The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1609 Yagodur's Fuse

Chapter 1609 Yago-Durr Fuse

1609: Jago-Durr Fuse


There has never been a good war, nor a bad peace. —— "The Rise of the Fourth Reich", by Zhao Xiang. Imperial Calendar 378.


Tang Xiao stood in the middle of the office, in front of him was a holographic projection. A tall and strong man, wearing a dignified military uniform, with a bushy beard and bright eyes, about 60 years old.

Moff of Model Sector, Volgograd-Kanidi.

"What? Finally made up your mind to let me retire?" Canidi said coldly without any greetings.

The corners of Tang Xiao's mouth turned up slightly, and he said: "The Model Star District, in the past, was a very remote star district in the Milky Way, with backward economy, poor industry, and sparse population. The only thing worthy of praise is that it is rich in resources, um... Very rich. But to be honest, there are many galaxies in the Milky Way that are rich in resources, and among those interstellar mines opened in unmanned galaxies, which one is not a planet-level mining effort?"

Volgograd-Kanidi didn't speak, but just looked at Tang Xiao coldly.

Tang Xiao went on to say: "In the past, the only way to enter and exit the Model star area was the Anji galaxy, and from there to the Seria galaxy, and then to enter the main channel to go to other parts of the Milky Way. And such a closed galaxy, now But with a developed industry, a sufficient population, and a rich economy... In fact, once you cut off the external hyperspace channel, you can completely become a paradise, and as far as the single and remote traffic in the Model star area is concerned , does not appear to be difficult to do."

Volgograd-Kanidi has also been in contact with the culture of Dawn Star for a long time, so he naturally understands what Xanadu means. He snorted coldly and said: "I gave the people of the Moder star area a home, and I will do my best to let them live. Do better. As the frontier of the Principality of Dawn, we are also exerting our strength. The Mordel sector has done everything we can!"

"With your ingenuity, you should know why we have this conversation today. You should also know that this is the first time we have spoken on the phone in the past six months." Tang Xiao said.

"I have a clear conscience." Canidi said in a deep voice.

"The Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs don't trust you, nor do they trust the Model sector." Tang Xiao said, "And you should know the reason."

Volgograd-Kanidi asked back: "Is it true that between our Duchy of Dawn and the Galactic Republic, we can only live forever?"

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, but he didn't speak.

"I said, ten years ago," Canidy added.

The smile on Tang Xiao's mouth gradually disappeared.

"You incited everyone with the frenzy of war and expansion, covering up the fact that this war has nothing to do with us." Canidy said, "We don't need to be hostile to the Galactic Republic, because we are the Galactic Republic. Part of the Republic. Follow the rules of the game of the Republic, and develop step by step... When the war broke out, the 19th Army and the 18th Army served as our barriers. With the power of separatism, we had no ability to touch our territory! Then, with Our industrial capabilities gradually expand our voice, and within fifty years, Dawn Planet will become a prosperous place."

Tang Xiao sneered and said, "As for me, it only took ten years."

"No, you have used it for ten years, and you have done it better." Canidi shook his head, "But this is another concept that you confuse—because no one asked you to do all this in ten years, Except for yourself. And we have no pressure to survive, except for yourself. You told us that you saw that the Dawn Star will become a battlefield, but does the war you saw really have anything to do with us?"

"It really has a lot to do with us." Tang Xiao's smile became inexplicably sinister.

"It was you who chose war." Canidi said coldly.

"There are actually not a few people who know this, but you are the only one who dares to mention it in front of me." Tang Xiao said coldly, "Do you want an answer? Then let me tell you—the opportunity is here hands, I will not leave it to my next generation."

He looked at Canidi's holographic projection, and said slowly: "Now, can I rest assured that I will hand over the Model sector to you?"

"For your ambition?" Canidy asked back.

"That's right, for my ambition." Tang Xiao admitted without hesitation.

"If I refuse, I shall die, honorably perhaps, but it doesn't matter. Then the administration of the Mordel Sector will be purged, and the authority will be reorganized into those loyal to you personally... and the galaxy The Republic may really attack the Model sector, and the flames of war will still sweep everywhere." Canidi sighed, "The flames of war ignited by you can no longer be extinguished..."

