The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1511 Kira Raid Battle (Part 2)

1511. Kira Assault Battle (Part 2)

Boom! ! A thick stack of documents was ruthlessly thrown in front of Alan, the director of the intelligence department. A PAD terminal placed on top of the documents fell directly to the ground following the throw. The holographic projection was knocked away when it fell, and projected a Large pieces of debris and wreckage.

Admiral Kourney of the 17th Army of the Galactic Republic looked livid, looked at the middle-aged woman in her 40s, and said with endless anger, "This afternoon at the latest! I want to know what happened to my fleet What!!!"

Alan, the director of the intelligence department, quickly stood up and said, "Our investigators have followed the salvage team to the battlefield. We will carefully analyze every detail and try to restore what happened completely. It's just... the scene is really too messy, Even sorting out the wreckage will take at least five days."

"5 days?! Did you know that the separatist titan warships were stalking the planet Naboo in the Ennaco galaxy? Did you know that the separatist guerrilla fleet destroyed our intercepting fleet and destroyed one of our Medical outpost?!" Kourney was furious and roared.

"Yes... yes..." Facing the Admiral's anger, Ailan didn't dare to vent his anger.

"Listen! I only give you one day! Find out why our fleet failed!!" Kourney roared loudly, "Remember, if we can't investigate the situation of this encounter, Then we can't even stop the separatist guerrilla fleet! But you have to know that we are the 17th army! The 17th army!! In order to fight against that shit titan battleship, our fleet strength can even rank among the top five in the Republic!! But now even a guerrilla fleet can ride shit on our faces!!"

"Yes...I'll do it right away." Alan responded quickly.

On the outskirts of Planet Kira, almost all the garrison fleets are in a state of combat. They patrol around the planet, and even expand the patrol range to the entire galaxy!

Thousands of engineering ships are dealing with the wreckage flying around. These are the wreckage of the destroyed space port. These debris are flying around under the effect of the aftermath of the explosion, causing secondary damage to the surrounding warships and facilities .

Who would have thought that the Galactic Republic assembled a large army on the planet Kira, but in the end they were easily ridden by more than a dozen warships of the separatists, and a space port was also destroyed? That's not to mention, the fleet sent out to intercept failed to return, and was wiped out by the small guerrilla fleet of the other party?

Such disgrace is simply unacceptable! Governor Lynch Hauser of the 17th Army has now rushed to Coruscant to explain to Chancellor Palpatine in person.

At the moment, on the planet Kira, more than 100 soldiers are being held separately in an interrogation room dedicated to the Ministry of Intelligence, and the intelligence personnel are questioning them repeatedly, trying to restore the entire combat process.

You know, the Republic warships sent to intercept the guerrilla fleet consisted of 5 Knights and 20 Jaeger-class ships, and also carried 4,000 fighter jets! These tens of thousands of naval troops went out, and less than 2,000 people came back? ! It's unbelievable!

Especially there are 5 knights in this fleet! You must know that this new type of warship, the entire 17th Army is equipped with only 10 ships. Therefore, this fiasco has also caused the people of Kuat Power Dock to pay close attention to this. The chief engineer Lila Blissex personally presided over the investigation, and has sent an engineering investigation team here, also hoping to find The reason why the knight level is so easily destroyed.

For Kuat Power Dock, this is also a matter of life and death!

Because once the investigation results show that there is a problem with the performance of the Knight-class Star Destroyer, then the Galactic Republic, which spent a lot of money on ordering the Knight-class Star Destroyer, will undoubtedly make the Kuat Power Dockyard unable to eat.

Before the investigation team left, Lila Blissex even gave the team leader a crystal card, which stored a huge sum of 50 million credit points. She has already prepared for the worst. If it is really a knight-level performance problem, then even if it is a lie, she must wipe it away.

To put it bluntly, these 50 million credit points are used for bribery.

In other words, daring to make such a small move is actually the reason why Lila Blissex has always been open in her official career. She is an unscrupulous woman.

As the interrogation progressed, many details of the battlefield began to be restored.

"...After the fighter formation approaches the opponent, the engine output is greatly reduced? Are you sure? How big is the range? Does it affect the power of the weapon? Is there a duration? Is there any abnormality in the fighter equipment?"

