The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1719 The final defeat

1719. The final defeat

Admiral Gideon Tarkin finally gave up.

He knew very well that when the Separatist fleet rushed over with the Yago-Dur planet, his failure was already doomed.

In other words, their astronomers had already lost when they miscalculated the evolution pattern of this three-body galaxy.

Admiral Gideon Tarkin spent a lot of effort trying to reorganize his fleet, but all failed. Moreover, for a fleet battle, the formation is the most critical link. If the formation cannot be maintained, then even if the strength of the separatist fleet is only one-third of his own, the loser will still be him.

The same is true regardless of the factor of gang-hopping.

Ever since his fleet was scattered by the planet Yago-Dur, he had no chance of victory.

Gideon Tarkin was very decisive and immediately ordered a retreat, returning the entire line to the forward base established in the unmanned system, and then making plans.

He will not think about the glory of the military like Casio Tagg. He will only think about what will happen next once his fleet is all handed over to the Yago-Dur system?

He is very aware of the current situation of the Galactic Republic. An entire expeditionary force has been destroyed in the Model Sector. It is conservatively estimated that there are more than 300 capital ships left inside. If coupled with its own disastrous defeat in the Yago-Dur system, this means that the Galactic Republic lost close to 500 capital ships in just one month!

Even with the current industrial capabilities of the Galactic Republic, this loss is absolutely devastating!

This will mean that the Galactic Republic will not be able to replenish these battleships for at least the next six months, and multiple theaters across the galaxy will face a vacuum of military strength!

The Galactic Republic is not just under attack from one side.

The Geth in the north and the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group, which are ambiguous with the Geth, the Confederation of Independent Systems in the northeast and south, and the Principality of Dawn in the southwest. Even the Hutt space in the East has become very unstable due to the struggle between the Hutts between the Desiligic and Besadi families.

Under such circumstances, 500 capital ships would be lost at one time, and it would also result in the loss of a reliable mobile fleet in the future. So the result is actually not difficult to imagine.

Speaker Sheev Palpatine's previous bill to disband and recycle all local defense fleets did allow the Galactic Republic to add tens of thousands of warships out of thin air, but most of these warships were previously consumed in the counterattack against the Confederation of Independent Systems.

Don't say that the Confederacy of Independent Systems didn't play any role, just because the perspective was not on them.

A long time before this battle in the Model Sector, the main fleet of the Galactic Republic was all attacking the Confederation of Independent Systems. Under the leadership of General Grievous, the robots and fleets of the Confederation of Independent Systems have stabilized their position on the planet Salukami and have persisted to this day. Their contribution to the resistance to the Galactic Republic is no worse than that of the Principality of Dawn, and is even higher. Quite a few.

Moreover, the frigate sea tactics used by the Principality of Dawn in the Battle of Dawn Planet were actually used by the Galactic Republic in its counterattack against the Confederation of Independent Systems.

Otherwise, how could the Galactic Republic, which was short of troops at that time, drive out all the separatist fleets in the middle of the galaxy?

You must know that the Confederacy of Independent Systems almost split the Galactic Republic into two during the Festival Offensive that directly penetrated the Milky Way through General Grievous, and later during the Central Rim Attack. However, the Galactic Republic relied on the motley crew of small and medium-sized warships collected from various places to defend themselves against the enemy, and they suddenly drove the Confederacy of Independent Systems out of the Central Ring!

The price paid is of course huge. The crews who control small and medium-sized warships to fight against the capital ships of the Confederation of Independent Systems can only face unequal battles one after another in despair until they die in space.

Both sides of this war have reached their limit.

Therefore, Admiral Gideon Tarkin must not ruin the Galactic Republic's precious mobile fleet just because of his own whim.

We can't be like the feudal civilized Donglin Party of a certain blue star, who talk loudly on weekdays, but when disaster strikes, they end it. However, you are dead and have a reputation, but what about the country?

Admiral Gideon Tarkin made a prompt decision and issued an order to use his flagship as the last resistance to launch a counterattack against the Separatist fleet.

His flagship is a Commander II-class dreadnought, currently the most powerful warship in the Galactic Republic Navy.

The 8,000-meter hull is extremely large, and the redesigned and modified power system and energy transmission system provide powerful power that the Commander-class dreadnought does not have.

The Commander II-class dreadnought is currently the only warship of the Galactic Republic that can barely compete with the Ankhlon-class Titan battleship. Although defeat is certain, at least until then, two pieces of meat can be bitten off the Xuanwu Ankeron-class Titan battleship.

In the absence of the Titan battleship Xuanwu, the Commander II-class dreadnought's huge body, terrifying energy level, powerful main guns and solid shields are unmatched by other battleships in the Dawn Principality.

Including now that Admiral Matt Horner has chosen to join forces to fight, but because he has never been able to break the deflector shield of the Commander II-class dreadnought, the assault landing craft still walked around here.

"All battleships, move closer to the flagship! At any cost!" Admiral Gideon Tarkin repeated over and over again in the intermittent communication, ensuring that every battleship could hear his orders, "The flagship will be cut off and we will fight for you." The last time! Retreat immediately! Retreat immediately! Don’t be reluctant to fight! Save the last bit of fire for the Galactic Republic Navy’s mobile fleet!”

