The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1717 Yagodul Counterattack (10)

1717. Yago-Durr Counterattack (10)

"Report! A separatist landing force has entered our ship! The number is unknown! Seven cabins have lost contact!" An officer ran to the captain of the Knight-class Star Destroyer in a panic to report.

The captain's face was as dark as water, and he asked solemnly: "How many landing craft are coming up?"

The officer's face looked even more frightened, "Four... forty-four ships..."

"Each separatist landing craft can carry 20 to 30 soldiers. In other words, even the most optimistic estimate is that close to a thousand soldiers have entered my battleship! How many Marines can still be contacted now? "?" the captain asked again.

"Due to different combat missions, the Marines on our warship are not full. Initially, there were only 4,000 Marines on the warship. Some of them lost contact during the shelling and raid just now, and only about 3,000 of them can be contacted now," the officer said. .

Knight-class Star Destroyer

The captain fell into a brief silence, looking at the exploded view of the battleship on the screen in front of him. I only saw hundreds of locations on the Knight-class Star Destroyer marked in red, and some locations were calling the police.

These locations were all the places where the armor was penetrated by artillery fire during the previous battle.

When his Knight-class Star Destroyer collided with the planet Yago-Dur, it was in a very bad position and was torn apart by strong gravity. The deflector shield consumed a lot of electrical energy. What was even more unfortunate was that at that time all the warships were running around in confusion, and then his warship even hit a transport ship!

There is no doubt that the transport ship was immediately smashed into pieces in front of the huge 1,600-meter-long hull of the Knight-class Star Destroyer, but this also made the energy loss of his warship's deflection shield even worse.

Next, the separatist warship suddenly flew out from the planet Yago-Dur, which was beyond the captain's expectation!

Because in his opinion, the Yago-Dur planet, which is flying at high speed and rotating at high speed, should throw out all the things in the synchronous orbit in the process! How could those warships still follow the planet?

You must know that this is not as simple as following the planet, because the rotation speed of the planet itself is also accelerating, so these battleships must always correct their position and speed, and use their own engine thrust to ensure that they stay close to the planet.

Only in this process, if there is a slight calculation error, it will be thrown out directly. If it is thrown out by such a strong gravitational force from a planet, the battleship will almost certainly lose control and roll. In this way, the anti-gravity device will be completely damaged in a few seconds, and the crew on the battleship will be knocked unconscious or even hit the bulkhead and killed!

However, a miracle just appeared in front of all the officers and soldiers of the Republic Fleet!

This separatist fleet actually flew close to the planet Yago-Dur, and then used the planet's gravity to produce a gravitational slingshot effect, accelerated it again, and then rushed directly into its side at an unimaginable speed. In the center of the formation!

And this is not something that only two battleships can do, but a full 50 battleships!

Under such circumstances, the captain had to order his Knight-class Star Destroyer to start a counterattack, although deep down he really didn't want to do so. However, the firepower layout of the Knight-class Star Destroyer determined that if he turned around and ran away, he would die faster. All the firepower of the Knight class is directed at the front. If it turns around, its round and big butt will be defenseless.

The reason why he has no intention to fight is because the current formation is completely in an extremely unfavorable state!

As we all know, formation is the most important link in fleet battles. Only by maintaining the formation can you maximize your firepower, such as focusing on attacking a certain opponent's warship, or providing fire support to injured friendly ships to cover their retreat.

At the same time, formation is also very important when facing an enemy fighter formation attack. Only when a fleet forms a multi-layered and multi-angle air defense fire circle can it effectively intercept the opponent's fighter jets. This is something that the firepower of a single warship cannot achieve.

There is no formation at all, so there is no need to fight! Unable to concentrate firepower, the opponent's warship can retreat calmly after being hit, avoid the shooting angle on our side, and then make emergency repairs and continue fighting. If an anti-aircraft fire circle cannot be formed, the entire battlefield will be left to enemy fighter jets!