"I need you to confirm again! Is it the small black spaceship that destroyed the Knight-class Star Destroyer you are in?"

"No response? Why no response? According to the Republic's naval combat regulations, turning on the anti-stealth radar during combat should remain normal! Why didn't you discover the other party's hidden stealth spaceship until the end?"

"How many stealth spaceships are there? Is it 5 or 10! Don't give me any signal confusion! The Knight-class Star Destroyer is equipped with the most advanced detection radar!"

"When you were approaching, when were you hit by the opponent's particle light spear? Which evasion plan did you adopt?"

"...Are you sure it's called the Hells Angels class? Then is this warship a professional anti-aircraft warship? Why are the colorful lasers? What's unique about it?"

A large amount of information began to be collected, and the intelligence personnel of the Republic began to draw a preliminary conclusion-after the battle started, because the distance between the two sides was 4 hours, the Republic's interception fleet immediately began to maintain an evasive posture and advanced at full speed. At the same time, in order to strike the enemy warship faster, the Republic's interception fleet launched a fighter jet group.

During this process, the separatist guerrilla fleet never moved, and the long-distance particle light spear bombing lasted less than 20 minutes. After finding that the effect on moving targets was not good, they stopped shooting. The intelligence department judged that the separatist fleet should have deployed some traps in place, so they stayed in place.

However, it is a pity that the commander of the Republic Fleet interpreted this move of the Separatist fleet as fear. He believed that the Separatist warships were afraid of fighting the Republic warships at close quarters, so they kept their distance as much as possible.

After that, the fighter group contacted the enemy fleet, but encountered a deceleration at a distance of 0.5 light minutes from the enemy fleet, and was shot down by a large number of Hells Angels.

Next, the Republic fleet continued to approach, and the two sides continued to fire and bombard, but in terms of long-range bombardment, they were no match for the particle lance at all, and the Republic fleet suffered continuous losses.

After the two sides entered close combat, some small black spaceships suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and then five Knight-class Star Destroyers in the Republic fleet were destroyed in less than 20 minutes!

The remaining Jaeger-class battlecruisers were even more crotchless in the artillery battle, and they were quickly defeated under the attacks of the Hells Angels and Disasters! In the end, 5 Jaeger-class battlecruisers wanted to escape, but 4 of them were destroyed by particle light spears, and the other ventured to start a hyperspace jump. At the moment of jumping, it was torn to pieces by the star mass projection in hyperspace. These fragments have now merged into the stars in the center of Pax's galaxy.

During the entire battle, only 2 Hells Angel-class battlecruisers and 1 Disaster-class battlecruiser were destroyed in the Separatist Guerrilla Fleet, while the Republic Fleet was completely wiped out.

Meanwhile, wreckage salvage and analysis from the battle site is underway. The wreckage of dozens of warships and thousands of fighter jets formed a large debris belt, and the distorted corpses and broken hulls inside were shocking.

When the separatist fleet was withdrawing, it completely blew up the wreckage of the warships that could not be taken away. After the salvage force of the Republic spent a lot of time salvaging the wreckage of the separatist warships, they found that there were not many valuable things at all.

Therefore, they can only focus on the wreckage of the Republic's own warships, especially the wreckage of the five Knight-class Star Destroyers.

In the end, those professional teams still found a lot of useful information.

"It's a torpedo!" Minister of Intelligence Alan took the analysis report to Admiral Kourney and said firmly.

"You mean, it was torpedoes that destroyed those Knight-class Star Destroyers?" Kourney asked back with a frown.

Alan nodded and said: "It's a torpedo. But it's not a proton torpedo, but a brand new torpedo. This torpedo is very powerful. According to our analysis of the wreckage distribution and escape velocity, it can destroy the Knight-class J-class The starship's torpedo exploded with such power that it could even blow an asteroid in half! Those small black battleships in the report should be the carrier of this super torpedo."

"A torpedo boat? But how can such a small spaceship fly near the Knight-class star destroyer with a tight air defense network?" Kourney is also an old-school general, and he directly grasped the key point.

