The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1694 Liberal Thoughts

1694. Liberalism

The capital area of ​​the planet Annaji is a huge urban area with an area of ​​more than 300 kilometers, and it is also the main populated area on the planet.

After the battle broke out, some civilians in the capital area were evacuated, some were arranged to hide in air defense facilities, and others hid in basements that had been prepared in their homes. Only a few residents had no time to make arrangements. These people could only find some sturdy buildings to hide in as much as possible, praying that the Republic's devastating bombardment from the sky would not fall on them.

However, the guns were ruthless, and a large number of civilians still died in the fighting. Especially after the Galactic Republic later carried out several low-intensity orbital bombings on the capital area in order to cooperate with the war, the number of civilian casualties exceeded one million!

Such behavior has further aroused the common hatred of the people. Many people even joined the army on the spot, picked up weapons and immediately became a part of the Annaji Planet Defense Force!

In fact, although the people of the Model Sector disliked Tang Xiao and clamored for autonomy every day, they actually looked down upon the Galaxy Republic at all and even harbored hatred!

Because during the period when the Airu people were hegemonic, the Airu people, who wanted to be the local emperor in the Model Sector, disliked the Galactic Republic. Later, they were forced to join under the pressure of the Fourth Civilization. After the war broke out between the Fourth Civilization and the Airu people, the Galactic Republic not only refused to help, but also dumped old spaceships at high prices to them. The act of taking advantage of the situation made the Airu people hate the Galactic Republic even more!

Therefore, after the first war between the Airu and the Fourth Civilization ended, the Airu immediately withdrew from the Galactic Republic.

Later, as Annaji's planet became part of the Model Sector of the Fourth Civilization, the Galactic Republic launched two more invasions here! Under such circumstances, in the eyes of the people of the Model Sector, the Galactic Republic is an existence that is more greedy than a vulture, and will bring endless casualties and pain to itself every time it appears!

Therefore, even if they want to seek autonomy, they actually have nothing to do with the Galactic Republic. They just want to break away from the fourth civilization's single super.

In fact, there is no need to specifically criticize such behavior, because it is normal for people in the Model Sector to think so.

One of the most popular trends in the galaxy now, especially in the Central and Outer Star Regions, is liberalism. They oppose all inter-galactic regimes and demand that everything on their own planet be decided by their own planet.

In their view, the best way is for each planet and each race to form its own separate government, and then form a loose confederation and parliament at a higher level to resolve disputes between some planets.

This trend of thought is actually very deep-rooted in the galaxy, and its influence is very far-reaching.

How far-reaching is it? In the original plot, Palpatine and Count Dooku used this trend of thought to tear off a large piece of the Galactic Republic to form the Confederation of Independent Systems. In fact, the name Confederation of Independent Systems can clearly tell the views of these participating planets. .

Even the defeat of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the war did not suppress this trend of thought. On the contrary, this trend of independence and freedom had a far-reaching influence, and also guided the rise of the later rebel army.

Later, the Galactic Empire was finally defeated by the Rebel Army, the Empire fell apart, and the Rebel Army re-established the Republic, known as the New Republic in history. And under this trend of independence and freedom, the New Republic almost made all the mistakes that the Old Republic would make until its last years.

The new republic became disorganized, barely able to form an effective administrative system, and was quickly overthrown.

After the establishment of the Galactic Alliance, the independent and free thoughts that had suffered countless losses gradually subsided, and were finally completely wiped out with the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong.

So you can see it, right? The four generations of political power before and after were profoundly influenced by this trend of thought. They prospered because of it and perished because of it. It is evident how powerful this trend of thought is.

So coming back to the present, it is actually not that surprising that such a trend of thought has emerged in the relatively independent Model Sector among the major jurisdictions of the Dawn Principality. In other words, this trend of thought has always existed among the indigenous people and immigrants, but the political environment in the Model sector has given it the conditions to take root and sprout.

Under the influence of the trend of independence and freedom, the Model Sector is hostile to the Principality of Dawn. However, also under the influence of this trend of thought, in the face of the invasion of the Galactic Republic, the people of the entire Annaji planet and the Model Sector all share the same hatred. , take up arms to defend your home!

With such a public opinion base, the ground forces of the Galactic Republic naturally struggled. Therefore, they have never been able to form a complete encirclement of the capital area of ​​the planet Annaji. There has always been a gap on the east side of the capital area that has never been closed, and through this gap, a steady stream of materials has been sent into the capital area to support it. Fight the resistance here.

And after that, under the successive attacks of T-virus biological weapons and Darth Malthael, several large holes appeared in the Republic defense zone that was originally preparing to launch a full-scale attack on the planet Annaji, which allowed the Republic army to completely surround the capital. Ou's plan was completely a dream.

So later, under the orders of Cassio Tagg, the Galactic Republic ground forces launched a forcible attack. This attack was not a comprehensive siege under encirclement, but a coordinated attack launched from several different directions.

The difference between this is still very big.

With external reinforcements, Constantinople could resist for hundreds of years, and Xiangyang could resist for more than thirty years. But under a complete siege, no city can sustain it for more than half a year!

If it was said that in the past, Casio Tag's greatest reliance for launching such an offensive was the extremely powerful fleet in his hands, then now all the elites of the expedition fleet have been transferred to the Dawn Planet, and the remaining severely damaged warships can still deal with it. How much help will the ground battlefield bring?

The answer is – almost none! They were able to forcefully send the last supplies and soldiers to the ground, which was their last resort. The only thing left to do is to hold on to the position and prevent yourself from being orbitally bombarded by the separatist fleet near the planet Annaji!

But in fact, they were overly worried about this.

Although the warships currently in the hands of Volgograd-Kanidi are much more advanced than those of the Republic, after all, these warships have been facing a Republic fleet that is five times their size. Until now, no matter how advanced the warships are, they are already at the end of their game.

The Hell's Angel-class is covered in scars; the Catastrophe-class was damaged due to excessive firing of its particle lance; the Dunov-class has an overloaded energy supply system that cannot save itself; and the missiles have long been used up, waiting eagerly for the final battle on Annaji's planet. The remaining factories quickly sent something to prepare the Martha-class for the war...

Looking at the battleship in his hand, Volgograd-Kanidi could only sigh secretly.

But what makes him even more clever than Laszlo Dolit, the current fleet commander of the Republic, is that even though he is at the end of his strength, he still displays his fleet and looks ready to attack at any time.

After such a scare, the Republic fleet retreated back and set up a defensive formation to wait.

Then what follows is a full-scale counterattack on the ground! (End of chapter)

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