The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1692 War at Dawn (10)

1692. War at Dawn (10)

Battle Group C, which suffered a surprise attack by the Purification-class Black Hidden special service ship and lost almost one-third of its warships in a short period of time, is now in chaos.

Because among the nine battleships that were destroyed, one of them was their flagship!

And the flagship was the first to be attacked. Four Purification-class ships sneaked to the engine position behind the battleship, and then fired eight super proton torpedoes directly! In the violent explosion that broke out at that moment, the commander of battle group C walked peacefully.

Each Purification-class Black Shadow special service ship is equipped with 6 super proton torpedoes. This kind of proton torpedo is almost as powerful as the extreme! But if it were launched normally, it would be easily intercepted.

Therefore, the purification stage was taken out and used as a weapons launch platform.

If it comes in the form of torpedoes or missiles, if you want to break through the opponent's air defense circle, then you need a very complex algorithm, such as allowing the missile to adjust its entry direction according to the firepower density of the opponent's air defense circle, such as adding stealth to the missile Systems, such as installing tactical jump systems on missiles...

So the question is - why not put these expensive things on a small spacecraft? Then let the spacecraft get close to the enemy ship and launch missiles at a very close position. Wouldn't everything be solved? At least the spaceship can be used again and again, right?

This is the origin of the purification-class black hidden special service ship.

So this is why both the Principality of Dawn and the Galactic Republic are vigorously developing aircraft carrier technology. Stop making silly claims that fighter jets are inferior to missiles. Missiles are always just a point of firepower. Fighters and aircraft carriers as carriers are the core of the battlefield.

The purification level actually takes this to the extreme, it can even be said to be extreme!

The super proton torpedo is so powerful that it flies slowly, has a short range, and cannot turn! As a carrier, the purification-class black hidden special service ship has achieved the best in speed, flexibility, concealment, etc.!

The two combined are a battlefield killer that even now, the Galactic Republic has completely failed to come up with an effective way to deal with.

Of course, the raid was also costly. The fighter jets that took off from the Jaeger-class battlecruiser launched a siege on the looming purification-class ships. Seven or eight purification-class ships with almost no defense methods were destroyed. The others immediately stayed away from the C battle group and prepared to restart. Hide and wait for an opportunity to attack.

From the perspective of the attack itself, 7 or 8 Purification-class Black Shadow special service ships were replaced by 9 Hunter-class battlecruisers. Such an exchange was reported to Tang Xiao, who also wanted to curse. The cost of purification stage is very, very high! Because of the hyperspace stealth technology it uses, given the current technological strength of the Dawn Principality, it would only take time and cost to produce it.

But in terms of the strategic level of the entire battlefield, the loss of these 7 or 8 purification-class ships resulted in the complete collapse of the three battle groups of the Galactic Republic's invasion of the Dawn Planet! This is an army of 95 Hunter-class ships and 1 Commander-class ship!

From this perspective, it’s a huge profit!

So after battle group C lost its flagship and lost nine battleships to a sneak attack, the captains of the remaining 21 battleships all became frightened, and they began to order their warships to move closer to battle groups A and B.

This is funny, because battle groups A and B still want battle group C to stabilize their position! As a result, your battle group C panicked first and moved closer to this side. What happened?

And those captains also issued the same stupid order as Casio Tag just now - take off all fighter jets immediately!

Casio Tag has realized his mistake, so he specifically asked the battleships of battle group C to take off fighter jets one after another! But after being attacked by the purification-class black stealth special service ship, the captains of battle group C let themselves go. Damn the orders. Now the invisible killer is next to me. I have to throw all the fighters out to cover me. ah!

As a result, the chaos that occurred on the A and B battle groups once again appeared intact on the C battle group.

But this time, there will be no D battle group or E battle group coming to give them another chance!

