The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1648 Yagodur Artillery Battle (3)

1648, Jago-Durr artillery battle (3)

"Huh..." Matt Horner took a deep breath, and asked the adjutant next to him, "How long can the deflector shield last for Interstellar Base B?"

"According to the current attack intensity, the Republic Fleet will launch a large-scale salvo in 5 minutes. It is estimated that the deflector shield of the No. B star base will be destroyed within 7 to 9 minutes." The adjutant said.

Matt Horner raised his wrist, adjusted his watch, and said loudly: "Notify all ships, immediately enter the attack position! After 10 minutes, launch a counterattack!"


At the same time, Bahel Barnacle, a mathematician at the Jiwen University, said with a scepter in his hand: "The intensity of this electromagnetic radiation storm will reach its peak in 37 minutes."

"It's...better." Matt Horner's eyes sharpened.

When Gideon Tarkin was still very excited that he had seized this abnormal astronomical phenomenon and launched an attack, he did not expect that the Jiven people who lived in the Yago-Dur galaxy for tens of thousands of years, they would The observation and prediction of these astronomical phenomena have already reached the level of meticulousness!

They can calculate the laws of motion of the three-body stars with an accuracy rate of more than 80%, and it is no problem to calculate an electromagnetic radiation storm.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ! !

Inside the interstellar base B, even if all the bombings were blocked by the powerful deflector shield, and the thick armor also blocked most of the energy shock waves, the vibration and sound produced by the violent explosion also made the interstellar base The interior is constantly under minor earthquakes.

"Quick! Be in position immediately! The shield is about to break!!"

The damage control force ran quickly with a large number of engineering robots, and went to their respective areas of responsibility, always ready to deal with the upcoming bombing directly facing the armor.

"The No. 7 shield capacitor compartment is on fire! Hurry up and put out the fire!"

"The No. 7 cabin can't get through! Open the airtight cabin directly and let the vacuum to extinguish the fire!"

"Then the No. 7 warehouse is completely finished!"

"That's better than losing another damage control team!"

"The capacitance of No. 9 warehouse exceeds the limit value! Immediately cut off all connections!"

The shield maintenance department in the interstellar base is extremely busy. They have to deal with the fires or even explosions of the capacitor compartments caused by explosive heating, and they have to keep the shields running at all times.

Those replaced ultra-high temperature capacitors are actually handled in the same way as the Republic. Such a high temperature is a waste if not used. Instead of trying to find a way to dissipate heat and cool down, it is better to launch it directly as a high-explosive bomb.

Based on this thinking, in fact, in a structure with a huge volume and a huge capacitor capacity like the interstellar base, there will be several mass accelerators near the shield capacitor compartment, so that the shield maintenance department can launch these burning capacitors. Not to mention the use of waste, at least it can give these shield maintainers who have been passively beaten some opportunities to vent their anger.

Leaving aside the hit rate, this setting can also increase the morale of the maintenance staff by three, which is perfect.

boom! ! ! There was an extremely violent explosion, followed by more than a dozen heavy turbo laser cannons falling on the armor belt of the interstellar base! Unprecedented loud noises and vibrations immediately resounded through the entire interstellar base!

"The shield has been broken!! Prepare for impact!!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! ! More artillery fire fell on the thick armor belt of the interstellar base, and the destroyed armor and turrets were constantly blown out.

Seeing that the shield of the interstellar base was broken, the warship commanders of the main fleet of the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic were even more excited. They seemed to have seen the scene of the complete destruction of this interstellar base.

At the same time, the high-speed assault fleet sent by Gideon Tarkin has begun to approach the disaster-class battlecruiser formation. In order to avoid the loss of precious particle light spears, the disaster-class battlecruiser formation has begun to move closer to other warships of its own side. And this also involved the energy of the defensive fleet, making their defensive forces even more stretched.

At the same time, on the Archon-class aircraft carrier, the watch on the wrist of Admiral Matt Horner vibrated slightly. He waved his hand violently and said loudly: "All troops, counterattack immediately!! Swarm drones ,take off!!"

"Of order." The female voice with electronic voice immediately responded.

At the same time as the order was issued, countless drones flew out of the hangar platform of the No. B interstellar base that was being bombed!

Two sets of engines are arranged on both sides, and there is a thick barrel in the center, which looks like a telescope or a Q-version fly-shaped drone swarming out! The number reached more than 20,000!

As soon as these swarm drones appeared, they rushed directly towards the Galactic Republic warships! The dense plasma rays were launched instantly, as if countless hedgehog-like light bands suddenly appeared around the battleship.

At this moment, the Republic Fleet is completely defenseless against the appearance of swarm drones! They are concentrating on bombing Star Base B! More than 20,000 swarm drones tore through all the defense lines of the Republic Fleet almost instantly!

In the previous battles, the reason why Gideon Tarkin was extremely afraid of those swarm drones was not to say how powerful these swarm drones were. To put it bluntly, although the plasma rays of the swarm drones are very powerful, tens of thousands of launches can indeed pose a threat to warships, but this threat is not as good as the proton torpedoes carried by bombers after all.

But he is still so afraid. The main reason is that the main warships of the Republic Navy now have defects in anti-aircraft firepower. And the existence of this defect allows the swarm drone to cause great interference to his battleship, so that he was frantically killed by the separatist particle light spear in the fleet decisive battle.

Take the most advanced Knight-class and later Empire-class star destroyers of the Galactic Republic Navy as an example. The main anti-aircraft firepower is 40 point defense guns and 60 XX-9 heavy turbolaser guns, and the other 60 plasma cannons, Because the bullet speed is too slow, don't count on air defense.

You read that right, the ancestral XX-9 is also responsible for air defense!

In the design, the knight-class/imperial-class anti-aircraft firepower network has two circles, the inner circle is composed of point defense guns, and the outer circle is composed of XX-9 heavy turbolaser guns. In air defense, XX-9 The heavy turbolaser can reduce power and increase the rate of fire, forming an equally dense barrage.

However, once the XX-9 runs to do other things, such as orbital bombing or attacking ships, then the Star Destroyer will only have 40 point defense guns left to attack the air, and its air defense circle will only have one layer left! In this way, even some incoming missiles at high speed cannot be intercepted!

And this is what happened when the Republic Fleet was concentrating on bombing the No. B interstellar base, and they faced the attack of the swarm drones! (end of this chapter)

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