1625. Prelude to War

"Are you here?" A cold smile appeared on the corner of Darth Malthael's mouth.

In the induction of the force, at the other end of the galaxy, a pair of chaotic and dark eyes looked over and collided with Darth Malthael countless light years away.

At the same time, he also felt a boundless darkness, like a terrible tsunami, rolling in from the other end of the Milky Way, covering the sky and covering the sky, even the countless stars were eclipsed by it!

At the end of this dark wave, there is a shadow...

Dark, evil, powerful!

It is also the most powerful Sith Lord in this galaxy-Darth Sidious!

"I've been waiting for you... for a long time," murmured Darth Malthael.

"That's right...that's right..." There seemed to be faint murmurs coming from the other end of the original force.

Darth Malthael directly pressed the communicator without hesitation, and said to the other end: "All troops, immediately enter the combat state! The enemy is coming!"

【yes! 】The deep voice of Volgograd-Kanidi came from the other side. He didn't say much, and didn't have any questions. After responding, he closed the communication.

However, just a few minutes later, all the defensive fleets around the entire Anji planet began to move!

Near the asteroid where Darth Malthael was located, a green indicator light suddenly lit up on an air mine visible to the naked eye, and then the entire air mine gradually faded and disappeared into space.

Stealth system!

The tens of billions of air mines deployed around the entire Anji planet are equipped with basic stealth systems! And with the built-in battery functioning, this stealth system can last for more than three days!

All the defensive fleets around the planet have entered their combat positions, fighter pilots have come to the hangar platform to take their positions, and the first batch of pilots who are scheduled to take off have already boarded their fighter planes and are ready to take off.

Although no changes can be seen on the outside, in fact, the entire Anji planet, and even the Anji galaxy, the huge war machine has started to operate, and this place is about to become a piece of blood and flesh, iron and fire. machine!

In the pitch-black space, suddenly a dazzling white light flashed, almost without warning, 20 huge figures suddenly appeared!

A cylindrical warship with a length of 2011 meters - the Invincible-class battlecruiser!

The sudden appearance of 20 large warships also opened the prelude to the Galactic Republic's second large-scale attack on the Model sector!

Darth Malthael stood up, looking at the Republic warship not far away from him, with an extremely ferocious smile on his face.

He opened his arms, faced the 20 huge warships, and laughed loudly, "Come on! Darth Sidious! I'm here waiting for you!! Waiting for you!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Ha ha!!!"

That arrogant laughter was quickly swallowed up by the vacuum of the universe, and even ten meters away from him, the fluctuation of the sound wave became negligible.

But at the same time, the planet Coruscant, the Capitol of the Republic.

Darth Sidious, who was holding a parliamentary meeting, also turned his head to look in this direction without warning, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became distorted.

"Darth Malthael..."

"Darth Sidious!"

"This battle is destined!" The two people who were separated by countless light years said these words almost in unison.


drop! drop! drop! drop! ! !

The outer orbit of Anji Planet, the Argonev-class interstellar base, and the command center.

The ear-piercing alarm sounded endlessly, and the hyperspace detector kept sending out alarms. The controller ran over and shouted hysterically: "Strong hyperspace fluctuations have been detected!! Very strong! Unprecedented!!!"

"Republic warships appear! The number is 20! Model confirmation, invincible-class battlecruiser!"

"All hyperspace blockers in the direction from I-9 to N-17 have lost contact!"

"The enemy ship launches electronic interference! Activate the electronic countermeasure system immediately!"

"Attention all units! Enter the combat state immediately!"

All departments in the command center suddenly became noisy, and countless messages and instructions were suddenly mixed together. The tense voices gathered together and played the prelude to the war!

Volgograd-Kanidi's face was livid, and his expression was extremely serious.

The Galactic Republic is here!

"How is this possible!" the operator of the hyperspace monitoring team grabbed his hair and shouted, "According to the detectors, this hyperspace channel is still in a state of chaos! There are at least 80,000 mass projections leading to the Galactic Republic! "

"The Republic Fleet is here! Don't worry about it! Prepare to fight now!"