Tang Xiao didn't speak, waiting for his reply.

Canidi was silent for a long time, and said: "If this is the case, the disaster suffered by the Mordel sector will only be more serious. Foreign officials will not be trusted, and the battle will become a disaster... Now only I can hold this place ...let Matt Horner go."

Tang Xiao still didn't speak, and still looked at him with a gloomy expression.

Carney said slowly: "He Yuan will be dismissed from all duties, and she will return home to prepare for pregnancy...I accept the surveillance of her by the agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Jin Chen is an important military commander and cannot be replaced rashly, but I want to ask you Guaranteed, if he makes any changes, I will be the first to shoot him. The Model sector, loyal to the Duchy of Dawn, will not change."

"Oh... If this is the case, your status in the hearts of those people will plummet." Tang Xiao pretended to be regretful.

"Stop being hypocritical," Canidy said coldly. "You've always known my position, but you've never stopped MI and IA. Who do you take me for?"

"It's not you who I don't trust, but other people in the Mordel star area." Tang Xiao said, "This time, it's just the beginning. Your real test is far from coming. The development of the Duchy of Dawn is inseparable." Open the Model star area, and the Model star area, as the rear of the Principality of Dawn, will only develop better and stronger under the unique geographical location... At that time, how will you deal with yourself? What? You should know that the problem here can only be left to you to solve, because if it is left to me..."

He raised his hand and waved it lightly, and Canidi only felt a tingling pain on his neck!

"The Mordel sector...will be bleeding like a river."

An hour later, a direct order from the Grand Duke's Mansion of the Duchy of Dawn—Admiral Matt Horner went to the Yago-Dur galaxy to preside over the local defense.

The governor of Volgograd-Kanidi continues to lead all military affairs in the Model sector, and the upcoming Battle of the Model sector will be commanded by Kanidi.

In the next few hours, dozens of senior officials who were prone to independence in the Model star area were dismissed one after another. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent an investigation team to the star area and investigated the star area administrative agencies.


20BBY, ​​July 16.

The frontline outpost reported that in the uninhabited galaxy near the Yago-Dur galaxy, a small formation of the Republic appeared. These small combat formations began to clear the hyperspace blockers deployed by the Principality of Dawn in these galaxies, and cleared the shipping lanes.

July 17.

The reconnaissance plane of the Principality of Dawn reported that a space station built by the Galactic Republic was discovered in an uninhabited galaxy only 3.5 light years away from the Yago-Dur galaxy. According to the investigation, this space station is a modular design, each part is equipped with a hyperspace engine, it flies over like a spaceship, and then starts to assemble!

This is a complete waste of money!

If this standard is followed, how many such advance bases the Galactic Republic has built near here is beyond imagination!

In the afternoon, reinforcements from the Eliadu galaxy arrived at the Yago-Dur galaxy. Now there are only the Titan battleship Xuanwu and 10 other capital ships left in the Eliadu galaxy, and all other battleships that can be sent out have been sent out.

July 18.

The Granites dispatched their defense fleet from their home planet Golden Rock to the Yago-Dur galaxy.

At the same time, the small combat formation of the Republic clashed with the patrol fleet sent by the Yago-Dur galaxy. The two sides fought for a while, and both lost some frigates. The Republic lost an additional Karak-class light cruiser.

July 19.

Matt Horner sent a squadron to launch an attack on the Republic space station in the previously discovered unmanned galaxy. After arriving, it was found that 10 Jaeger-class battlecruisers had already settled in the unmanned galaxy. After the battle, he returned without success.

July 20 at 9:00 PM GST.

Contact with the UY-19 outpost on the outskirts of the Yago-Dur system has been lost.

At 9:28, contact with the TR-26 outpost was lost.

At 9:40, the PB-112 outpost sounded the alarm, and contact was lost.

At 10:30, Patrol Formation No. 56 sent an alarm, claiming to have encountered the Republic Fleet, and then lost contact!

