The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1514 The 17th Army in Desperation

1514. The 17th Army in Desperation

The Speaker of the Republic was furious, the consequences were very serious!

The war that had just stopped for a short time started again. In the eastern border of the Milky Way, the Republic Fleet once again began to attack the military center of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies, the planet Salukami.

General Grievous, the military commander of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, probably began to curse in his heart.

At the same time, in the southeastern border, the Galactic Republic also began to attack the important town in this direction, the planet Falin. The business alliances and technology alliances in this direction have complained endlessly, and it is precisely because of the military pressure in this direction that the planet Skako has gradually become ambiguous with Coruscant.

However, in other directions, the situation is somewhat different.

For example, in the northeastern region of the Milky Way, the separatist forces in this direction have basically been defeated, and it doesn’t matter whether they continue or not. In the direction of the planet Mandalorian, the Second Galaxy Army of the Republic led by Master Windu has basically become a force. If he lost one of the warlords, he would naturally not obey Coruscant's orders.

In the northern part of the galaxy, the Galactic Republic is struggling to rebuild its defenses and is unable to continue its offensive.

As for the fourth civilization in the southwest, the current two fronts are the attacking direction of Yago-Dur galaxy of the 20th army in the north, and the attacking direction of Eliadu galaxy of the 17th army in the east.

As a result, Palpatine ordered to launch a counterattack again, and Octavian Grant immediately ran to Coruscant to find Palpatine. He is a new generation of outstanding academic generals of the Galactic Republic, with excellent abilities in all aspects. He explained in front of Palpatine for a while, and showed his next attack plan, and soon convinced Palpatine.

So Palpatine specially allowed him to follow his own rhythm. He can suspend the attack for now, and wait for the time to come. He must destroy the defense of the Separatists in the Yago-Dur galaxy with a thunderbolt.

Although Lynch Houser, the governor of the 17th Army, is also in Coruscant, he is just an ordinary nobleman with no military background and not so good eloquence. I couldn't get up, but in the end, the task of launching a counterattack in the direction of Dawn Star fell to their 17th Army again.

So in many cases, it is difficult to put an incompetent leader on the table.

Of course, Admiral Kourney of the 17th Army is also a very ordinary general, and now he is immersed in the joy of getting a huge bribe from the Kuat Power Shipyard, so when the order to counterattack was issued, he was completely confused Forced.

"What did you say? Speaker Palpatine asked us to launch an immediate offensive? Is this a joke? Didn't he see that we were asking for help just now?" Admiral Kourney turned pale with shock.

"Separatism publicly supported the Jedi Knights, which made Speaker Palpatine very angry. Now this is not only a military issue, but also a political issue! If it is not handled properly, it will even affect our official career!" During the holographic projection, Lynch Houser, Governor of the 17th Army, said solemnly.

He looks to be in his fifties, with a goatee, a bald head, and an army green uniform—not his usual favorite style of dressing, but at this moment in Coruscant to give a personal report to the Lord Speaker, he has to Dress more formally, and even took off his wig.

"You don't understand at all! Our main fleet has been nailed to death by the separatist Titan battleship Xuanwu! Now no matter what strategic maneuver we do, as long as the Xuanwu moves with us, then we will return without success! And the separation The doctrine can use their particle light spears and super torpedo boats to harass us continuously!" Kourney said loudly.

When he spoke, his face was already ashen! Because he found that the most wrong decision he made was to deploy his main fleet to the planet Naboo to try to intercept the Titan battleship Xuanwu when it fled to the planet Ennako.

Because of the existence of the Xuanwu, he must always maintain a sufficient force advantage to deter the opponent, so his main fleet immediately became immobile.

The reason for this is that both sides are in a state where whoever takes the initiative to attack will suffer. If he had stayed the same at that time, he would have sent the Xuanwu to the Ennaco galaxy, and his main fleet would have remained on the planet Kira. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, the Xuanwu really did not dare to take the initiative to attack the planet Naboo.

