The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1654 Anaji Meat Grinder (2)

1654: Anaji Meat Grinder (2)

"Approved? Approved what?" Darth Masail sneered, "Approved to report to the Ministry of Commerce?"

"My lord, this is my battle plan, please have a look." Facing Darth Malthael's ridicule, Matt Horner did not show any emotional fluctuations, but directly presented his own battle plan.

Darth Masail looked at this plan, his face became serious, and after a while, he said slowly: "Do you know what your plan means? It means that if you fail, you will Loss of all the fleet, all of the Fourth Legion, and all of the Injory Avengers."

His poisonous snake-like eyes stared at Matt Horner, "And no matter whether the plan is successful or not, the two interstellar bases will be sacrificed... Then, once the 20th Army of the Republic makes a comeback, the Givens can only surrender .Losing the Jiven, we will lose an excellent core race, lose our Titan battleship construction dock, and even lead to the data leakage of the Ankron-class Titan battleship and Ragnarov-class Titan battleship.”

As he said that, he shook his head again, and the threatening expression just disappeared instantly, and said indifferently: "I appointed you as the commander-in-chief of the navy because I originally thought that you were not like Severance Tann, who liked adventure. And , you should understand that once the Fourth Civilization fails, it will not affect me, and it is all the civilians in this civilization, including you, who are really going to be wiped out."

"If it's not like that, how can it be called a gamble?" Matt Horner said.

"In order to make up for the loss of the Fourth Legion and the Injoli Avenger's departure, I even need to go to the front line myself." Darth Malthael said again.

"Thank you for your fulfillment, my lord." Matt Horner gave a solemn military salute.

Darth Malthael waved his hand, "I'll give you what you want, go arrange it."


After finishing the communication, Darth Malthael turned and walked out of the meeting room, and walked towards the combat command center.

There, a large number of officers and staff officers are busy there, commanding the combat situation of countless battlefields on the planet Anji from the ground to space.

Now the entire war zone has become a complete mess. On the ground battlefield of Planet Anji, there are more than 300 marked battlefields alone! And in the outer orbit of the planet, around the landing ships and transport ships of the Galactic Republic, there are also more than 20 battlefields that are fighting fiercely!

The commander-in-chief, Volgograd-Kanidi, is constantly commanding in front of the holographic battlefield map. He is making all the troops maneuver, either to create gaps, or to lure the enemy deep. In short, the goal is to cut the battlefield into smaller pieces.

"Let Umbrella's people airdrop the armored lickers to Karma City! Remember, make sure to contact them at night! If it's in the daytime, the lickers won't do anything!"

"Possibility of the spread of the T virus? No, the spread caused by the lickers is negligible. On the contrary, we still need to keep the T virus missiles, and once we find an opportunity, we will carry out a pollution attack on the republic's assembly area!"

"The anti-aircraft firepower near Mount Batti is temporarily evacuated! I need to attract the Republic to build another landing field in this direction!"

"Why do you want to send Tyrants to Cabo Town? Why can't you send a Scorpion tank platoon with this precious transport capacity? ... What? Tyrants who can use rocket launchers? Then let them try!"

"Where's the modified Thor mecha?...Still on the Dawn Star? Tell those bastards in the engineering department that if you don't see this mecha within 24 hours, their grand duke might die in battle!"

Looking at Volgograd-Kanidi who kept issuing instructions and the series of instructions that seemed to contain some strange information in his mouth, the corners of Darth Masail's eyes twitched.

Canidi didn't notice the arrival of Darth Marsail. After he gave a series of instructions, he took a sip of the cold coffee on the table, looked at the battle situation with a serious face, and slammed his fist hard on the On the console, he said to himself, "No! Not enough! Not enough! Not enough!!"

Darth Malthael walked over to stand behind Canidi and asked, "Has Umbrella's reinforcements arrived yet?"

"That's right! Although the little girl Shirley Birkin told me that the B.O.W (Bio Organic Weapon) they manufactured has fully considered the situation of the modern battlefield and sent a large amount of goods, but I also I'm not sure what those monsters can do. I can only let them try first," Canidy said.

"What did you send here?" Darth Malthael was very interested.

After he killed William Birkin, he had no restrictions on that, even the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, which was supported as a military industrial enterprise, still placed high hopes on it. Because even without mentioning the powerful viruses that will appear in the world of "Star Wars", just copying and pasting some of the top monsters in the "Resident Evil" series are super killers.

In the previous battle, the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group used the T virus to disperse once, and the main product that appeared on the battlefield was the biological weapon Inchori Avenger, which was a combination of the T virus and the Injoli. And now, the Injory Avenger is being asked by Matt Horner to carry out his huge gambling plan.

However, this time the Model sector is facing an invasion, and the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, uncharacteristically, suddenly became high-profile. Shirley Birkin even directly told Darth Malthael that her current B.O.W. Battlefield battles.

This made Darth Malthael very interested.

Canidi casually glanced at the data next to him, and said, "20,000 armored lickers, 1,000 tyrants who can use rocket launchers..."

"A tyrant who can use a bazooka? A tracker?" Darth Malthael asked.

"Yes, that's what it is." Canidi continued, "And then there are 10 Talos... I don't know what this is yet, I only see that there is some Frick steel armor in the description. Look Looks like Shirley Birkin is trying to trick me."

Darth Malthael couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He said lightly: "You can count on these things, especially the Talos tyrant, but don't hold out too much hope. Where are the armored units?"

Indeed, if Umbrella provides these things, it cannot be said to be useless, but it is hard to expect these B.O.Ws to change the situation of the battle much. However, compared with before, it has indeed improved a lot.

So at this stage, we still can only put our hopes on the Scorpio tank.