At 10:51, contact with outpost TR-49 was lost.

At 10:55, Admiral Matt Horner left the planet Yago-Dur and entered the interstellar base A on the outskirts of the planet, using it as his command center.

At 11:29, a Galactic Republic Arquitens-class light cruiser broke away from hyperspace and appeared inside the Yago-Dur galaxy!

At 11:48, the Arquitect-class light cruiser was destroyed by missiles, but before being destroyed, a large number of hyperspace beacons were released!

July 21, 00:32 AM GST…

30 warships left hyperspace and entered the Yago-Dur galaxy, near the beacon that was released earlier!

30 warships, all of which are Jaeger-class battlecruisers!

The second Yago-Dur galaxy battle officially broke out!

Thirty hunter-class battlecruisers launched long-range bombardment in the direction of the Yago-Dur planet. Their goals were very clear, and they ignored the two Argonev-class interstellar bases around the planet and various other space ports and space stations. , but directly bombarded the planet!

Although these bombardments were all blocked by the planetary shield and did not cause the slightest damage, they also set a tone for this battle——

Do everything you can!

The 30 Jaeger-class battlecruisers did not move forward, they just entered the defensive formation on the spot, and they only passively defended against the long-range attack of the Duchy of Dawn's fleet.

The two sides are separated by a distance of about 10 light minutes, which is also the maximum engagement distance of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser. From this, it can be seen that the current battlefield situation is actively chosen by the Republic Fleet.

At 1:14, the second batch of the Republic Fleet arrived. Including 10 Knight-class star destroyers and 5 large umbrella battleships - shield ships.

This kind of shield ship was originally used to prop up a large-scale shield to protect the engineering ship when carrying out engineering operations in some extreme environments, but now it is pulled into the battlefield by the Galactic Republic!

After the five shield ships arrived at the periphery of the battlefield, they immediately set up their shields and built a small safe zone with a range of about 100 kilometers.

The 10 Knight-class Star Destroyers began to press forward, relying on their own super firepower 8 times that of the Jaeger-class and also bombing the fleet of the Principality of Dawn from a long distance!

However, at such a distance, the firepower of both sides is not very accurate. Even if it is to launch missiles, it is completely impossible to succeed under the joint air defense system composed of dozens of warships.

At 1:41, a very strong signal appeared again in the hyperspace fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the 8,000-meter-long huge body of a Commander II-class dreadnought appeared in the space, and at the same time, there were more than 100 small and medium-sized warships leaving the hyperspace!

These warships include DP-20 anti-aircraft gunboat (it is said to be a gunboat but it is actually a frigate, 120 meters long), Arquitens-class light cruiser, Karak-class light cruiser, CR-70 frigate, and more than 20 various logistics ships Supply ships.

Logistics ships include maintenance ships, medical ships, supply ships, etc. These spaceships began to enter the protection range of shield ships to provide the most basic and fastest maintenance for their own fleet.

Counting the advance bases established in the surrounding unmanned galaxies, it is not difficult to judge that the Republic Fleet is planning to fight a protracted war here!

On the bridge of the Commander II-class dreadnought, a well-dressed general in military uniform with his hair neatly combed back stood in the center.

He looks like he's in his early 40s, but his rank is already an admiral!

Gideon Tarkin, Admiral of the Galactic Republic. The reason why he was able to become an admiral at such an age, and as the commander-in-chief of this huge fleet, is indeed because he has an elder brother who is extremely powerful—the current governor of the Fourth Army of the Republic, Wilhof Tower gold!

That's right, for this attack on the Yago-Dur galaxy, Gideon Tarkin was transferred to the 20th Army and became the highest military commander under Governor Octavian Grant, fully commanding the Yago-Dure galaxy campaign !

In fact, this is also a compromise of power within the military of the Republic - the two popular men under Speaker Schiff Palpatine, Cassio Targ supported by Dunn Wessex, and Will Huff Tarkin His younger brother, Gideon Tarkin, attacked in one direction.


[Attachments 1 and 2 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Shield Ship. 】

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