1555.: Jing Fang

For Jing Fang, the destruction of the Jedi Order almost meant that the entire sky collapsed!

In the original force, Jing Fang could feel the existence of many masters of the Jedi Order. Even if the force of those masters was unconscious, they were constantly guiding the young Jedi knights step by step in the light. Move forward firmly on the road.

But now, the whole force is empty. If there is, only the boundless darkness is spreading.

The dark side has won!

Jing Fang's heart was extremely heavy and extremely sad, but he also had to admit... Darth Sidious, Earl Dooku, Death Angel, these three dark Sith Lords have divided up the entire galaxy!

Such a large galaxy with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of light years has no place for a bright cone!

Without the Jedi Order, where should I go?

In fact, Jing Fang has always deeply agreed with the teachings of the Jedi Knights. In fact, this is also due to his own personality. Although the hint of light sleep he experienced when he was a child on the Dawn Star made him still maintain a good impression of the fourth civilization, but after he came to the Jedi Order and formed his own values, this very shallow hint has already given him a good impression. like water off a duck's back.

At that time, Jing Fang had already become a real Jedi Knight. Although he will still try his best to avoid and reject battlefields involving the Fourth Civilization, once the Jedi Order gives orders, he will still go to the front without hesitation, even if the enemy is the Fourth Civilization.

Such thinking reached its zenith during the Battle of the Rendili Galaxy.

Jing Fang first knew that Tang Xiao, the governor of the Dawn Star Planet that he admired and respected, turned out to be the dead angel of the Sith Lord! Such a contrast made him totally unacceptable.

Later in the course of the battle, he joined forces with his master Pulo Kong to fight against the extremely powerful Death Angel. During the battle, Plo-Kon shielded him from the clutches of the Angel of Death, but he himself was sacrificed in doing so.

The course of this battle almost made him collapse. His belief and life completely collapsed when Master Pulo-Kong was directly pierced through the heart by the bloody lightning in the hand of the dead angel!

Under such circumstances, he returned to his flagship and had a long talk with the leader of the Jedi Order and the respected elder Master Yoda.

And it was also at that time that he suddenly jumped out of the box that originally belonged to the Jedi Order, and began to think from the perspective of himself as an individual, so he ignored Master Yoda's objection and rescued the man who was seriously injured at the time, leaving only the last Arden Lin, who was about to die in one breath.

Master Yoda seemed to have felt something at that time, so he didn't stop his behavior, but adopted a tacit attitude.

In the end, the fleet of the Galactic Republic in the Rendili galaxy was completely defeated. In the chaos, Jing Fang took Arden-Lin and left the battlefield. He didn't return to Coruscant either, but took Arden Lin to the remote galaxy Tatooine by accident, hoping to live in isolation.

At that time, he was extremely confused, he didn't know what he should do, and he didn't know what his future was, but the only thing he knew was that his strength was not enough, so he begged Arden Lin to teach him.

Apprenticeship to a dark side Force user, Jing Fang is sometimes frightened by his own crazy behavior.

But when he was confused, the dark force user Arden Lin who he rescued without knowing what he was thinking suddenly became active.

After recovering from the injury, Arden Lin agreed to his request and taught him Iron Hand Kungfu (Ters Ksi, Teras Kash). The intensity of her training was so intense that Jing Fang was almost overwhelmed. Even with his physical fitness, he was directly trained to the ground in the first few days of training.

And at this time, Jing Fang truly realized Arden-Lin's incomparably powerful strength and incomparably superb fighting skills.

This woman can easily beat him all over the ground with one hand! And still empty handed! And Jing Fang himself is holding a lightsaber!

Such a gap in strength is simply like a natural moat.

Arden Lin received the lightsaber with his bare hands, and could knock down even a spaceship with one punch. This kind of strength made Jing Fang dumbfounded.

During the battle of Rendili, he only knew that Arden-Lin was very powerful. At least she could compete head-on with Master Yoda and the Angel of Death. Although they were all defeated in the end, the gap was not that big.

That's why Jing Fang thought that Arden Lin was very powerful, so he proposed to apprentice.

But he really didn't expect that Arden Lin, who looked very young but always claimed that he was from more than 20,000 years ago, would be so powerful that it was unimaginable!

Even with such power, he was still defeated by the dead angel, and almost died there, and he could see the power of the dead angel again!

Jing Fang himself is also a serious person, so he accepted all the training proposed by Arden Lin, even if he was tired, he had to finish it before going to bed.

And Arden-Lin obviously wouldn't let him relax, it seemed like it was on purpose, she didn't even leave Jing Fang any free time at all, making him so tired that he just wanted to sleep after practicing every day. At least in this way, Jing Fang found that he had no time to think about it. As time went by, although he was still depressed and difficult to understand, he found that he had accepted the reality of the destruction of the Jedi Order.

Not only that, after practicing for a period of time, Arden Lin began to accept a large number of various commissions for him, and these commissions had everything, except that there were no errands. These commissions are all kinds of battles, including one-on-one, gang fights, and assassinations.

In short, it is to let Jing Fang continue to grow in actual combat.

However, in complete contrast to Jing Fang's state, Arden Lin seemed to have fallen down. She began to drink heavily all day long, wandered around, met a large number of cronies, and claimed everywhere that Jing Fang was her godson.

This made Jing Fang extremely depressed, and his respect for Arden Lin was gradually wiped away. Now, on the contrary, the two can still bicker and quarrel and joke with each other, the distance between them has been shortened a lot, and the relationship between the two has become more natural.

Jing Fang always felt that Arden-Lin was planning something, but he didn't have time to think about it at all, but at least he knew that Arden-Lin was not as careless and stubborn as she appeared on the outside. She hides more unknown thoughts.

Just thinking about it all the time, Jing Fang suddenly frowned, and suddenly changed direction while driving the hoverbike.

In the next second, a sniper bullet was shot on the route of the hovering motorcycle just now!

boom! Only then did the crisp gunshots come.

It's the sniper rifle of the Tusken Sands!

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