The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1531 Grand Duke of Dawn (8) [Territory Chapter 5]

1531. Grand Duke Liming (8) [Territory Chapter 5]

And on the planet Mulinster, there is another place that is very important to Darth Malthael-Abola Island.

This was once the dark altar of Darth Plagueis, the secret base where he kept what he had learned all his life. After his death, all of this was inherited by Darth Malthael, and Malthael's research has never stopped. On the basis of Darth Plagueis, he transferred the dark knowledge Carry forward further.

Therefore, for the current Darth Malthael, it can be lost in other places, but the planet Mulinster is absolutely impossible!

As for the planet Mygeeto, it has truly become the financial center of the entire Federation of Independent Galaxies, including the Dawn Territory.

After bringing back a large amount of deposits from the planet Scipio, the Interstellar Banking Association (M), which was headquartered on the planet Megito after the split, soon began to restore its position in the financial market and position itself Concentrated in the middle and outer ring star regions.

Although the current Mygeeto planet does not appear in the public eye as often as the Mullinster planet, it is often mentioned as the financial center of the Milky Way, but in fact, anyone who knows the financial industry knows that Megeeto The planet is the manipulator behind the galactic financial market.

Because the entire Interstellar Banking Association (M), all its decisions are all initiated from the planet Megeeto.

The Interstellar Banking Association (M) has continued the previous administrative system of the five-member core plus the co-chairman. As before, the five-person core manages the huge and incomparably super treasury on the planet Mequito, while the co-chairman is in charge of the entire interstellar banking industry. Management and operation of the Association (M).

Therefore, if we want to say which planet has the highest security level in the entire Dawn Territory, I am afraid that even the planet Eliadu cannot compare to the planet Mequito if the factor of sending a garrison fleet is involved!

Not only that, but the planet Mygeeto is also the headquarters of the Fourth Group. This was originally Tang Xiao's decision to gain the trust of Darth Plagueis when he became a disciple of Darth Plagueis. The SK Holdings Group also placed the fourth group on the planet Mequito.

It's just that with the continuous development of the fourth group, they also discovered that there are actually many benefits to using the planet Megito as their headquarters. Especially in the early stage of the development of the Fourth Group, almost everyone believed that the Fourth Group was an enterprise supported by the Interstellar Banking Association, so they were not compared with Dawn Planet, which had already started to jump up and down at that time and caused a lot of troubles in the Galactic Republic. get in touch.

This is very important, because it gives the fourth group a very stable development space. After all, before the war really broke out, even in the Galactic Republic, few people dared to provoke the Interstellar Banking Association. After all, at that time, apart from the Judicial Fleet of the Galactic Republic, only the Interstellar Banking Association could launch a large main battleship of more than 800 meters in the entire galaxy!

Only after the fourth group grows stronger, they and the Interstellar Banking Association will become a mutually beneficial relationship. One side has money, and the other side has technology and industry, and it's a perfect match.

Of course, the premise that the two parties can maintain this relationship is that the Interstellar Banking Association did not intend to annex the fourth group when it did not develop. After all, they didn't dare to do it when Darth Plagueis was around, and they didn't dare to do it when Darth Malthael was around.

In addition to these two financial core planets, within the jurisdiction of the Northern Territory of the Dawn Territory, there is also a planet that is now called the most terrifying planet in the entire galaxy-the Sojoran satellite!

It used to be the private palace of Darth Plagueis, known as the Hunter's Moon, where he would entertain the most top celebrities and nobles in the galaxy every year. But at that time, Darth Sidious urged Gardulla the Hutt, Als Veruna, the king of Naboo, and Alexi Garin, the leader of the black sun, to plan to assassinate Darth Prey. During Gus's operation, the Sojoran satellite was directly plowed to the ground by a super nuclear bomb.

Hunter's Moon has since disappeared, replaced by a hellish planet that has been completely abandoned ever since.

