The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1500: Anakin's Mother (Part 1)

1500. Anakin's mother (Part 1)

Darth Marthael parked the Red Comet in a very hidden valley on the planet, activated the cloaking device to completely hide the spaceship, and then stepped on a hovering motorcycle by himself, soaring the speed to over 500 kilometers per hour in an instant. Go away.

Relying on the vague connection among the death force, Darth Malthael didn't take any detours, but drove directly towards a manor.

This is a farm that looks inconspicuous, but in fact, many detectors and guards are deployed around it, and several automatic machines can even be seen sorting the crops.

The planet Naboo has a good climate and an uncrowded population. There are also many such naturally growing crops on the planet. If it weren't for the existence of plasma mines, Naboo planet would have great potential even as an agricultural planet.

However, because of the existence of plasma mines, the planet Naboo has very good economic conditions. Of course, because of this, they have also been coveted by many powers.

Whether it is the Interstellar Banking Association or the Trade Federation, they all have a soft spot for this planet rich in plasma mines, but they still failed in the end.

After the war broke out, the Galactic Republic deployed heavy guards in the sector where the planet Naboo was located. Not only because of the plasma mines on the planet, but also because the planet Naboo also has very strong political significance for the Galactic Republic.

The current speaker, Schiff Palpatine, and the member of parliament Padmé Amidala, who has a very high political reputation, both came from the planet Naboo, and the war on the Naboo planet was also the starting point for Palpatine to become the speaker.

According to members of the Loyalty Committee, Palpatine's loyal dog in the current parliament, the Naboo Star Wars has been exaggerated as the glorious beginning of the Galactic Republic.

In addition, the environment of the hyperspace channel around the planet Naboo cannot support the operations of a large fleet-this planet is located at the end of the Enarc Run, so it seems to be very close to the outer ring, but in fact This planet is not connected to the outer ring, and the navigation channel of the large-scale fleet is actually connected to the inner ring.

Therefore, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies did not do anything to this planet, so as to avoid the loss outweighs the gain.

However, the situation changed after the Fourth Civilization captured the planet Eliadu.

After capturing the planet Eliadu and destroying the 18th Army of the Republic, the sphere of influence of the Fourth Civilization can already touch the planet Naboo. Coupled with the fact that the planet Marathal has fallen to the fourth civilization, this also makes the strategic environment of the planet Naboo even worse.

In order to guard against the attack of the fourth civilization B fleet stationed in the Eliadu galaxy and the daunting Titan battleship Xuanwu, the Galactic Republic chose to assemble the fleet on the planet Kira (Kira). The planet Kira is the inner ring transportation hub in the southern part of the galaxy, and it is also the top priority of the Republic's defense.

Because once there are three advantages and disadvantages on the planet Kira, then the fleet of the fourth civilization can directly get involved in the inner ring of the galaxy!

So now, as one of the overall logistics system of Planet Kira, the defense force of Planet Naboo is increasing every day, and there is even a small patrol fleet patrolling the periphery of the planet every day.

Darth Malthael almost didn't need to do it himself. With a slight raise of his hand, several scout posts hidden in the dark directly turned into shriveled corpses.

Then he drove the hoverbike straight in, and under the action of the force, those surveillance cameras and drones were all destroyed by invisible forces.

When he came to a simple but elegant house, Darth Malthael jumped off his motorcycle and walked in.

An old woman with gray complexion was sitting motionless in a wheelchair. If it weren't for the very slow heartbeat and breathing, she would almost be a corpse.

A brass-colored protocol robot next to it saw Darth Marthael approaching and exclaimed, "Oh, my God! Why is there such a danger on this sunny noon!" It said it awkwardly Turn around and run.

Darth Malthael ignored it, for his head was being held back by a blaster protruding from behind.

The one holding the gun was a burly bald man, but in the depths of his eyes, the red light of the electronic eyes was shining - T-850 robot, Rock-Johnson!

Like the protocol robot C-3PO just now, it is a robot that grew up with Anakin Skywalker.

Darth Malthael didn't care about the blaster on his head, he just asked casually, "Anakin Skywalker, how often do you come and see?"

"If it's not for a long time to fight outside, he will come once a month." Rock - Johnson said.

"If you want me to say, this is both a good thing and a bad thing." Darth Malthael said, stepped up to the old woman, squatted down, "Shmi-Skywalker, Ana Jin's also the bond he cares about most in his heart now."

Rock-Johnson was about to shoot as soon as he raised his hand, but then he found that his arm was completely immobile. Even with the force of ten tons transmitted from the hydraulic transmission rod of the T-850 arm, there is still no movement!

Immediately, its arms began to flip, twist, and finally twisted into twists!

Rock-Johnson raised his hand, looked at his mechanical arm that had been completely scrapped expressionlessly, then looked at Darth Malthael, raised his other hand and wanted to punch him again, but But the whole body was frozen by the force, unable to move.

"My God! My God! It's terrible! It's terrible!" C-3PO kept saying, its mechanical eyes blinking to send a communication.

However, in the next second, its communication antenna was broken.

Darth Malthael didn't bother to pay attention to the two robots, carefully checked the state of Shmi-Skywalker, then he stood up and put his hand on her forehead. The force of life began to flow, only to see that Shi Mi-Skywalker's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The spots and dullness on the skin gradually receded, and the patches of ashes also appeared rosy. The testing equipment on the wheelchair showed that her heart rate and breathing rate had also increased a lot.

"Her soul is incomplete, and there are only two ways... First, find a random soul to fill it up; second, recall her soul. But her soul should have entered the long river of force... Then According to the previous world, that is the so-called underworld." Darth Malthael muttered to himself.

"...Little Annie...don't pick up the trash tomorrow...Uncle Ham gave us a piece of bread..." Shmi-Skywalker was still thinking about the past more than ten years ago.

However, Darth Malthael's eyes gradually turned cold, "But your existence is Anakin's hindrance..."

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