"There is an abnormality in the hyperspace fluctuation! The U-77 hyperspace outpost sent a report! The hyperspace blocker they were responsible for maintaining was directly destroyed by the strong fluctuation, and this fluctuation also interfered with the hyperspace communication!"

"The V-81 hyperspace outpost has re-established contact!" The communications soldier shouted, "They were also attacked by strong hyperspace fluctuations, and the communication was disrupted!"

"This is not a normal hyperspace fluctuation! Please send experts from the scientific research team immediately!"

"General Canidy! We are under enemy attack! Instructions please!"

Volgograd-Kanidi was still standing in the command center, his eyes were bright and his expression was serious, but he did not immediately issue a combat order, but just opened the internal communication channel, and said slowly in that majestic and deep voice: "Galaxy The Republic is coming. These 20 warships are just the beginning... They are here to strip us of all our wealth, destroy all of our homes, and enslave each of us...Defend our homes, resist invasion...you, can do Are you there?"

"I can!"

"General! Please order!"

"The Mordel sector is ours! The Galactic Republic, never try to get involved!!"

Volgograd-Kanidi had no expression on his face. He just pressed another button, and a young general appeared on the screen in front of him—Jin Chen, Kanidi's capable general.

"So... what about you?" Canidi asked slowly.

"The Mordel star region belongs to us. Whether it's Tang Xiao or the Galactic Republic, don't let anyone get involved!" Jin Chen's expression was a bit ferocious.

"What if I told you that Tang Xiao is in this galaxy right now?" Canidi asked.

Jin Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed several times. Obviously, in his mind, his mind was spinning and thinking about countless possibilities.

But in the end, his expression calmed down, and he asked back, "What is Tang Xiao doing here? Supervising the battle? Hehe... If we shrink back, will he chop us with his lightsaber?"

"He insisted on his judgment that the Galactic Republic would attack the Mordel sector. And he thought that if the Galactic Republic came to attack, then there must be masters of the Force among them. So, he came here - the Mordel sector ’” Volgograd-Kanidi said.

He stared at Jin Chen's eyes on the screen, and said word by word: "Then let me ask you again, can you...can you do it?"

"I will protect the Mordel star area at all costs! Even if it is, join hands with Tang Xiao." Jin Chen said.

"How can you think that he won't join forces with us? Are we two countries? At the same time, how can you think that he will join forces with us? Are you and I really qualified to do so in front of him? "Canidy asked several questions in succession.

"Your Excellency, standing behind us are tens of billions of people in the Mordel Star Region!" Jin Chen said, "And Tang Xiao, he will not fight for the people... If necessary, he will sacrifice all of us !As you said, we are not...qualified."

He was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said loudly: "But I can!! I will fight to the end! I will fight with the Galactic Republic to the last soldier!!"

Volgograd-Kanidi nodded and didn't say much. Instead, he took a step forward and stood in the center of the console with his hands behind his back. He said loudly: "All combat units that enter the attack range, fire immediately! The target—— Battleship of the Galactic Republic!!"


20BBY, ​​July 24th.

After the Galactic Republic simultaneously launched an attack on the planet Salukami, where the Confederation of Independent Galaxies was hoarding heavily in the east, and the Yago-Dur galaxy, a member of the Principality of Dawn in the west, the Mordel sector broke out again. fighting!

At the beginning of the battle, no one expected that the battle would be so tragic and the impact would be so far-reaching.

Because this third battle of the Mordel sector really played the final elegy of the Galactic Republic!

"Launch!!!" The captains of the warships of the Duchy of Liming gave the order to fire loudly. The main ship of the Principality of Dawn stationed on the planet Anji, as long as it enters the shooting position, all of them will shoot!

Countless pulse laser cannons, missiles, torpedoes, and even supermatter railguns, Yamato cannons, and particle light spears all fired!