However, after Tang Xiao built the geth, he handed over the Sojoran satellites to the geth, allowing them to develop and proliferate here. Sochoron is a secret planet that has been deleted even from the star map of the Jedi Order, so the growth of the geth here has never been discovered by anyone.

Until now, geth has ravaged the entire northern border of the Galactic Republic, but no one knows where the host of the geth is.

Except for one person - Jedi Master Sass-Tin, but he was also killed on the planet Kali.

Now on the Sojoran satellite, there are Geth factories everywhere. The plate movement and crustal movement that became active due to the bombing of super nuclear bombs have become the energy used by Geth. They are not afraid of nuclear radiation and harsh conditions. On the contrary, it turned this place into a super factory of steel and flames. Almost every minute, a large number of geth individuals came off the production line and joined the war.

There are also two important races in the north - the Kali and the Injoli.

The Kali planet, which is the home planet of the Kali people, was originally a civilization of the cold weapon era, and it was severely damaged in the previous war with the Yamrui people. After taking refuge in Tang Xiao, Planet Kali has received a lot of investment, so the current living environment of this planet is very different from before.

And the Kali will not go hungry any more.

However, limited by the natural environment, the development potential of Planet Kali is still limited, so their role in the Dawn Territory is basically to provide high-quality soldiers and officers. By the way, the Kali people are almost born guerrilla warfare geniuses, and their understanding of strategy and tactics is also outstanding, so many Kali people have served as officers at all levels in the Dawn Army.

The same is the case with the Inchoris. After controlling the Inchoris with special cigars, they also joined the big family of the Dawn Territory, and their living environment has also improved, and their total population has increased to about 3 to 5 million.

It is worth mentioning that, although the Injori are so cruel and barbaric, the Injori planet is actually a planet located in the inner ring of the Milky Way, but there is no major hyperspace navigation channel nearby, which actually leads to It's still very remote.

Near the planet Injori, there is a large-scale shipyard - Golden Nice Shipyard. This was one of the first large shipyards obtained by Tang Xiao's Fourth Civilization, and it was stolen during the Injori riots. This shipyard also supported the accumulation of basic strength when the Fourth Civilization first started. At the beginning, most of the warships of the Fourth Civilization were produced here.

It's just that until now, the Golden Nice Shipyard has fallen behind in terms of scale and craftsmanship. At present, it is still producing the Cole-class battlecruiser for the Dawn Territory, and has the ability to start building 30 ships at the same time.

However, as the Cole-class battlecruisers gradually faded out of the first-line navy in Dawn, the Golden Nice Shipyard gradually failed to keep up with the times. The current plan is to gradually transform this place into a shipyard for civilian spaceships, and to dismantle battle-damaged and obsolete warships.

And now in the northern jurisdiction of the Dawn Territory, there are larger industrial planets - Jaemus and Yaga Minor, both of which have larger factories And the shipyard, which can meet the larger-scale warship manufacturing work.

At the same time, the Northern Territory of the Dawn Territory is also backed by the largest shipyard of the Confederation of Independent Systems in the Northern Territory Star Region - Bation, or the fortress planet. Because of the huge financial resources of the Interstellar Banking Association, they often order some warships at the shipyard on the Bastin planet.

Finally, there is the former capital of the Eighth Army of the Republic, the planet Ord-Mantel. It is said that there is no separation of gambling and finance, and the Ord-Mantel planet, which has the largest underground gang finance and underground gambling center, is also shining in another aspect after being occupied by the fourth civilization.

The planet Ord-Mantel has never been completely occupied by the Galactic Republic. Even the capital of the 8th Army is just a large space station and space dock on the periphery of the planet. With the destruction of the 8th Army, these facilities were also destroyed, so the attribute of this planet as a military base disappeared.

After being taken over by the Dawn Lord, the planet Ald-Mantel is becoming the most notorious money laundering center and underground gambling center in the galaxy. Here, you can do anything and have everything - as long as you have the money.

