The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1622: Planet Anji, the Core of War (Part 2)

Chapter 1622 The Core of War—Planet Anji (Part 2)

1622. The Core of War——Planet Anji (Part 2)

【Please go home, don't walk around casually, and wait for someone to come to your door to make evacuation arrangements! 】

The mechanical and electronically synthesized sound repeatedly echoed over the capital of Anji Planet, while on the streets below, there were countless panicked residents, desperately running towards their homes in a panic.

[From now on, all food supplies will be rationed, and all residents will distribute food on a community-by-community basis. Please follow the order, and don't act excessively, which will eventually harm others and yourself. 】

Wow~wow~wow~wow~~~ A large number of soldiers of the Fourth Civilization Army wearing Liberator II combat uniforms walked on the street. They were loaded with live ammunition, and all of them held N-7 Valkyrie assault rifles! This is the latest mass-produced assault rifle produced by Shenbao Standard Light Industry. It has excellent performance and powerful power.

These soldiers all put down the visors of their helmets, and their expressions could not be seen in the reflection, but there was no doubt that they were indifferent.

Soldiers patrolling the streets, as long as they find residents who do not obey the order or even smash and loot in the street, they will knock down with a gun butt without saying a word, and then the B-1 combat robot behind the team will grab them and stuff them into them. Detention was carried out inside the truck.

When the war is approaching, they will not be polite, or even patiently reason with you. Anyway, as long as it is any behavior that may interfere with the progress of the war, it will be dealt with directly and forcibly!

[We have built safe shelters on the outskirts of the city, allowing everyone to take refuge safely and avoid the flames of war. The military of the Principality of Dawn solemnly promises that we will protect the Model sector and the planet Anji! Any attempt to undermine the unity of the principality will be punished as treason! 】

On the road leading to the outskirts of the city, a long line of suspended trucks full of residents is advancing, and following these trucks, there are also those who specialize in transporting various supplies. Due to too many vehicles, the road is very congested, and several spaceships are directing traffic in the sky.

Residents on those trucks looked terrified. They didn't know where their future was. Was this truck taking them to a prison, hell, or a concentration camp?

Do not know at all.

The only thing the residents of the entire Anji planet knew was that they were involved in such a 'war' without warning, were taken over by the army, and controlled by those rude soldiers with live ammunition.

[Planet Anji is a part of the Mordel star region, and the Model star region is an inalienable territory of the Duchy of Dawn! Anyone who makes speeches about splitting the Principality will be severely punished by the law! 】

"Liars!! You liars!! And Tang Xiao is the biggest liar!!"

"You just want to plunder our wealth!!"

"There is no war at all! There is no invasion at all! The Galactic Republic is impossible to fight! This is all a scam!"

"Fight for Free Mordel!!"

"Expose the conspiracy of the Principality of Dawn! Oppose acts of aggression!"

In some streets, extremists from the planet Anaki have assembled for demonstrations. These people waved all kinds of pistols and single-shot rifles in their hands, held up all kinds of slogans against the Principality of Dawn, and shouted all kinds of reactionary slogans.

Demonstrations broke out in several major cities on the planet, and the largest one even had more than 20,000 people!

Some of these parades headed towards TV stations and media centers, while others rushed directly to the city hall!

The Public Security Bureau and police teams that already existed in the city rushed to the scene immediately, but they were unable to stop these angry mobs. And the troops stationed in major cities by the Principality of Liming have already started to move.

[Please disband the parade immediately and return home, this behavior will be let bygones be bygones! Otherwise, we will possibly resort to all means! 】

The troops of the Duchy of Dawn arrived at the parade site one after another. They lined up in a wall with live ammunition, their weapons were already loaded, and they pointed their guns at the parade.

"The Principality of Liming withdraws its troops! The Principality of Liming withdraws its troops!!" Several leaders shouted slogans loudly, inciting confrontation.

"Get out of our planet!!" An extremely angry mob took out a homemade Molotov cocktail and threw it directly at the army!

Boom! ! A B-2 super combat robot in the army array shattered the Molotov cocktail in mid-air with a shot. A large amount of flammable liquid burned in the air, forming a large flame and splashing. Instead, the splashed burning liquid splashed on the face of a mob standing in the front, and immediately set him ablaze, and screams were heard immediately.

"The Principality of Liming has killed people!! The army has killed people!!" The scene suddenly became chaotic.

boom! boom! boom! With a few precise shots, several people in the crowd who seemed to have ulterior motives were shot in the head! And even in the case of shooting and using force, the army soldiers of the Principality of Liming still held their guns steadily. Their hearts were calm, and they didn't panic because someone shot.

On the contrary, the mob who were marching became terrified. Some of them rushed forward angrily, and some fled in all directions. The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Robots. Set your blasters to stun mode and clear the scene immediately," an Army officer said, turning.

"Roger Roger!" The commander of this B-1 battle robot gave a very funny military salute, and then led a large number of B-1 battle robots, set the E-5 blaster rifle in his hand to the stun mode, and began to shoot at the opponent in front of him. Ruthless strafing by the parade!

Such scenes took place in all the cities where demonstrations broke out on the planet Anji, and the well-trained army of the Principality of Dawn suppressed all demonstrations with lightning speed. More than 100,000 mobs were arrested, and all of them were sent to centralized discipline, and these people will be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder in future wars, and they will be responsible for their own actions.

Don't you want to defend your homeland? Give you this chance.

As for the approximately 4,000 people who were killed in these crackdowns, they were never given any chance to let public opinion ferment, and no one even knew that such a thing had happened.

Everything, only serve the war!

Volgograd-Kanidi, the Governor of the Model Star Region, held a public press conference that night, and the location of the reception was chosen among the Argonev-class interstellar bases built on the outskirts of Planet Anji.

Governor Canidi spoke to all the residents of the Model sector, reiterating the determination of the Model sector to firmly stand on the side of the Duchy of Dawn and fight against the Galactic Republic to the end. He also said that the war was initiated by the Galactic Republic. Although the residents of the Mordel sector love peace, they have no choice but to resist to the end.

He cites the tragedies and injustices that happened on the planets Kali, Jabim, and Rodia, accuses the Galactic Republic of crimes, and expresses his determination to fight.

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