Casio Tagg led the remaining 42 warships on his side to break out in the direction of battle group C. After suffering heavy losses in which four more warships were severely damaged and fell behind, they who were halfway through also witnessed battle group C. The disaster that occurred also witnessed the entire process of Combat Group C falling into chaos.

This is their last hope!

It only took less than half an hour to go from hope to despair...

Standing on the bridge of the Tagg Commander-class dreadnought, Casio Tagg had completely collapsed in the main seat, staring blankly at the holographic battle star map, unable to say a word.

He has understood that under the current situation, the only thing he can do is to gather all the remaining warships together and then fight until the end.

And he had already given this order just now.

Behind the Republic fleet, a large, dark mass of small battleships swooped toward their final target like locusts!

Casio Tag, who was caught in the powerful electronic interference from the Dawn Planet and almost cut off external contact, did not know at this time that the Republic Expeditionary Fleet, which was continuing its landing operations in the Annaji system, was also in despair.

Of course, if he knew the news, he might just shoot himself in pain and annoyance.

His former adjutant Laszlo Dolit, who was left behind in the Annaji system and did not accompany the army to raid the Dawn Planet, received news that shocked him and made him finally give up all illusions and accept his fate:

The base of Dawn Galaxy was sabotaged by enemy agents, and the hyperspace stabilizer was destroyed!

No support!

He no longer wanted to ask why the Dawn Galaxy far away in the core circle was attacked, and why the military base where millions of troops were stationed had its most important military facilities destroyed in full view of the public.

It's too late to say anything now.

Now, including the operators on the battleship, there are also millions of troops on his side, and they have launched a full-scale landing operation on the planet Annaji. At this most critical moment, he was suddenly told that there was no backup. What else could he say? What?

We can only wait to die!

Laszlo Dolit did not really give up his choice and leave. Out of his own sense of responsibility, he stood up again after Casio Tagg left and commanded the remaining troops to continue the previous battle plan.

At the moment, he still has 107 Jaeger-class battlecruisers in his hands, but the condition of these battleships is not very good and can only be barely used in combat.

After all, all the battleships in good condition were taken away by Casio Tag.

Now the ground forces are still launching the most powerful attack on the capital area of ​​the planet Annaji, and are constantly investing more troops. The entire clone army participating in the siege now exceeds 300,000. This is almost the entire army brought by the expeditionary force!

But the defenders of Planet Annaji are also very tenacious. Although their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the clone army, their number is seven times that of the opponent! And each one of them is not afraid of death, using their own flesh and blood to build indestructible lines of defense!

However, determination cannot replace guns and artillery. Under the unstoppable attack of the clone army, the defenders have now been forced back into the capital city, and fierce street fighting has broken out!

As the battle lines continued to shorten, the clone army became more powerful, and they launched their final attack on the capital!

And this is also Laszlo Dolit's last chance - to capture Annaji's planet in one fell swoop! Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!

For this reason, he issued a death order to everyone in the headquarters, asking them to keep it strictly confidential and suppress the information that the Dawn Galaxy was destroyed by sneak attacks, so that no one else could know.

Then he continued to have all the spaceships transport the final supplies and troops to the planet Annaji for landing. He must invest every last bit of his strength and strive to occupy the capital of the planet Annaji in a short time!

The Republic Expeditionary Fleet in the direction of Annaji's planet no longer has the strength to conduct more combat missions. If they can now smoothly deliver landing troops and supplies to the surface of the planet, it is a victory.

Although the fleet of the Principality of Dawn is small in number, its performance is much more powerful than that of the Jaeger class. After being taken away by Casio Tagg with half of the warships in the best condition, it is thankful that the fleet of the Principality of Dawn does not take the initiative to cause trouble. Dare to talk about encirclement and suppression?

So under the forced order of Laszlo Dolit, artillery boomed outside the capital of the planet Annaji. AT-TE walkers and AV-7 self-propelled artillery continued to launch powerful shells into the city, setting off waves of terrible explosions!