"That's right, launch at close range." Alan nodded, "This is also the only way this kind of torpedo can hit our warship. We don't know exactly how this small warship can fly to a very close place before being discovered ——According to the memories of the survivors, they had been fighting with the separatist warships for a period of time when they were constantly approaching, before they discovered that these spaceships suddenly appeared."

"So the key points we need to investigate are four points. First: What is the combat capability of the Hells Angels? What is the function of the colorful lasers? Second: How did those small spaceships approach our spaceship? Third: What is the principle of the torpedo that can directly destroy the Knight-class Star Destroyer. Finally: what is the thing that can slow down our fighter jets?" Kourney said.

"The opponent's small spacecraft should have been shot down." Alan said, "The survivor said that he heard the communication team say that the Tokla Star Destroyer shot down one, but the Tokla Star Destroyer was too damaged. We are still trying to extract the information in the battleship database, but the situation is not optimistic. The on-site salvage team has also begun to search for the wreckage of the black spaceship that was shot down."

Kourney took a deep breath and lay down on the sofa. He ordered a low-strength spice for himself. In this rotten situation, only the stimulation of the spice could clear his mind.

After a long time, he asked again: "Assess, if the separatist Titan battleship Xuanwu leads the fleet to attack the planet Naboo, considering the disaster-class battlecruiser, the Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser, and the small black spaceship In the case of super torpedoes, our main fleet relies on the planet Naboo, what is the chance of winning?"

Alan shook his head and said: "There are too many variables, it's hard to be sure. But we can understand one thing - the particle light spear equipped on the disaster-class battlecruiser can launch an attack at a super long distance, although the threat to the battleship is not large. Big, but for a fixed target like a space port, it is a devastating blow, and if the opponent's target is the planet itself..."

Kourney's face changed slightly, and he said: "That is to say, we can't rely on the planet's own defense system to defend, but can only take the initiative to attack? Do you know that if we take the initiative to launch an attack on the Separatist fleet supported by the Xuanwu? If so, what does it mean??"

"Even if we can win, the main fleet of our 17th Army will be depleted." Alan said.

Admiral Kourney directly threw the PAD terminal in his hand aside, and said, "Please ask for help. Send the investigation results to Governor Lynch Houser, and then tell him that with the emergence of new separatist warships, our army Existing forces are no longer able to stop the actions of the separatist fleet."

Alan showed embarrassment, "With all due respect, General. According to some of our recent intelligence in Coruscant, Bail Organa and a group of congressmen are impeaching Speaker Palpatine. Sending a message for help at this time is equivalent to To make matters worse..."

"Hmph!" Kourney snorted coldly, "It was he who launched Order 66 to hunt down and kill the Jedi Knights, so he has to bear the consequences now! If there is a Jedi Master, we will not be so passive in this battle! Also, Aren’t the people from the Kuat Power Dock here? Scare them and tell their investigation team that their Knight-class Star Destroyer was wiped out in less than 20 minutes, and we have reason to believe that the performance of the battleship is extremely flawed.”

"Is it okay to threaten them like this?" Alan was taken aback.

"If you don't scare them, how can they obediently take out the benefits?" Kourney said coldly, "Having encountered such a big failure, don't I need to manage it up and down to make the big thing smaller? Shouldn't I Is there some compensation for mental loss?"

Alan immediately showed a comprehensible expression, "Good general, I will go to Kuat's investigation team immediately."

"Don't forget, let their people from Kuat go to Coruscant to do some activities and help us implement the reinforcements! Only in this way will we cooperate with them and settle the matter of the Knight-class Star Destroyer .” Kourney waved his hand.



At the same time, the capital of the planet Eliadu, the city of Elisian, is the Governor's Mansion and Command Center of the Sesvenna Sector of the Fourth Civilization.

Ling Liang, General of the Fourth Civilization Army and Governor of Sethwena Star Region, was also checking the combat documents of this battle, but even if he won a complete victory in the battle, Ling Liang's sword eyebrows were still tightly locked.

"Of the 12 purification-level stealth special service ships, only 5 came back?" Ling Liang looked at the Salarian engineer beside him, "Do you know how much the cost of these 12 purification-level ships is? If it is always at this battle loss ratio, we It is impossible to win this war. To put it mildly, it is also difficult for you to get orders for purification grades."

Thanks to the old na wretched, book friend 20220619184048557 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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