"The Republic firmly controls the air supremacy, and the Scorpion tank group assault means a huge risk, so I have dispersed the tank troops, mainly forming hundreds of mobile squads to harass the Republic's flanks and supply lines. The main goal is to delay Time has allowed the Republic Army to sink deeper and deeper into this quagmire," Volgograd-Kanidi said.

As he spoke, he called out the armored divisions currently on the planet's various battlefields.

Darth Malthael looked at the holographic battle map, and even a layman in military command, after so many battles, he could see many clues.

"With your current deployment of troops, you don't consider counterattack at all, do you?" He frowned and asked.

If there is a counterattack, then the deployment of armored forces will not be spread out like this. Because according to the current battlefield situation, in order to defeat the Republic Army, it is necessary to use armored clusters to cooperate with fighter jets to quickly rush forward, directly cut off the connection between the Republic Army and the rear landing field, and then have a chance to win.

"Not enough! Not enough!!" As soon as this was mentioned, Volgograd-Kanidi became anxious again.

"Not enough of what?" Darth Malthael asked.

"Now we still can't defeat the army of the Republic!" Volgograd-Kanidi growled.

"According to your plan, you have let them land, and we also have cards in our hands that can be used to counterattack. Why is it not enough?" Darth Malthael asked.

"The Galactic Republic Fleet is indeed dividing its forces! But even so, we can't defeat them! Their strength is still an absolute advantage!" Canidi said, "In this case, if we counterattack, we can only take our last counterattack. All the power is put in, so that the entire battle situation will completely collapse!"

The meaning of complete collapse is the worst-case scenario estimate in this overall battle plan. According to this plan, once the frontline battlefield is defeated, the Ankron-class titan battleship can only be transferred from Planet Eliadu back to Planet Dawn, thereby shrinking the frontline defense.

In this way, the only ones staying on the planet Eriadu are the Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers of the Vanguard Fleet. There is no doubt that it is impossible to resist the next attack of the Republic.

The Duchy of Dawn will lose the vast territory that it has gained through countless bloody battles since the beginning of the war.

"Is there any other way?" Darth Malthael continued to ask. But from his expression, it was hard to see how touched he was by the impending failure.

"Yes! Let the Republic continue to divide its troops!" Canidi said firmly.

"Where else can they be divided? The industrial planet Orville III or the Vasian planet, the home planet of the Vathians?" Darth Malthael asked.

"No! It must be attractive enough to the fleet of the Republic! And even after the division of forces, the new target must have enough strength to resist the fleet of the Galactic Republic!" Volgograd Kanidi said, looking up To Darth Malthael, there was even a hint of madness in his eyes.

"You mean..."

"That's right!! It's Dawn Star!!" Volgograd-Kanidi said.

"Based on your words, I will kill you on the spot now, and the Supreme Court of the Principality of Dawn will not have any opinion." Darth Malthael said lightly.

"We are betting on the country's luck, but why not the Galactic Republic? Have you ever thought about what it will mean for the Galactic Republic once the expedition to the Moder sector fails again?" Volgograd-Kanidi did not convince from the plan itself Darth Malthael, on the contrary, took a different approach and put forward another theory.

"The Galactic Republic will become a much more dangerous adversary," Darth Malthael said.

"Then this at least shows that this time we are enough to beat them to the heart!" Volgograd-Kanidi almost gritted his teeth when he said these words.

"You and Matt Horner, in just ten minutes, let me sit on two gambling tables where I gambled my entire fortune." Darth Malthael smiled instead of anger, extremely cold.

But under his expression, there seemed to be a wave of madness!


The Anaki galaxy is turning into an incomparably huge meat grinder.

The Galactic Republic Expeditionary Fleet, which has landed on the planet Anji, looks at the blue planet Anji, as if a hungry and bloodthirsty shark is observing a bloody piece of meat in front of it!

right! They are hungry, very hungry!

Across the entire galaxy, from the most prosperous and core place to the most remote corner. And with such an unprecedentedly large fleet, there is no doubt that their logistical pressure is so huge that it is almost impossible to carry out normal replenishment!

Therefore, occupying the planet Anji as a forward base when their military capacity is at its peak is what they most urgently and most desire!

After severely injuring the Argonev-class interstellar base and forcing it to descend into a planetary synchronous orbit, Commander-in-Chief Casio Tag let his fleet launch orbital bombing immediately, and landed immediately after breaking the planetary shield.

But there is no doubt that the resistance on the planet Anji is also the strongest at this time.

On the first day of the landing, two Cheer-class assault landing ships were shot down by the hidden J-1 proton cannon. One of them crashed directly, and the other made a forced landing. It lost most of its functions and could only be used as a A transfer station with a little defensive capability.

After that, the J-1 proton cannons were blown up by Republic air power. And in order to achieve this goal, the fighter formation of the Republic suffered heavy losses in the face of the SJF-14 fighter jets on the planet Anji.

But in any case, the army of the Republic still has a firm foothold on the planet's ground, but this is not enough.

On the initial landing field, the Republic's Spati clone army encountered a frenzied counterattack from the defenders of the planet Anji. The army of planet Anji launched a fierce offensive with the Scorpion tank as the vanguard, and even pierced through the defense line of the clone army at one point.

At this time, Casio Tag, who discovered that the situation was not good, hurriedly dispatched more than 1,500 fighter jets from the space battlefield into the atmosphere to support them, and bombarded the Scorpion tank cluster and the siege tank positions behind. prevented the opponent's attack.

Worried that his offensive would be stopped by such a powerful force organized by the defenders, Casio Tag came up with a plan-he asked the cheerer-class assault landing ship to cooperate with the transport ship to continuously open up new landing points, and send a large number of troops Continuously airborne down, into a situation of blooming everywhere!

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