The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1559 The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army 2)

Chapter 1559 The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army-2)

1559. The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army-2)

Master Windu's main fleet entered the planet Fendal, which is a very important move.

Before that, in order to maintain the supply of the main fleet of the Second Galaxy Army in his hands, he divided the fleet into more than ten squadrons, and then scattered them in the star fields of the Neutral Alliance, so as to facilitate the acquisition of supplies.

But even so, to supply the huge battleship in his hands with more than 200 capital ships and 500 small and medium-sized warships, he still needs a very large supply of materials, and in order to transport these materials, he also needs to establish a complete set of logistics transportation system.

There are not many transport ships in Mace Windu's hands. In order to meet the huge demand for supplies, he forcibly confiscated transport ships and civilian spaceships from the Neutral Alliance for transportation.

And this behavior caused the Alliance of Neutrals to complain.

Because if it is on the Republic side, there will naturally be special factories and special financial funds to provide these supplies, but now, you asked the Second Galaxy Army to pay? is it possible? Or, do they have one?

Then this matter has become a clear grab, and one can imagine what the state of the Second Galaxy Army is now.

They have nothing but a fleet, no money, no supplies, and not many people. In fact, if they are given a few more years, after they gain a firm foothold, they will gradually develop production, fight against pirates, and use the fleet to rob supplies in the surrounding star areas, which may not be a long-term development path.

However, this is only in the imagination after all. In fact, a very cruel fact is that even if all the forces of the Neutral Alliance are exhausted, they will not be able to support this huge fleet of nearly 300 warships!

Don't think that the 1,500 galaxies of the Alliance of Neutrals is such a huge number, actually? Even repairing the armor of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser requires the joint efforts of hundreds of planets. The rare metals and alloys needed for the armor of those battleships are simply not enough for these industrially underdeveloped planets.

In fact, someone has made an analogy. Although those thousand-meter-class warships are only measured as a number in many battles, in fact, even if such a thousand-meter-class battleship is built, it needs to be used. Industrial production capacity and working hours are equivalent to the production capacity of at least 100 21st Century Blue Stars!

Therefore, the Second Galaxy Army is destined not to have a good result.

Therefore, when Master Windu divided his fleet into three and led the largest fleet to Planet Findal, it was inevitable that there would be a lot of commotion on the side of the Neutral Alliance.


At the same time, on the side of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies, Mace Windu's military action also caused a moderate shock.

The planet Salukami, where General Grievous's fleet is staging, is also the gateway to the core control area of ​​the Confederation of Independent Systems. In the original plot, capturing the planet Salukami was considered a decisive victory (mentioned in the dialogue at the beginning of the movie Star Wars Episode 3), and after that, the counterattack of the Galactic Republic destroyed the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies final control area.

"What did you say?! Mace Windu's fleet went to the Fendal galaxy?" General Grievous roared loudly.

"Yes, General, the main force of the Second Galaxy Army has moved to Fendal." A series of tactical robots said.

"Did he know?" General Grievous walked back and forth on the bridge with his hands behind his back. "Our secret robot factory on the planet Akiva should be very low-key and cautious. Why did they find out? Immediately investigate the recent It's not that there is more than the specified cargo volume!"

"Roger!" The T-series tactical robot responded, its electronic eyes flickered for a while, and then said: "The inspection has been completed, and it is confirmed that there is no abnormality."

"We can't lose the secret factory on Planet Akiva!" General Grievous paced back and forth, "Give me a plan immediately. If we want to divide our forces to reinforce Planet Akiva, what situation we may face!"

"If the troops on the front of the Salukami planet are separated, the fleet of the Galactic Republic assembled in front of us has a probability of more than 70% to launch an attack again." The T-series tactical robot said, "According to the tactical analysis results, we can only reorganize the fleet in the rear Go for reinforcements."

"Sir, there is communication access." At this time, the B-1 battle robot in charge of communication said back.

"Take it!" General Grievous waved his hand violently.

"Roger Roger!" The B-1 robot was operating on the console, and soon a figure appeared on the screen in front of him.

The neat uniform of the Duchy of Dawn's admiral, with blue skin and red eyes, is the admiral of the Duchy of Dawn, Severance Tann!

"General Grievous, I'm here to tell you that in my previous battle plan, I used the hyperspace fluctuation signals from the planet Akiva. To be precise, I revealed these signals to Mace-Wen Du's Second Galaxy Army." Severance Tann said straight to the point, "I think he moved the main fleet to Findal, and you should be aware of this."

"You bastard! You better give me a reasonable reason! Don't forget, the fleet you command now is also given to you by me!" General Grievous was furious.

Severance Tann sneered and said: "If the hyperspace signal from the spaceship coming and going from the planet Akiva was not used as a lure, Mace Windu would not be so easy to take the bait."

"You want to attack the second galaxy army..." Under the mechanical mask of General Grievous, a pair of animal eyes flashed fiercely, "but now they have separated from the Galactic Republic!"

"What happened to them has nothing to do with me. All I want is to kill them." Severance Tann said, "So, I need your help now."

"You took out our secret robot factory as bait without my permission! How can you have the face to ask me to help now!?" General Grievous said grimly.

"A chance to kill the Second Galaxy Army." Severance Tann said lightly.

General Grievous' eyes darkened, and he asked viciously, "How do you want me to help you?"

"Get out the Titan Battleship Shadow." Severance Tann said, "If I remember correctly, this Titan battleship is now parked in Parmante Harbor for final outfitting. For some low-intensity battles, Should be enough."

"Do you think the battle with the Second Galaxy Army, which is still struggling, will be a low-intensity battle?" General Grievous snorted coldly.

"For me, that's true. But for you, I can't guarantee it." Severance Tann sneered.

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