The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1569 The Cage of the Trapped Beast (The End of the Second Galaxy Army)

Chapter 1569 The Cage of the Trapped Beast (The End of the Second Galaxy Army-End)

1569. The Cage of the Trapped Beast (the end of the second galaxy army-the end)


Those who are generals who do not know astronomy, geography, do not read formation maps, and do not understand the situation of troops are mediocre. ——Textbook of the Military Academy of the Fourth Reich, "Army", preface.


The communication was disturbed, and the main fleet of the Second Galaxy Army was completely blinded and turned into a bunch of dumb people!

Of course, they can confirm the battlefield situation through sensors and battlefield radars, but without communication, they will lose unified deployment. It would be fine if their opponents were ordinary people, but unfortunately, standing opposite them...

It is Severance Tann who has sent herself to the throne of the number one general in the galaxy with one wonderful victory after another since the outbreak of the war!

"Hold on! Hold on!" General Sopnos said loudly on the bridge, "Our forces are still superior! Order all ships, hold on to your formation and don't run around! Restore communication as soon as possible! Send me a shuttle Go to every battleship and convey my order to them face to face!"

Having said that, he himself was still extremely anxious. He walked over to the holographic star map and asked, "What is the Separatist fleet doing now?"

"They are gathering! The battleship Destroyer has sailed out of the electromagnetic nebula!" The radar soldier replied immediately.

"Bastard! Bastard! They want to take the initiative to attack! No...this formation...we will be defeated one by one in this formation! The opponent is Severance Tann!" Admiral Sopnos looked at the battlefield. Situation, slammed the console, "No way! Call the shuttle back! Call back! Modify the order and let the ships move closer to each other!"

"General! The first batch of shuttles have already taken off!" The adjutant was also sweating coldly.

"Call them back, don't you understand?!" Admiral Sopnos was furious.

"General, our communication has been completely paralyzed..." the adjutant said. The implication is that if you can call back, you can call.

However, at this time, the chief of staff said from the side: "General, if our warships are brought closer to each other...the other party has the Destroyer! That electromagnetic pulse gun..."

There was a sudden deathly silence on the bridge.

"That's Master Windu in touch?" Admiral Sopnos asked while covering his forehead.

"General, our communication has been completely paralyzed..." the adjutant replied with exactly the same words as before.

"I know! I fucking know!! I fucking know!!!" Sopnos was completely furious, and he roared hysterically.


On the bridge of the Destroyer, Severance Tann sat in her seat all the time, shaking the pointer in her hand, "Fire the directional high-energy electromagnetic pulse cannon once, disrupt the opponent's formation, and then attack directly."

"General Tann, the strength of the Second Galaxy Army still has an absolute advantage... Shall we prepare again? For example... Let the Sentinel-class electronic warfare frigate interfere with the opponent's fire control system together..." The adjutant cautiously put forward his own opinion.

"Are you an idiot?" Severance Tann looked at him as if she was a fool, "If you can't do the job of an adjutant, you can retire and farm when you go back."

"No... no, General Tenn, I want to be safe..." the adjutant said.

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and there is no safe way to say it." Severance Tann snorted coldly, "During the previous operations, I have almost tested it. The opponent's commander is just a mediocre person. In fact, Those officers who are really capable will naturally go smoothly in this war era. How could such a person follow Mace Windu to rebel? Those who are willing to follow him to leave the Republic are nothing more than those who think that their talents are underappreciated and feel that the Republic I owe myself, I feel that I have been framed by others, I always feel that I can soar into the sky in a different environment... Hehehehe..."

The adjutant lowered his head and said nothing, his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He could naturally hear that Severance Tann was actually alluding to himself.

In Severance Tann's army, what she wants is someone who can keep up with her own thinking speed, not those who are mediocre and stable. Just like the current adjutant, what he just said was stupid. If the 80 Sentinel-class electronic warfare frigates had the ability to interfere with things like the fire control system while interfering with the opponent's communication, then this battle would not have been so frustrating and probing from the beginning.

It is precisely to defeat the strong with the weak, which is why we need to plan every step of the way, keep planning, and then need a bold determination to take risks!

Hum~~~~~ The hull of the Destroyer shook, and through the porthole, one could see a dazzling lightning bolt disappearing into the sky in an instant.