But in the current situation, they have no way to intercept the overwhelming assault landing craft!

In the ensuing artillery battle, the Knight-class Star Destroyer was attacked intensively and hit several Yamato cannons fired by the Behemoth-class battlecruiser. The deflector shield was finally breached.

And after those assault landing craft discovered that the shield of the Knight-class Star Destroyer was broken, they immediately pounced on it like mosquitoes that had seen blood! This is a Knight-class Star Destroyer! At present, there are only 9 ships left in the Republic fleet, and each one is very powerful!

So the forty-four assault landing craft, like forty-four blood-sucking mosquitoes, were nailed to the battleship, and they were at the locations of wounds that had penetrated the armored belt during the shelling.

The positions of these assault landing craft were almost everywhere, on the upper deck, sides, rear, belly of the battleship, and one of the landing craft even rushed directly under the bridge!

"Gather all the marines to protect the bridge and power system! After ensuring the safety of these two areas, we will gradually advance and clear out all enemy forces entering our ship!" the captain issued the order.


However, this wishful command is destined to be just a joke. The Marines of the Knight-class Star Destroyer are stationed in a three-story cabin below the bridge. It is very convenient to get to the loading and unloading platform from their position, but it is very difficult to get to the bridge and power compartment in reverse. It takes a big circle.

Although the Knight-class Star Destroyer does not have a hangar, it still has three loading and unloading platforms for transport ships to take off and land, which are used for daily loading and unloading of cargo and transport of troops.

This is inevitable. The only role of the Marine Corps on the battleship is to board the transport ship to land on the planet ground as soon as possible to fight. It must be right to go to the loading and unloading platform. What do you Marines want to do on the bridge and power bay if you have nothing to do? Rebellion?

And in fact, even without this reason, the Marines in this Knight-class Star Destroyer can no longer go anywhere else.

boom! boom! boom! ! A series of explosions set off outside the barracks area, accompanied by intensive gunfire!

The barracks area and living area, the relatively spacious areas of the two battleships, have now become battlefields!

The six Destroyer robots rolled up quickly, stretched their bodies and deployed their shields. The two twin blaster machine guns installed on their arms fired wildly, and the firepower was extremely fierce!

Such firepower suppressed the clone troopers in front so much that they couldn't even raise their heads. They could only hide behind bunkers and wait for a break in the shooting from the opposite side before they could poke their heads out and fire back.

However, as soon as they poked their heads out, the soldiers of the Fourth Legion following the Destroyer Robot were killed one by one with one shot!

In this battlefield environment of boarding ships and jumping gangs, the Fourth Legion will naturally not forget such a convenient combat weapon as the Destroyer Robot. In the narrow space inside the battleship, the Destroyer robot is almost invincible!

"We need more firepower!! Where's the anti-tank rocket launcher?!" a clone commander roared at the back.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ! The low firing sound of the blaster machine gun on the Destroyer robot's arm kept coming, and the surrounding solid battleship's internal bulkheads were also hit with flames.

"I'm here!" A clone soldier immediately picked up the rocket launcher and was about to launch it. But at this moment, the Fourth Army was faster and shot the soldier in the chest.

boom! ! ! The soldier fell down at the sound, and the rocket launcher in his hand hit the ceiling! Violent explosions and flames immediately covered this area.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers of the Fourth Army launched a determined charge! They bypassed the Destroyer robot, which could only move step by step in combat mode. The universal tools on their wrists formed an energy shield, and they rushed forward against the hail of bullets from the clone soldiers!

Their universal tools are all equipped with shield modules, which can set up a strong energy shield during combat to facilitate combat.

The universal tool, as the name suggests, uses technology that is somewhat similar to the "hard light" technology in "Halo". Although it does not have as many functions as the hard light that is the Forerunner technology, the cost is also much lower. It is widely used in the technology of "Mass Effect".