In the sky, a formation of Galactic Republic fighter jets flew past, strafing with blaster cannons, bombing with cluster bombs, and striking accurately with concussion missiles!

They wish they could plow the entire capital to the ground!

On the ground, the clone troopers launched wave after wave of charges! Their strong bodies move forward flexibly on the battlefield, looking for bunkers, shooting at fixed points, and taking cross-covers. All tactical actions are extremely standard. One firepower point after another was removed, and every time a firepower point was eliminated, you could see hundreds of corpses of Annaji's defenders scattered inside!

This has turned into a brutal battle where every inch of territory must be fought for!

However, no matter how much Laszlo Dolit kept it secret, he could only ensure that his people did not know the situation in the Dawn Galaxy, but the Governor of the Model Sector of the Principality of Dawn and the commander-in-chief of this battle Volgograd-Kani Di, but got the news right away!

The Dawn Galaxy was destroyed by agents and the hyperspace stabilizer was destroyed!

This means that this Republic Expeditionary Force has completely become a lonely army! The general attack launched now on the capital of planet Annaji is their last act of madness!

Volgograd-Kanidi looked at the holographic battlefield map for a long time, then turned around suddenly. Behind him were already standing several people with different styles, but all of them were extremely tough.

One of them is a Kali man with a height of more than two meters and a purple complexion - Ben Tiras San Skar!

He is now the leader among the new generation of young generals of the Kali people. Of course, he also has his own dark history - when Jedi Master Sars-Tin went to the planet Kali to inquire about the geth's intelligence, he sneaked in His barracks, then knocked him unconscious while he was sleeping and took away his clothes.

This made San Skar a big embarrassment in the army. He was tall and couldn't find any other clothes to cover his body, so he ran around in the barracks wearing underpants.

In the end, when the army blocked Master Sass-Tine in the command center, he rushed in and fought bravely, finally killing the Jedi Master. However, their General Dillard had also been killed by Master Sass-Tine.

After that, Ben Tiras-San-Skar inherited the legacy of General Dilar, and under the name of the Slaughterer, led the powerful Kali army to continue fighting for the Principality of Dawn.

The Galactic Republic is the unforgettable enemy of the Kali people! But the Principality of Dawn is the grateful benefactor of the Kali people! Ben Tiras-San-Skar is also very clear about this.

He came here to completely kill all the invaders of the Galactic Republic from the territory of the Principality of Dawn! Leave no one behind!

But Volgograd-Kanidi never let San-Skar and his Kali army go into battle, and just let them continue to hide in underground air-raid shelters.

This made the Kali warriors excited. If Tang Xiao hadn't personally given them the order to wait patiently, San-Skar would have been the first to rush forward and eat Governor Canidi alive!

Standing next to San Skar was a short, introverted human who seemed to be an ordinary person. He wore a tight-fitting combat uniform, a mask that covered the upper half of his face, a C on his forehead, and a round shield made of Frick steel in his hand.

But it was such a person who made even a fierce being like Ben Tiras San Skar extremely fearful. Because while hiding in the underground air-raid shelter, every time they sparred, the result was that this seemingly ordinary human being beat up Skar in various ways, leaving no room for him to fight back.

This person is Shi Aimin, a super soldier.

After the Battle of Marastal, Tang Xiao also learned that Shi Aimin was not willing to participate in offensive operations, because after all, he was a kind and upright person, and he could not accept the flames of war spreading to civilians, even if it was enemy civilians.

Therefore, Tang Xiao asked Shi Aimin to be an instructor, who was mainly responsible for training army soldiers.

But this time, the Model sector was invaded and the planet Annaji was devastated. Naturally, Shi Aimin stepped forward without hesitation!

However, the most conspicuous among these people is not San Skar or Shi Aimin, but another person, or a mecha.

This is a completely black CMC-300 power armor! Many ferocious barbs are installed on the outside, and the face of a terrifying monster is spray-painted on the full-coverage helmet!

Black Beast Team!

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