The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1572 Beheading Operation

1572. Beheading Operation

"Mace Windu, has fallen into the dark side...I can feel it." Count Dooku looked in one direction through the porthole.

Looking from here, there is only a dark universe outside the window. Even the nearest battleship is more than 2000 kilometers away, which has exceeded the limit of human vision.

However, in the world of the Force, Earl Dooku could clearly see that in that direction, there was a blazing black flame!

Dark Master, Mace Windu!

"The reason why I came here in person is because of him." Earl Dooku sneered, "There is nothing more exciting than pinching the last hope of making a comeback for the extinct warriors! Hahahaha... "

"Mace Windu, wants to use the power of the Second Galaxy Army to establish his own sphere of influence in the Alliance of Neutrals and the planet Mandalore. He wants to turn the Jedi Order into a warlord with actual power, But obviously, he doesn't have this ability." Severance Tann said, "The Second Galaxy Army always has the possibility of being reorganized by the Galactic Republic, so eliminating them is our best choice."

"Then when shall we set off?" Earl Dooku asked.

"I have locked the position of the opponent's flagship Endurance. During the tactical maneuver just now, although Endurance was still at the core of the opponent's formation, they did not notice that the nearest warship to them had also quietly left 10,000 kilometers away. Above." Severance Tann said, gently drawing a line on the holographic star map, "I can attack them at any time."

"Hahahaha! As expected of our number one general! Can you even control the opponent's movements?" Earl Dooku laughed heartily.

"It's very simple. When the other party's communication is cut off, their behavior patterns become predictable, nothing more than psychological and human nature." Severance Tann coldly snorted and stroked her long hair, "For It's hard for a layman like you to understand, but at the Naval Academy, it's only a sophomore class."

Earl Dooku was choked by Tann's arrogance and poisonous tongue, but he was not easy to get angry during this big victory, and said with a smile: "I think we can go and give Windu a break now."

"I will not rashly face an enraged Jedi knight, especially the most powerful and top-notch master like Mace Windu. The reason why I didn't launch an attack is because I don't want to give him the opportunity to fight back." Severance Tann said indifferently: "Then let me confirm again, are you really ready to kill him?"

Since she was almost killed by Shen Jon last time, Severance Tann summed up herself profoundly, and after that, she was extremely cautious about every battle with the Jedi Knights, and it was not a last resort. She would never appear in front of a Jedi Knight - even if the opponent seemed to be dying.

"I have prepared a secret weapon, Mace Windu's head, which will be beheaded today and sent to the Laxus Exhibition Hall!" Earl Dooku said proudly, "You just need to send me there."

Severance Tann didn't say much, but turned her head and said to the T-series tactical robot next to her: "The engine output is maximized, the left rudder is 17, the third and seventh tactical formations immediately follow, and the guard-class air defense destroyer provides Fire support, immediately launch an attack on the opponent's flagship!"


I don't know when it started, but the adjutant who made stupid remarks in front of Tann just now did not appear on the bridge of the Destroyer.

Under the command of Tann, the entire fleet is always in the best condition. With one order, the huge 4,825-meter-long hull of the Destroyer has completed its turn, and more than 50 small and medium-sized warships around immediately followed. While turning, the formation change has been completed. Those small warships around the Destroyer looked like little piranhas swimming around a huge blue whale, small and slight, but still extremely ferocious!

Claw formation! This will complete the 8-sided encirclement of the flagship Endurance where Mace Windu is located, and then cut off the support of the Endurance from other warships, and destroy it in one fell swoop!

For this sudden turn and very decisive tactical maneuver of the Destroyer, the Second Galaxy Army fleet responded very slowly. Just like before, they had already begun to gather into small groups to linger on, especially for the seemingly invincible Battleship Destroyer. No matter how far you can hide, you don't dare to go straight to the front!

And the Destroyer drove straight in like this, flying towards the Endurance.

The crew on the Endurance also noticed the movement of the Doom from the radar, but they also had no choice but to dodge as much as possible, and control the battleship to fly towards the nearest battleship.

At this moment, Severance Tann is already giving the command to attack, "The electromagnetic pulse gun enters the attack position and starts charging!"

"Roger Roger!!" The B-1 combat robot controlling the battleship immediately operated under the console, and the disc-shaped device on the side of the Doom began to gather countless lights.

Mace Windu stood on the bridge of Endurance, his eyes full of cruel killing intent, "I'm right here, waiting for you to kill me! Dooku!"

"Fire!!" Severance Tann yelled.

"Roger Roger!!" The B-1 battle droid slammed down the button with its three-fingered arm.

Hey~~~~~~! The dazzling electric light flashed by, and instantly expanded into a power grid covering tens of thousands of meters in the empty cosmic space, and it continued to spread, spreading to the extent that the naked eye could not observe it in an instant, but the destructive electromagnetic force within it The pulse is still there, and it has been expanding to a huge energy stretching thousands of kilometers!

Inside the Endurance, almost all the lighting and electronic equipment exploded countless electric sparks in an instant, and then went out, and then the red emergency lighting was lit, and the backup system went online to ensure that the life support system, gravity system, basic energy system and power of the battleship The system is still working.

"We were hit!!"

"No... The Destroyer is here! He's coming to kill us!!" The officers and soldiers on the bridge suddenly became a mess.

hum! ! A purple light suddenly lit up, instantly calming down the chaotic bridge.

Purple lightsaber! Mace Windu's iconic lightsaber!

Everyone on the bridge suddenly fell silent, looking back at the Jedi Master who had fallen into the dark side, their eyes terrified.

"Everyone, take up arms and fight until the last moment." Windu said lightly, "The time to be loyal to the country has arrived."

"The can we have a country now?" a staff officer whispered.

Mace Windu turned his back to him, but there was an inexplicable cruel smile on his face.

In the next second, hum! ! The purple lightsaber flashed by! A head suddenly flew up...

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