As for the fourth civilization, if there is any technology that is most praised by everyone, it is undoubtedly the universal tool! This tool can be said to be ever-changing. As long as the corresponding module is installed, the universal tool can be a personal computer, a dagger, an axe, a hacking tool, various engineering tools, or an energy shield... only You can’t imagine that it couldn’t be done without it!

What the Fourth Legion now commonly uses is the newly developed universal tool module—the energy shield module! And they also installed a melee weapon module, which can directly turn the universal tool into a variety of convenient melee weapons for use. It is weightless and can even cut through some thin armor!

These Fourth Legion soldiers directly broke through the clone army's position with energy shields, and then suppressed them backward.

By the time more clone troopers arrived and a new line of defense was established, these Fourth Legion soldiers had already regained their footing. The Destroyer robot behind also curled up again and rolled over here, stretched out, unfolded its shield, and fired again! !

The number of clone armies is increasing as more troops continue to arrive. There are already more than 2,000 soldiers here. However, they were defeated steadily by the soldiers of the Fourth Army, which numbered less than 300 people.

Inside the Knight-class Star Destroyer, the numerical advantage of the clone soldiers could not be used at all, and they had no chance at all in the face of the skilled combat skills of the Fourth Legion soldiers!

"More heavy firepower! More! We only have blaster rifles, how can we fight them!" Another clone commander roared again.

"Over there at the armory!! There are three companies guarding there, and we have sent people to send them over!" Another clone trooper said loudly.

"No! We must break through these people's offensive in a short time!" The clone commander looked at the order projected inside the helmet, "The captain's order told us to go to the power cabin and bridge for reinforcements as soon as possible! But we We’re stuck here! If something happens on the bridge, there’s no way we can go over to support it!”

"But there's nothing we can do about those Destroyer robots." The clone trooper pointed at the several mighty Destroyer robots in front of them.

That solid energy shield didn't even react when faced with ordinary blaster rifle fire!

"Asshole! Get some of my men, rush up and blast them with EMP grenades! Their shields won't react to low-speed objects!" The clone commander pointed to the soldiers behind him, "You guys! Get up! I'll cover you!"

As he said that, he directly picked up the blaster rifle, stuck his head out and fired wildly!

Several other soldiers immediately took out EMP grenades and rushed forward, trying to hide their bodies with obstacles. But even so, several of them were killed by the precise firepower of the soldiers of the Fourth Army.

Finally, they rushed to a distance of about 50 meters. At this time, the clone commander who provided them with cover had been shot directly in the head and died behind.

The clone troopers threw out the EMP grenades in their hands. At this moment, the Fourth Army also immediately fired a series of bullets to shoot down these grenades in the air. Only terrible warriors like the Fourth Legion have the reaction and confidence to do this!

Several grenades were shot down and exploded at a distance. But in the end, more than ten grenades landed in front of the Destroyer robots. The lightning flashed past, and the Destroyer robots that were affected immediately collapsed to the ground.

"Charge!!!" Most of the Destroyer robots were destroyed, and the morale of the clone soldiers was greatly boosted, and they all launched a charge!

However, at this moment, an extremely violent explosion suddenly came from the other side of the battleship! !

boom! ! ! This explosion was so powerful that it even shook the battleship!

"Armory! The armory has been blown up!!" A clone trooper in charge of communications shouted loudly.

"Never mind this! Kill me!!" However, the clone soldiers who were already passionate could not care about this. Their unstable spirits made them make the most radical decision!

Meanwhile, over on the bridge.

The captain of the Knight-class Star Destroyer, who has been waiting for reinforcements, has fallen into despair, because under the bridge, the cabins one floor after another have lost contact, and they are gradually going up!

There is no doubt that an invasion force is rushing towards the bridge!

Below, in a corridor strewn with corpses, a column of Fourth Legion soldiers advanced. And the soldier walking at the front of the formation had a pink bunny doll hanging on his waist! (End of chapter)

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