Directional electromagnetic pulse gun, fire again!

Severance Tann didn't even look at it, turned her back to the dazzling light, swung the pointer violently, and said sharply: "Issuing an order, let all the warships follow my order and launch an attack immediately! Let those first The mediocrities of the Second Galaxy Army have a good look, what is the art of command!"

Following her order, the Destroyer immediately began to turn, and with the number of behemoth-class battlecruisers and more than 200 small and medium-sized warships, which had increased to 15, rushed towards Mace Windu's first place like a pack of wolves. Two galaxy army!

In order to avoid the Electromagnetic Pulse Cannon of the Destroyer, the formation of the Second Galaxy Army was very scattered, and now that the communication has been cut off, the warships dare not act rashly, fearing that their random actions will disrupt the formation and make the situation even more chaotic. , Therefore, when Severance Tann assembled all her battleships to directly attack the flanks of the Second Galaxy Army's main fleet, almost all Republic warships stood still!

This is the first stage reaction of those combat units when there is no communication - stand still.

Under the command of Severance Tann, those small and medium-sized warships brought their respective characteristics to the extreme! The cobalt-class frigate attracts firepower, the Javelin-class missile frigate provides long-range fire support, the brown bear-class heavy destroyer circumvents and assaults the formation, the guard-class anti-aircraft destroyer roams in its own formation for air defense, and the apocalypse-class light cruiser is responsible for intercepting the enemy's small and medium-sized battleship.

The Behemoth-class battlecruiser, relying on the powerful power of the Yamato cannon, concentrated its firepower on the most threatening target in the main fleet of the Second Galaxy Army. The so-called greatest threat does not refer to the type of warship, but the current position of that warship and the threat it can pose to one's own warship. This requires a dynamic judgment.

As for the battleship Destroyer, it did not shrink back, but boldly rushed to the front to attack, relying on its full 500 medium-sized turbolaser cannons, tearing apart the defense of the Second Galaxy Army battleship with raindrops of attack. And the directional electromagnetic pulse guns are also constantly firing. The primary purpose of the firing is not to paralyze how many warships, but to constantly disrupt the formation of the opponent's warships, so that they can never gather to fight back.

Under this storm-like offensive, those warships of the Second Galaxy Army who stood firm and wanted to resist on the spot immediately fell into a desperate situation!

The three Jaeger-class battlecruisers were destroyed less than 20 minutes after Severance Tann officially began to counterattack.

But at this time, the other warships of the second galaxy army just woke up like a dream, and began to rush in for reinforcements from all directions, and the originally neat formation suddenly fell into chaos.

So they entered the second stage of reaction after the communication failure-running wherever the accident happened.

This is like a football game. If one side has tactics and training, but the other side has no cooperation, then the result will definitely be that the players on the uncooperative side watch the ball run, and they will run wherever the ball is. Because they don't know where to run when there is no ball is effective, and where to run is useless, so they instinctively choose the plan with the least possible mistakes-run with the ball.

As a result, it was natural that the well-trained opponent passed through the defense with a few long passes, and then singled out the goalkeeper.

And this is what Severance Tann is doing!

The battleships that came in for reinforcements were completely controlled by robots, even the behemoth-class battlecruisers! Only in this way can all the systems of the battleship be shut down, and cooperate with the Sentinel-class electronic warfare frigate to hide.

Therefore, these battleships are actually very rigid under the control of robots. But there is also an advantage, that is, even if they are asked to die, they will not hesitate!

In fact, Severance Tann planned to sacrifice even those behemoth-class battlecruisers driven by robots! In order to eliminate the Second Galaxy Army, such a small loss is completely acceptable to her!

She has done enough preparations to keep the Second Galaxy Army in a turbulent state through the constant harassment of the Doom, and at the same time hide a large number of small and medium-sized warships near the Neutral Alliance, and secretly instigate a large number of planets.

This caused Mace Windu and Sopnos to misjudge the strength gap between the two sides, thus dividing their fleet into three and launching an active attack on the Destroyer. Even now, the Second Galaxy Army still has part of its fleet stationed on the planet Mandalorian and the planet Garros IV in case there is any change. About half of their fleet is actively attacking the Doom.

Only half of the fleet allowed the Destroyer to have the possibility of defeating the opponent.