Because once the Xuanwu took the initiative to attack, the main fleet of the 17th Army would start to act late. This would probably block the Xuanwu on the planet Naboo and force them to fight against themselves in the away game. After all, it is very troublesome for a super battleship of the Xuanwu class to jump into hyperspace, and the channel between Planet Kira and Planet Naboo is also more convenient than the channel between Planet Ennaco and Planet Naboo many.

But now that he has transferred the main fleet to the planet Naboo, the situation has not changed in any way—the Xuanwu still dare not take the initiative to attack the planet Naboo. But the problem is that the transportation environment on Naboo planet is far from that on the transportation hub Kira planet.

So the two sides took this seemingly very simple exchange action, but the result was that the 17th Army blocked itself to death. Because once the main fleet of the 17th Army enters hyperspace and jumps to other places, the Xuanwu can immediately launch an attack on the planet Naboo. And by the time the main fleet of the 17th Army left and turned back, the Xuanwu had had enough time to turn the planet Naboo into ruins!

After all, the hyperspace waterway is not a big road, you can turn around anywhere, and you can go back at any time. Especially for large-scale fleets, after you jump, you have to wait for the hyperspace fluctuation to subside, the hyperspace engine to recharge, the track data to be recalculated, and so on.

On this basis, the guerrilla fleet of the fourth civilization can have a very broad strategic space and harass everywhere.

Of course, this must also be based on the premise that this guerrilla fleet is really capable of causing great damage with a very small number, but unfortunately for the 17th Army, the disaster-level battleship with particle light spears Cruisers, really are capable of it.

It can be said that the governor of the Fourth Civilization Cesvenna Star Region—Tiger Lingliang made a very brilliant move, because in a very sensitive period after the No. 66 Order, any actions of the Xuanwu would make the generals of the Republic extremely nervous. Once you get nervous, you can't take care of other things. No matter what you want to do, I will block it first.

This block, blocked himself.

In fact, at that time, Admiral Kourney's best course of action was no action. Whatever you do with the Xuanwu, I just won't move. Once it is determined that you cannot return in time, I will consider actively attacking your home, Eliadu galaxy, or follow you to block you, forcing you to fight with my fleet.

It seems simple, but in fact this is a comprehensive game from strategy to psychology.

So under such circumstances, General Kourney was in a desperate situation because of Speaker Palpatine's order to take the initiative to attack!

He has no other choice!

He could not transfer the main fleet away from the planet Naboo, because once he left, the political center of the planet Naboo would no longer be owned by the Republic. Once the guilt of losing His Excellency the Speaker's hometown is suppressed, he might as well shoot himself immediately.

wait? You can see that Lynch Houser's middle of the Mediterranean Sea is a little brighter on the holographic projection, and you know that he has not lost his hair due to the huge pressure these days. In other words, there is no way to procrastinate any longer. If he procrastinates any longer, he will no longer be the governor, and his admiral will be at an end.

But what about being proactive?

As I said before, Planet Ennako is the cargo distribution center of the Trade Federation. There are very comprehensive defense facilities and logistics and logistics facilities here, which can be said to be a tough bone. And what's more deadly is that the hyperspace channel between the planet Naboo and the planet Ennako is actually not very easy to travel.

These two factors are the reason why the planet Ennaco is located inside the area controlled by the Republic, but it is still as stable as Mount Tai. But now, these two factors have become the two epitaphs on the grave of the 17th Army!

Because this will mean that the huge battleship formation of the 17th Army must pass through an unstable hyperspace channel, which means that it must enter in batches, and then attack a complete defense facility when the logistics support is not smooth, And there is also the Ennako planet guarded by the Titan battleship Xuanwu! !

And this is not all the difficulties Admiral Kourney is facing. He is also facing an embarrassing situation-this time the Xuanwu actually did not bring the entire fleet from the Eliadu galaxy. Following this Titan battleship, there are only about 20 Cole-class battlecruisers and 5 Dunov-class battlecruisers, and dozens of other kilometer-class battlecruisers are still in Eriadu The galaxies are eyeing it!

After Kourney spent a full hour explaining the key points to Lynch Houser, the governor of the 17th Army understood the seriousness of the problem.

