The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1682 Cassiotag’s Determination

Chapter 1682 Casio Tagg’s Determination

1682. Casio Tagg’s Determination

Casio Tagg finally decided to attack the Dawn Planet!

His judgment was not an irrational decision. On the contrary, from his perspective, it was the best solution to the current dilemma.

First of all, the prerequisite for the large-scale military operation of raiding the Model Sector is a raid. In fact, after they arrived on the planet Annaji and saw the defense facilities and fleets waiting here, the so-called raid ceased to exist.

Separatism was well prepared.

The next step was to storm the planet Annaji. However, the Angel of Death took action first, and as soon as the battle started, the vanguard was beaten until they were crying for reinforcements. Later, Jan Droga and Sar Kuis, two dark side powerhouses from the 'Hand of Speaker', took action and barely managed to stop the massacre of the dead angels.

Then in the fleet battle, they were hit head-on by the opponent's advanced Catastrophe-class battlecruisers and Hell's Angel-class battlecruisers, and progress was slow.

In the end, they had to concentrate their firepower to severely damage the interstellar base, and then forced a landing.

However, there were repeated setbacks during the landing battles. The large number of biological and chemical weapons made street fighting in the city a nightmare for the Republic's clone army. Although it cannot compete with the Republic's armored forces on the field battlefield, in a street fighting environment, biological and chemical weapons are indeed capable of causing heavy casualties to the Republic's army.

Therefore, now, more than half a month has passed since the war began, and this battle has actually been considered a failure.

Even if he really occupied the Annaji planet and used it as an advance base, and even successfully completed the construction of the hyperspace stabilizer and built a stable channel from the Dawn Galaxy to the Annaji Galaxy, it would still be of no avail.

To put it bluntly, if the channel is opened, so what?

Is your Kuat Dynamic Shipyard planning to fight against the separatism of Planet Dawn here, or is it the Galactic Republic?

Quart Power Shipyard is impossible, they are just a company after all. Even if this company does have industrial capabilities that far exceed those of the entire Dawn Planet, they are still a company.

Companies want to pursue profits, and they cannot consume their precious production capacity in this place.

What about the Galactic Republic? If they were really capable, they wouldn't be able to leave things here to Kuat Power Dockyard!

You must know that the Galactic Republic is now blooming on all sides. The North is fighting a bloody battle with the geth. The East is besieging the Salucami planet guarded by General Grievous. The South is advancing on the planet Rynos and is preparing to rebuild the 14th Army. Then the West is also Still fighting in the Yago-Dur system.

Where does the Republic get the power to waste away in the Annaji galaxy?

Therefore, this raid on the Model Star Sector had already failed from the second it started!

So since it was a failure, as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, Casio Tagg was certainly to blame. He became the commander-in-chief because of the good relationship between his Tagg family and Governor Dunne-Wessex, and he was promoted directly to major general, who was still a major at the time.

After giving such a great benefit, the answer sheet turned out to be a failure, which cannot be justified in any case.

At that time, Dunn Wessex will definitely put aside his own responsibility at all costs and put all the blame on Casio Tagg.

It can be said that by that time, his military career was over.

Veteran Laszlo Dolit’s advice is understandable from a military perspective. But Casio Tagg, who grew up in a big family, has a higher position. He naturally focuses on something different - a war is not just a battle on the battlefield. In the end, it has to return to politics.

Just as according to his understanding, Severance Tann, the top general on the separatist side and also considered the target of Cassio Tagg, is also in the same situation. Although on the battlefield, Severance Tann beat the Republic fleet to pieces every time she went to battle, so that as long as Tann appeared on the battlefield, even if she only had one frigate, the Republic's fleet commander I have to shiver for a while first.

But it was Matt Horner who eventually became Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

Therefore, now to change direction and attack the Dawn Planet, this plan seems absurd and does not seem to conform to the theory in any military textbook, but it is Casio Tag's optimal solution.

What's more, he is not completely unsure about attacking Dawn Star!

Quarter Power Shipyard invested a total of more than 400 battleships in this raid on the Model star area. Although the losses were extremely heavy after the war, with the continuous reinforcement of warships, he still has a large main force in his hands. 207 ships!

This number seems to be a lot, but in fact, just look at the reserve force of 110 hunter-class battlecruisers still assembled in the Dawn galaxy.

Half a month after the start of the war, the expeditionary force lost more than 90 Jaeger-class battlecruisers in the Anji galaxy! !

According to the naval establishment of the Galactic Republic, he has already joined three entire galaxy fleets!

But even so, with his extremely strong reserve of troops, he still firmly holds the advantage in the space battlefield of the Anji galaxy.

In addition to covering the landing of the troops, escorting the transport fleet, and chasing and killing the separatist warships running around, making them a little embarrassed, this unprecedented army will not be fatally threatened by the separatist fleet.

Therefore, it is not impossible to successfully attack the battleships in relatively good condition among this fleet directly towards the Dawn Planet!

There are no more battleships on the Dawn Planet. This has been confirmed many times by the Republic Intelligence Department.

They must deploy heavy troops in the Eriadu system and Yago-Dur system, and now they have to deal with the battle in the Annaji system. It has long been impossible to have more mobile power!

Therefore, he assembled a huge fleet to directly attack the Dawn Planet. The only threat was the star ring of the Dawn Planet!

At that time, maybe we can negotiate with Tang Xiao...

Casio Tagg was thinking about something else at this time, asking Tang Xiao to give him some design data of the battleship, and then he could promise not to bomb the Dawn Planet, and take the data back to hand over the contract, the best of both worlds!

According to the situation just given by the staff, of the 207 battleships in hand, 95 are relatively intact and suitable for raid operations, almost all of which are Jaeger-class battlecruisers.

Coupled with his flagship, the Commander-class Dreadnought Ship Tag, use this force to attack the Dawn Planet!

Then the remaining 102 warships have enough power to protect themselves on the Annaji planet. At least maintaining the status quo is no problem.

Seize this only opportunity!

Casio Tagg was determined.

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