Even with the current distance between the two fleets, the probability of a hit is extremely small, but the Duchy of Liming still conveyed a message through its own actions——

Resist to the end!

Boom~~! ! ! An Invincible-class battlecruiser was hit by a particle light spear. This shot was so powerful that it directly destroyed the deflector shield of the battleship, and directly destroyed the main turret group on the left side of the battleship. .

Boom~~~~~ The entire battleship vibrated in the explosion, and the bridge was full of people.

The captain of the battleship lifted the tall hat on his head and screamed loudly, "Dodge quickly! Dodge quickly!! Our ship can't stop the particle light spear!"

The captains of the 20 Invincible-class battlecruisers also issued similar orders, and these battleships suddenly became chaotic. The original formation no longer exists, and now they are all running around.

Invincible-class battlecruiser, or Invincible-class heavy cruiser [Note 1], the earliest use date can even be traced back to 3000 years ago, it is an out-and-out ancient ship type. But the Invincible class is a battleship designed during the war after all, so the installation of systems and weapons is more unrestrained compared to the warships designed and manufactured after Rusan's reforms such as the Prosecutor class and the Governor class.

Being more 'unrestrained' actually means that during modernization, more powerful weapons can be installed without redesigning the entire system.

But even so, this is a design 3,000 years ago after all, no matter how modified it is, it will be useless. At least for now, the heirloom of the Navy of the Galactic Republic, the XX-9 heavy-duty turbolaser cannon, cannot be installed on the Invincible.

The Invincible-class battlecruiser was actually designed and built by the Lundili Interstellar Power Company. At that time, the Kuat Power Shipyard had just emerged, and most of the military orders were in the hands of Lundili. Kinetic company brilliant again.

The reason why these warships appeared in the hands of Kuat was actually sent by the Galactic Republic. These Invincible-class battlecruisers originally belonged to Coruscant's defense fleet. After the Supreme Strategic Command decided to use the Kuat Power Shipyard to launch the battle in the Model Sector, the Supreme Strategic Command handed over some old equipment to Kuat. Special power shipyard, euphemistically called destocking.

Onana Quarter actually didn't like these outdated battleships, but after thinking about it, it was better than nothing. After all, it was also a large battleship with a length of 2011 meters, so all of them were compiled into the attack fleet this time and used as cannon fodder.

This is why the first batch of warships that passed the hyperspace stabilizer were the 20 Invincibles. After all, Kuat did not want to use cutting-edge warships such as the Knight-class Star Destroyer to test the stability and actual combat functions of the hyperspace stabilizer.

Naturally, Volgograd-Kanidi would not be polite to these old warships, and ordered to continue firing. At the same time, 200 ghost fighters took off and 500 vulture robot fighters rushed towards this weak fleet of invincible battlecruisers. go.

The vulture robot fighter - the Duchy of Dawn also needs to 'destock'.

After more than 3,000 years, the advantages and disadvantages of the invincible level have been studied and understood by everyone. This kind of old warship has very good attack capabilities against ships, but it has nothing to do with fighter groups.

Just when the fighter formation of the Principality of Liming launched an attack on the Invincible-class battlecruiser, a sudden change occurred!

In another direction of the galaxy, a large amount of white light suddenly flashed, and then 10 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 5 Jaeger-class battlecruisers flew over through hyperspace navigation! !


[Note 1: The naval organization and warship designation of the Galactic Republic are actually judged comprehensively based on length, volume, function, power and other aspects. But in fact, for readers who read books, this judgment seems very confusing. For example, the Invincible class with a height of more than 2,000 meters is actually just a cruiser, and the formal design of the Conqueror class with a height of 4,825 meters is actually a heavy cruiser. You see, maybe Galactic Republic's stereotypes are more scientific, but it's very uncomfortable for readers. Therefore, as I said, the length is the only criterion, so that at least everyone looks more simple and clear. The Invincible class is a battlecruiser, and the Conqueror class is a battleship. Isn’t this clear? ] (End of this chapter)

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