The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1564 The Cage of the Trapped Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army 7)

Chapter 1564 The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army-7)

1564. The Cage of the Beast (The Doom of the Second Galaxy Army-7)

Mace Windu personally led a bomber formation to rush towards the battleship Destroyer viciously. At the same time, other fighter formations launched by the Republic Fleet also flew to cover, and the two sides exchanged fire frantically around the battleship Destroyer.

The Destroyer and the Behemoth-class battlecruiser that escorted it carried not many fighters, but they were all the latest triple robot fighters of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. At present, due to the reduction in the production of the Technology Alliance, the stock of triple robot fighters in the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is also decreasing. Now Earl Dooku is already considering importing unmanned fighter jets from the Duchy of Dawn.

The fighter jets of both sides are flying around the battleship like flies. The speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye. You can only see countless small laser beams and small but powerful airborne proton torpedoes. The shield exploded, rippling waves of energy ripples.

The near-fire capability on the Behemoth-class battlecruiser is very fierce. It quickly spreads the barrage to prevent the surroundings of the battleship from being leaked. In addition to the ARC-170 heavy fighter that can rely on deflector shields to rush over and drop bombs, the V-19 torrent light Fighters can't even get close!

The battleship Destroyer is even more terrifying. The terrible firepower of 500 twin-mounted medium-sized turbolaser cannons can be used as an anti-ship and anti-aircraft battle at the same time. This is 1,000 gun tubes! In addition, there are special point defense laser cannons to protect the key parts of the battleship. In addition, proton torpedo launchers, ion cannons, tractor beams and other weapons are also readily available.

The fire net formed around the Battleship Destroyer was even more terrifying, with almost no gaps. A large number of Republic fighter formations rushed over, but apart from being shot down one by one, it had no effect.

At this moment, Master Windu also led his bomber formation to the battlefield!

He flew the ETA-2 fighter jet flexibly in the fire net, but he couldn't find a gap! It wasn't that he couldn't break in by himself, but that he couldn't break in with his bomber formation.

Although the speed and flexibility of the ETA-2 fighter jet are top among the top, the correspondingly small size also makes this fighter's firepower very insufficient. This is just an air superiority fighter specially built for Jedi knights. Therefore, Master Windu must also bring the bomber formation into the vicinity of the Doom, so as to pose a threat to this super warship. .

Numerous laser beams passed by outside the cockpit, coupled with the extremely fast speed of the fighter, this made it impossible for ordinary people to react at all. According to the configuration of the fighter jets of the Galactic Republic, they often equip the fighter jets with navigation robots, and complete evasive operations with the assistance of the robots.

But Mace Windu doesn't need it. With the ability to predict the force, he can react before the incoming firepower arrives, especially in the case of ultra-high-speed maneuvering, the distance of thousands of kilometers can be reached in an instant. Even the computer can't respond!

"Increase the acceleration to 300G! Let the navigation robot operate, follow me!" Mace Windu said loudly in the communication.

This acceleration is child's play for him, but for ordinary pilots who fly Y-wing bombers, this is already the limit that their bodies can bear. Even so, it is the protection brought by the advanced airborne anti-gravity buffer system, because the human body cannot resist this level of G force at all.

There is such a huge gap between Jedi Knights and ordinary people.

But now he can only lead the bomber formation around the outside, not daring to get too close.

"When the Conqueror class launches the electromagnetic pulse cannon, there will be a gap in firepower, and the charging rate of the 500 turbolaser cannons will be reduced! That is our chance!" Mace Windu said, "Notify our fleet , strengthen the firepower, and create the conditions for the Doom to fire!"

His order is equivalent to directly asking his own fleet to act as bait!

Admiral Sopnos turned pale after receiving the order, Mace Windu was equivalent to rearranging his fleet into a dense formation. In this way, the firepower will be more concentrated, but the electromagnetic pulse of the Destroyer, which can reach thousands of kilometers, may cover more warships of its own!

Once Mace Windu's actions fail, the consequences will be disastrous!

But Admiral Sopnos also understands that Mace Windu is not an ordinary Jedi, he is more direct and cruel, once he disobeys the military order, he will really order arrest or even shoot him!

"Notify the two squadrons coming from the rear, continue to maintain a loose formation, and come to reinforce the battle as soon as possible! The remaining warships, adjust their formation, and block the Destroyer for me!!" Admiral Sopnos made up his mind.

The fleet of the Republic began to adjust its formation. More than 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers began to be divided into two parts. Each part had more than ten capital ships and dozens of small and medium-sized warships. The high-energy electromagnetic pulse can affect all these warships with only two shots! ,

At that time, even if the hunter-class battlecruiser can still maintain a certain degree of maneuverability, it will also lose its combat effectiveness and become a fish to be slaughtered.

However, as time passed by every minute and every second, the Destroyer was as stable as Mount Tai! There is no intention of emitting an electromagnetic pulse at all!

"Ah... wow!!!" There was a scream in the communication, only to see a Y-wing bomber being hit by a point defense laser cannon on the wing, the pilot also realized that something was wrong, and in the middle of his life At the same time as the last scream, it was hit by a turbolaser cannon, and the entire bomber was blown into a ball of fire!

Now there are only 8 Y-wing bombers following Mace Windu's fighters!

"Bastard! Why on earth!" Mace Windu's anger continued to rise, "I gave her the best chance, why didn't she seize it?! Did she know that once she opened fire, I would seize the opportunity? Damn it But if this is the case, it can only delay the death of the Doom! Sooner or later, she will be caught up and destroyed! What is she planning?"

That's right, if the battle situation continues to develop, the only ending for the Doom is to be besieged and killed, there is no other possibility!

But why is Severance Tann always as stable as Mount Tai, preferring to give up the opportunity to attack the Republic's fleet, but also to ensure that her warship will not be threatened by the bomber formation led by Mace Windu?

Although Mace Windu couldn't see the future of the Destroyer amidst the interference of the Force, a very absurd idea came to his mind at this moment—could it be, in Severance Tann's view, that his own bomber The threat of the formation is greater than the threat of the entire Republic fleet? It doesn't make sense! ?

That is to say, Severance Tann is sure to defeat her overwhelmingly superior fleet?

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