1587. believe

Seeing that Wilhof Tarkin was actually talking to Gilad Pellaeon, and he put on a big hat for discussing confidential military affairs, the doctor was immediately stunned.

"Need I repeat it a second time?" Tarkin said coldly.

"No...no..." The doctor quickly turned around and walked out. He also made a trade-off at this moment. Compared with Marceline Wessel, Governor of the Seventh Army, Wilhof Tarkin was undoubtedly more powerful.

Even though both of them are the governors of the star area, compared to Marceline Wessel, who was in her 50s and reluctantly relied on some of her connections and qualifications to get into a remote star area, it is obvious that Wilhelm Huo-Tarkin is closer to the core of political power in the Galactic Republic.

After all, Marceline Wessel's Seventh Army was not on the front line before the Eighth Army was destroyed. Its main duty was to explore the unknown star field. How much power can you expect from a legion whose primary responsibility is exploration? ?

Compared with Wilhuff Tarkin, when he was the governor of the 18th Army, he was responsible for guarding the transportation hub Eliadu galaxy, and he was also responsible for suppressing the planet Sullust. At that time, the 18th Army was the front-line fighting army. And even after the disastrous defeat of the 18th Army, Tarkin was able to rise again and serve as the Governor of the Fourth Army!

This kind of experience alone is enough to rub Marceline Wessel on the ground.

After the doctor fled in a panic, Wilhof Tarkin turned around and looked at Gilad Perrine and said, "Although it was recommended by Dean Conrad, the reason why I am willing to listen to your opinion , it is more important to you personally, Colonel Pellaeon. Although the two battles you commanded ended in failure, judging from the battle situation, your command has many bright spots. To put it bluntly, I I appreciate you very much. Tell me, do you have any military information to report?"

Gilad Pellaeon said eagerly: "I hope to increase the number of troops on Planet Fieda immediately! Because Planet Fieda is likely to be the springboard for the Geths to attack the capital of the Ninth Army, Planet Palin Minor!"

Tarkin frowned, and said: "As the current top student of the Raittal Military Academy, you should not make common-sense mistakes. Then, what made you ignore geographical factors and make such a judgment? where?"

"I don't have any direct evidence. But I have analyzed the data of the last 4 months when the Geth fleet appeared. There are more than 270 cases before and after. The analysis of these cases shows that more than 30 of them, the Geth fleet There is a problem with the state after leaving the hyperspace jump." Gilad Perrine called out his personal terminal data again.

"What's the problem?" Wilhof Tarkin was different from Marceline Wessel, he was looking at the data seriously, "Wait a minute... In these cases, after the Geth fleet left hyperspace, the escort The shield is deployed and there is a process of restarting the engine?"

"That's right! This means that these Geth fleets are jumping in hyperspace with their propulsion engines turned off and their shields raised! But we know that hyperspace jumps are actually sailing in hyperdimensional space, isn't it? Turn off the propulsion engines!" Gilad-Pellaeon said.

He pointed to the optical images detected by several of the sensors and said: "And you see, these geth warships still maintained a neat battle formation after leaving hyperspace. But in fact, after the hyperspace jump ended , because the hyperspace fluctuations caused by battleships will cause subtle differences in the coordinates of subsequent battleships after they leave! If the fleet is large enough, the difference in coordinates may reach tens of kilometers! In this case, it is impossible for the fleet to maintain such order formation!"

"So?" Tarkin touched his chin, and he also guessed a possibility.

"So I judge that these Geth fleets are sailing faster than the speed of light in a relatively stable and static state. Yes, this is probably not a hyperspace jump, but another means of traveling faster than the speed of light!" Gila De-Pereon said, "If we judge based on this basis, then the planet Phaeda is the closest springboard to the planet Palin-Minoor in a straight line! So if this is the case, the Geth's attack on the planet Phaeda , is not an act of plunder and harassment, but..."

Pellaeon spit out the last few words with a solemn face, "I am determined to win!"

The communication room fell into a deathly silence, and Gilad Perrine looked at Tarkin's face with anxiety.

After several minutes, Wilhof Tarkin said: "I really want to label you as mentally ill and throw you directly into prison. However, there is another voice in my head, telling me Believe your crazy rhetoric. Well, if I give you this chance and let you defend the planet Phaeda, how many troops do you need?"

Gilad Perrine said without hesitation: "A 300,000 clone army! And it's a Kamino clone, not a Spati clone! According to my judgment, the Spati clone is unstable. Mental state, when facing geth, will collapse at the touch of a finger."

Wilhof Tarkin laughed dumbfounded: "300,000? Do you know that even in the face of separatism, we have never deployed such a large number of clone soldiers on any battlefield. And don't forget, separatism Doctrine is likewise an army of robots."

Gilad Pellaeon propped his hands on the console, and said very seriously: "Your Excellency, geth...they are not robots. They are completely different from all the races we know, and they are of another model. Race. This is not a power battle, this is... a race of races, a battle for survival. 300,000 troops, maybe just the beginning."

Wilhuff Tarkin thought for a while, then pressed a few times on the communicator, and another person appeared in the holographic projection soon. An old man in his fifties, bald and thin, is now Pellaeon's immediate boss, the governor of the Seventh Army, Marceline Wessel.

But in front of Tarkin, the arrogant Marceline Wessel just now no longer exists, replaced by a flattering face, "Governor Tarkin, it's been a long time. Excuse me, what's your advice for suddenly looking for me? "

"I will recruit Colonel Gilad-Pellaeon, and the Second Squadron of the Seventh Army under his command, to go to Planet Fieda for reinforcements." Wilhof Tarkin was not in a tone of discussion at all, Instead, a decision was made directly.

Marceline Wessel didn't dare to disobey, he said: "Naturally, I will immediately arrange for the Second Squadron to redeploy... However, the battleships of the Second Squadron are seriously damaged, and there is not much combat power at present... ..."

"I'll make it up for him. That's it." Willhuff-Tarkin left this sentence involuntarily and shut down the communication.

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