Generally speaking, the Northern Territory of Limingling is an area with the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group as the core, and the financial industry and industry as the mainstay. But in this star area, the main problem is still geth!

The geth ravages the northern borders of the Galactic Republic, while maintaining a wonderful symbiotic relationship with the home planet of the Dawnland. Although the geth did not enter some important core planets, but in the periphery, such as the planet Kali, the geth is also widely involved in the construction of the planet.

With the deadly mechanical life of geth and the largest financial center in the galaxy at the same time, the northern jurisdiction of the Dawn Territory is not destined to be peaceful, and there are countless undercurrents surging.


And the third place under the jurisdiction of the Dawn Territory is the part in the southeast of the plane star map of the Milky Way.

It's actually very simple over there, mainly the planet Christophsis, and the planets that were occupied by expansion operations based on the planet Christophsis during the war.

The planet Christophsis is a crystal planet with a population of about 35 billion. The economy depends on the crystals produced on the planet, so it can be said that it is very rich. And more importantly, Kyber crystals will also be produced on the planet Christofsis!

This kind of crystal can be said to be the most wonderful crystal in the Milky Way. It has a very mysterious connection with the Force and is the main material of the lightsaber. And now, with the research and development of dawn collar related technologies, Kyber crystals will also be used as strategic resources.

The most powerful technological product of the Dawn Territory—the particle light spear, is inspired by the Kyber crystal.

The vicinity of the planet Christophsis was originally the territory of the Enterprise Alliance, but although the Enterprise Alliance did not form an alliance with Tang Xiao, they were also full of fear of Tang Xiao, so naturally they obeyed his advice. Christophsis planet is nominally in the hands of the Enterprise Alliance, but in fact, whether it is official appointments, resource output, or tax utilization, these are all in the hands of the Dawn Leaders.

It's not that the Galactic Republic has never thought of reoccupying the planet Christofsis, but this planet is backed by the Hutt space. Because of the current civil war between the Hutt families, the Hutt space is intricate, and anything can happen—for example, a separatist fleet suddenly emerged from it.

Therefore, the Galactic Republic is not willing to provoke this planet, which has gathered a large number of enterprise alliance men, although it has fallen behind, the number of defense fleets is still considerable before the battle situation is clear.


In addition to these three areas, there are three special planets in the Dawn Territory.

The reason why it is special is because these three planets are located in the core circle of the Milky Way, that is, in the home of the Galactic Republic!

Kato-Neimoidia, Balmora-Neimoidia, and Rendili. At the same time, these three planets are surrounded by a fleet of the Galactic Republic at all times to prevent them from making any aggressive moves.

Among them, the planet Cato-Neimoidia is the wealth world of the Trade Union, where a large number of priceless treasures and properties are preserved, and many nobles in the inner circle of the galaxy also keep their wealth here.

Previously, Severance Tann led the Titan battleship Plague to the planet Cato-Neimoidia, and repeatedly damaged the fleet of the Galactic Republic here. But with the Titan battleship Plague withdrawn, and eventually destroyed by the Republic, Cato-Nimoidia was once again under siege.

The Galactic Republic did not attack here directly. On the one hand, it was because of the perfect and powerful orbital defense of this planet, and on the other hand, it was pressured by the wealthy nobles in the inner circle.

In the original plot of "Star Wars", the Galactic Republic took the initiative to attack the planet Cato-Neimoidia, but here, the military pressure on the Republic from the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy and Dawn is much greater, and the Republic suffered The losses are also much greater, so they really dare not invest a large fleet to attack here.

Balmora-the Neimoidian planet, here is the home planet of the Neimoidians and the headquarters of the Trade Federation, so its importance goes without saying. The Galactic Republic's siege and failure to attack here is also because they can't gnaw on this hard bone, or even if they gnaw it down, the republic does not want to pay a price.

And finally, there is the planet Lundili—the second heart that the Dawn Leader just got!

Thanks to 213teenager for the 400 starting coins! !

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