magnetic field nebula in this star field.

The Executioner class is 77 meters long and the Sentinel class is 93 meters long. They are both the battleship technology of the Amar Empire in "EVE" developed by the Salari people.

Now these battleships have begun to gradually replace the small warships in the Fourth Civilization Navy, and the cobalt-alloy frigates have been gradually eliminated. Now, in the Fourth Civilization’s naval sequence, only the Javelin-class guided missile frigates are left in "Original Sins of a Solar Empire" battleship.

Entering the magnetic field nebula, the three Sentinels immediately launched electromagnetic interference and kept in sync with the surrounding magnetic field. In this way, in the external detection, this magnetic field nebula has no abnormality, and nothing can be seen.

The crew members who drive these spaceships are all robots, so they can also hide for a long time without eating or drinking.

And at this moment on the bridge of the battleship Ruin, Severance Tann ordered: "Okay, get out of here! Start the hyperspace engine! Increase the output power and ensure that the Republic can capture our remaining hyperspace fluctuations! Go! The next ambush location! Let the U-33 task force go over and join us!"


Severance Tann looked at the personal terminal in her hand, and added: "The U-33 task force, is a Behemoth-class battlecruiser and 4 Enforcer-class heavy destroyers? Plus 5 Sentinels Class electronic warfare frigate to cover... This should be the largest number of the task force we are going to hide recently. Let the astronomy experts give me a definite calculation result again! The asteroid belt at the next ambush site , can you ensure that it is hidden?"

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