The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1709 Yagodul Counterattack (3)

Chapter 1709 Yago-Dur Counterattack (3)

1709. Yago-Durr counterattack (3)

In fact, Gideon Tarkin is full of fears about the planet Yago-Dur, and conversely, why is Matt Horner the same?

In the Dawn Planet Supreme Command, there are actually several sets of plans for the capture of the Yago-Dur system. Among them, the most planned one is to use the Golden Rock Planet as the second fortress planet to further resist the invasion of the Galactic Republic. .

But as the home planet of the Gran people, the Golden Rock Planet is naturally far inferior to the Given people, and the Golden Rock Galaxy does not have a natural barrier like the Trisolaran Galaxy Yago-Dur.

Once a fleet battle breaks out in the Jinyan Galaxy, it will be purely a competition of strength between the two sides. This situation is what the Dawn Kingdom has always wanted to avoid.

And once the Yago-Dur system falls, how much time will they have to build a new line of defense in the Golden Rock system? Not much. So start building now? It has actually started, but the investment is not large and the progress is not fast. More industrial production capacity was given to new weapons and equipment and warships.

There is another most important situation, that is, how determined are the Gran people to fight against the Galactic Republic on their home planet?

The Gran are not a very determined race. Together with the Dagur, the reason why they were willing to fight the Galactic Republic to the end in the Battle of Marastal was because that battle was actually not that brutal. , the Galactic Republic did not invest many troops; on the other hand, the Malastar planet was not their home planet after all.

Therefore, once the Gran people decide to withdraw from the war, Ainle-Tim, who now has a very high political reputation with the Confederation of Independent Systems, is Tang Xiao's political ally, and is also the leader of the New Ring Faction, is likely to have changes. .

In this way, it will be a triple blow to the Dawn Planet economically, militarily, and politically.

Therefore, in the final analysis, we still have to fight to the end in the Yago-Dur system. This is the simplest and most direct way.

But the question is, facing the step-by-step offensive of Admiral Gideon Tarkin, the commander of the Galactic Republic fleet, how sure is the Principality of Dawn of holding on?

The answer is, not at all!

Unless the Titan battleship Xuanwu is transferred directly from the Eriadu system.

But such a big piece of information about the Titan battleship Xuanwu being dispatched must not be hidden. Maybe as soon as the Titan battleship Xuanwu left the Eriadu system, the fleet assembled by the Galactic Republic in the Kira system would arrive.

So we can understand why Matt Horner went to Tang Xiao to stalk him, and Tang Xiao actually transferred the only Archon-class aircraft carrier of the Dawn Principality from the already very nervous Annaji system to Yago-Durr system?

Because Tang Xiao himself also knew that there were really not many cards they could play in the Yago-Dur system!

Why did Matt Horner ask Bacher Banak, a mathematician from the Given University, if there were any astronomical phenomena that could be exploited just after the battle broke out? That's why!

The frontline commander of the Galactic Republic's attack on the Yago-Dur system is the famous General Gideon Tarkin. Politically, as the younger brother of Wilhuff Tarkin, Gideon Tarkin will naturally get the support of all the members of the Galactic Republic. comprehensive support from all sides; militarily, behind Gideon Tarkin, there is also the support of Octavian Grant, the Governor of the 20th Army.

Compare that to the Battle of the Model Sector. Cassio Tagg, who was originally a major and was urgently promoted to command the fleet, and Onana Qua, who was politically cornered (actually most of it was self-inflicted) Te, this businessman with no military experience in his life.

The combination of Gideon Tarkin and Octavius ​​Grant was the combination that defeated the Model Sector Battle in all aspects.

With such an excellent combination of personnel, coupled with the strong logistics and industrial support of the Galactic Republic, and with such strong strength, Gideon Tarkin actually chose to take every step!

Tell me, how to fight?

No need to fight.

Don't look at it on the surface. From the beginning of the war to now, the Principality of Dawn has defeated the Galactic Republic many times. The number of officers and soldiers of the Galactic Republic at all levels who died in many battles with the Principality of Dawn/Fourth Civilization has long exceeded ten million! Close to a thousand battleships were lost before and after (the reader Governor’s Soldiers has a statistical post and pinned it to the top of the comment area. Thank you to this enthusiastic reader)!

But what about the loss of the Fourth Civilization?

Although the losses were indeed much less than those of the Galactic Republic, don't forget the huge gap in national power between the two!

Before the war broke out, the Fourth Civilization had more than 150 kilometer-class battleships. This navy did not last long. After several battles, it was almost completely lost in the Battle of Terminus.

Later, Admiral Severance Tann accidentally discovered the Blade Fleet and snatched 178 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers back during a fierce battle with the Galactic Republic.

Although these battleships were outdated, their huge number soon became the main force of the navy during the lean period of the Fourth Civilization.

With the support of the Blade Fleet, the Fourth Civilization was able to launch the Battle of Eriadu System and successfully occupied the Eriadu System. In this battle, the battleships of the Blade Fleet suffered heavy losses. Coupled with the continuous advancement of battleship technology on both sides, the remaining Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers can only exist as the guard fleet of the Eriadu system.

In the following time, the Fourth Civilization ceased its activities and built a fleet of nearly 200 advanced capital ships.

With the multiple attacks of the Galactic Republic, coupled with the Second Battle of Eriadu System, the Raid Battle of the Model Sector, and the current Battle of the Yago-Dur System, after these battles were won, this batch of Almost all the newly built warships were lost.

In other words, this war has lasted for less than three years. Until now, the naval battleships of the Fourth Civilization have been replaced three times! !

Who is tapping the keyboard and saying that the Fourth Civilization will win easily?

So now there is only one choice before Admiral Matt Horner, the supreme commander of the Yago-Dur system battle and the commander-in-chief of the Navy of the Principality of Dawn...

That's what Tang Xiao said, the big gamble he took at one of the two gambling tables where all his wealth was bet!

Matt Horner wants to win! And we must win in the Yago-Dur system!

Since you want to bet! Then you have to win beautifully! We must win completely!

We must break their turtle shell in one fell swoop before the Galactic Republic establishes a firm foothold in the Yago-Dur galaxy and becomes unshakable in strength!

And the last power that Matt Horner and the Dawn Principality can rely on is the Trisolaran Galaxy! It’s the Jiwen people’s ultimate pursuit of mathematics that has developed over thousands of years of civilization!

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