Then, through all aspects of planning, let this half of the fleet, led by Mace Windu, forcefully launch an attack even if the state is not good, laying another layer of guarantee for the final victory.

After that, with his excellent prediction and command ability, he did not retreat but advanced when fighting the overwhelmingly superior enemy fleet, penetrated the formation of Mace Windu's main formation, entered the electromagnetic nebula, and at the same time let the opponent's fleet Time failed to gather for the siege.

Finally, detonate the electromagnetic nebula, trigger a magnetic field explosion, and counter-jamming the communication system of the Second Galaxy Army Fleet.

However, even after doing so much work, in the end, Severance Tann still had to face the overwhelming strength of the Second Galaxy Army and confront it head-on!

As she said, there is no real security on the battlefield. Even with her plan and her self-confidence, she can only do this. Who doesn't want to interfere with the fire control system while interfering with the other party's communication?

But for a famous player like Severance Tann, this is enough!

The Separatist fleet under the command of Severance Tann has truly become a hungry wolf! Her command is completely meticulous and meticulous, almost falling on every battleship!

Because most of these battleships are controlled by robots, she can only give orders down to the most detailed places, even including steering angle, shield power and so on!

The current battlefield of the two sides has been stretched very long due to the scattered arrangement of the Second Galaxy Army, with a width of almost 200,000 kilometers. But such a huge battlefield, in the eyes of Severance Tann, is just a chessboard! She manipulates hundreds of chess pieces at the same time with a speed, imagination, and logical thinking that ordinary people can't even imagine!

On the battlefield, a Victory-class Star Destroyer is being besieged by dozens of small warships. The missiles launched from the Javelin-class missile frigate continued to explode on the shield of the Star Destroyer, and the two Apocalypse-class light cruisers remained behind the Star Destroyer at all times, avoiding its main guns and firing continuously.

The fighter formations of the Second Galaxy Army wanted to attack the Javelins, but they were stopped by the separatist triple fighters and the guard-class air defense destroyers. After paying a lot of losses, they still only destroyed one Javelin.

At this time, the four Brown Bear-class heavy destroyers suddenly began to accelerate from hundreds of kilometers away! At the same time, all the firepower on the separatist side is attacking the side of this victory class ship!

The Brown Bear-class heavy destroyer is not a very flexible battleship. It mainly has heavy armor and rapid-fire electromagnetic guns that are amazingly powerful but difficult to guarantee accuracy. At the same time, there is another characteristic of the brown bear class, that is, their straight-line speed is very fast!

After the engine entered the overloaded state, these brown bears rushed over in a few seconds from a distance of hundreds of kilometers! At the same time, almost as good as the better, the Apocalypse-class light cruiser just hit the side shield of the Victory-class Star Destroyer to overload!

Almost in the face-to-face state, the 300mm caliber rapid-fire electromagnetic gun equipped on the brown bear fired hundreds of heavy projectiles in a few seconds, and none of them missed! The outer armor of the Victory-class Star Destroyer was immediately torn with a huge hole!

One of the brown bears didn't intend to slow down at all, and just crashed into this opening! This 290-meter-long heavy destroyer directly transformed into a super cannonball, pierced directly from the port side of the Victory class to the center under huge acceleration, and then triggered a violent explosion!

Seeing this scene, 7 or 8 Jaeger-class battlecruisers not far away quickly turned to reinforce, and at the same time, a pair of fighter formations also rushed over. However, they had just walked halfway, when a dazzling flash of lightning flashed, and the three Jaeger-class ships and hundreds of fighter jets were hit by electromagnetic pulses, and the electronic components failed and were paralyzed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, these dozens of small warships immediately withdrew from the battlefield and turned to another single Jaeger-class 5,000 kilometers away! This Jaeger-class ship was originally not alone, but because other warships came to reinforce the Victory-class Star Destroyer that was destroyed just now, there was a short gap to allow it to wander out of the formation.

This is the opportunity!

This is the wolf pack!

Without communication, without command, the scattered Second Galaxy Army was like a herd of ferocious cattle, constantly being eaten away by cunning wolves.

Thanks for the 2,000 starting coins rewarded by the tactics master! ! !


I fell asleep without paying attention just now... Sorry for the friends who are waiting for the refresh...

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