He slumped to the ground, tugging at his few hairs, "Bastard! Bastard! Speaker Palpatine won't listen to my explanation anymore! In his opinion, we have more than 200 One capital ship, more than 300 small and medium-sized warships, five times the force of the Separatists, but now we dare not take the initiative to attack, this is our incompetence!"

"But the problem now is that if you really take the initiative to attack, the attack direction can only be the Ennaco Galaxy. You should know that this will be a disaster!" General Kourney said, "The situation is already like this, Governor Your Excellency, I can only suggest that no matter how difficult it is, Chairman Palpatine must take back his order."

"It's not because of you!! You bastard, why didn't you understand such a simple strategy of separatism!! It's so easy to fall into their trap!!" Lynch Houser jumped up and cursed.

Admiral Kourney was also anxious. He pointed to Lynch Houser's nose through the holographic projection and cursed relatively, "When the Xuanwu ship ran to the Ennako galaxy, wasn't it you who was most nervous? You can’t throw away a piece of Naboo, if you lose it, it’s all over! Let me deal with it immediately! Isn’t this your request?! Now that the situation is wrong, you will start throwing the blame away?!”

"You are a military commander, do you understand! As the governor, I will give you political advice, but you have the right to decide on military actions, don't you? I told you that you must give me a solution now! Otherwise, I will not be the governor. , I want you to be buried with me too!!" Lynch Houser roared loudly.

Kourney slammed his fist on the table, but he also began to force himself to calm down, "In short, let's calm down first! Calm down first! Something has happened, we can only find a way to solve it..."

"Of course we have to find a way! I'll go to the deputy speaker Mas-Ameida immediately, maybe he can give us some advice! But this trip will inevitably lead to hemorrhage! Let me tell you, you will at least give us all the funds for the activities. I will bear half!" Lynch Houser said, "I know you have benefited a lot from Kuat Power Dock!"

"Mass-Ameida's appetite is not small..." Kourney said with a gloomy face, "Maybe he doesn't like the little things that Kuat gave us..."

"Then mortgage your several luxurious manors in the inner ring!" Lynch Hauser roared.

At this time, Admiral Kourney suddenly clapped his hands and said loudly: "Wait a minute, I have a solution!"

"Say! Say it!" Lynch Houser said eagerly.

"The Ennaco galaxy is the cargo distribution center of the trade union! Do you understand? The trade union!" Kourney said.

"You mean... let's go to people from the Trade Union? For example, their representative in the parliament, Lot Dude?" Lynch Hauser was stunned, his expression slightly relieved.

"That's right! The trade alliance is originally a snake and a mouse. They want to bet on both ends, and they are businessmen who are only interested in profit! As long as they pay enough price, let them tamper with the defense system of the Ennaco galaxy. ! There is no need to go too far, as long as the Titan battleship Xuanwu is forced back from the Ennaco galaxy, then we will be enough to deal with it!" Kourney said.

Lynch Houser touched the goatee on his chin and nodded, "Indeed. It's just a trick, and it's not obvious. It's not that they really killed the Titan battleship Xuanwu on the planet Ennako. Because if we With soldiers pressing down on the border, the Black Tortoise couldn't support the retreat, this result can be accepted even by Dawn Star...they won't make things difficult for the Trade Alliance..."

"Then the result is how to give enough bargaining chips! Lot Doud or Newt Gunley, I don't think these cowardly Neimoidians will stick to their principles." Kourney Said.

"But don't forget, they are a trade alliance! Even if they are on the separatist side, they are now one of the best super corporate giants in the galaxy! Ordinary interests they can see? This is probably better than buying Mas-Ameida Make it harder!" Lynch-Houser said.

"I think we can help them set up a game, and then give them the planet Vandelhelm..." Kourney said.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Although Van der Heim used to be the site of the 18th Army, it is now owned by our 17th Army! There are shipbuilding docks on this planet, as well as rich mineral resources! The Van der Heim galaxy even There is an asteroid belt rich in metal mines! Don’t you know that this planet is our pocket?!” Lynch Houser was furious, “And you should know that your current behavior is tantamount to putting the Republic If you hand over your territory to others, you are betraying your country!"

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