His order finally gave hope to some of the battleships of the Galactic Republic fleet. These battleships began to desperately shake off the enemy ships, trying to get closer to Gideon Tarkin's flagship.

However, more Republic battleships fell into deep despair because of this order!

Because of the position of these battleships, they cannot join the flagship at all! In addition, Gideon Tarkin's order actually declared the battle to be a failure. Those battleships that could not come to join were actually sentenced to death!

One after another, the Galactic Republic's battleships were destroyed! It's simply unstoppable!

The battleships of the Dawn Principality are not just the ace of the Fourth Legion and the Incholi Avenger 102 who jumped into the gang. Their battleships themselves also formed an absolute firepower advantage under such a situation.

Although Matt Horner does not have a Hells Angel-class battlecruiser, the Yamato cannon of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser and the super-matter ion cannon of the Cole-class battlecruiser can pose a fatal threat to the Republic battleship.

At the same time, the particle light spear of the disaster-class battlecruiser is even more powerful at such a close range!

The light speed attack of the particle light spear can hit almost anywhere, and at such a close range, all the energy acts on the Republic battleship with almost no attenuation!

Under such circumstances, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser can only carry two or three particle light spears at most, and it will be destroyed directly! What's more, the deflection shields of these warships have now reached their limit under the ravages of the Yago-Dur planet. Sometimes the particle light spear can even penetrate the shields and ships with one shot!

In contrast, the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, the main component of the Republic fleet, could only fight back with its eight heavy turbolaser cannons on both sides. The effect was evident.

The last straw that broke the Republic's fleet was the almost forgotten Matt Horner's flagship, the 3,175-meter-long Archon-class aircraft carrier, and the 20,000 swarm drones it carried!

After the Yago-Dur planet moved away and the gravitational turbulence in this airspace eased, the Archon-class aircraft carrier released all the swarm drones again!

The fear of being dominated by these micro-drones was once again recalled by all Republic Navy officers and soldiers. Now, they have lost the possibility of resistance, both psychologically and factually.

The main fleet of the 20th Army of the Galactic Republic began a crazy escape. The lucky battleship was able to get cover from the flagship Commander II-class dreadnought, and then broke away from the battle and entered hyperspace to jump away. However, most battleships still do not have this opportunity.

Admiral Gideon Tarkin stood on the bridge of the flagship, his face extremely solemn, and he was also counting the time for his evacuation. After the break, he returned to the queen, but he never thought of explaining himself here.

His own life is countless times more precious than those of ordinary soldiers. In this regard, Gideon Tarkin has such a sense of pride and superiority.

The reason why he can persist now is mainly because there are enough Republic battleships here. There are more than 70 capital ships, more than 130 small and medium-sized warships, more than 80 transport ships of various types, and about 20 auxiliary large ships including 4 shield ships.

And with such a number, even if it is chaos, it will take a while for the Dawn Principality fleet to kill them. The Dawn Principality's fleet obviously had no intention of provoking his Commander II-class dreadnought, and basically let him escape by default.

He just stood in front of the holographic star map, filled with unwillingness.

Although he had already foreseen failure, it was still difficult for him to accept that it failed so quickly and in such an incredible way.

At this time, Gideon Tarkin's adjutant came over and said to him: "General, look!"

Gideon Tarkin looked along his finger, but it was the radar department's sensor that discovered something new.

This is a dock consisting of three U-shaped structures. Although it is very simple, in the middle of this dock, there is a three-body warship with a low degree of completion!

Seeing this, Gideon Tarkin's pupils suddenly tightened, and he couldn't help shouting, "It's the new Xuanwu! They are indeed producing Titan battleships in the Yago-Dur system! This shipyard used to be here. !!”

Indeed, as the second star moved very violently to the other side of the galaxy, the Yago-Dur planet was also thrown out. Also thrown out were some nebula-like materials produced by the interference and tearing apart of each other during the movement of the three stars.

After these coverings were removed, the Titan battleship dock hidden behind was finally revealed!

"It turns out that the dock of the Titan battleship is at that location... I remember that we scanned it before, but due to interference, there were no results." Gideon Tarkin sighed, "It seems that the second ship of the Titan battleship Xuanwu , it seems that the completion level is almost over 40%... Soon, we will face two Xuanwu ships."

"Didn't the people at Kuat Power Shipyard say that although the Eclipse-class super Star Destroyer plan has been shelved, their newly developed Executor-class super Star Destroyer can easily hunt down the Xuanwu?" the adjutant asked. .

"You don't know about the battle in the Model Sector. Under such circumstances, do you still want to trust Quat's gang?" Gideon Tarkin smiled coldly, "The Executor-class Super Star Destroyer ? It’s probably another scam to fool Chancellor Palpatine into investing in them! It’s exactly the same as the so-called Eclipse class!”

He took a deep look at the Titan Shipyard, waved his hand and asked, "How many of our battleships escaped?"

"There are now more than 20 small and medium-sized battleships, 3 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 17 Jaeger-class battlecruisers that have escaped." The adjutant replied, "They will first return to the nearby unmanned galaxy. Advance to the base and wait for your orders, ready to counterattack at any time!"

"The Galactic Republic no longer has the ability to counterattack." Gideon Tarkin shook his head and said, "We are also preparing to evacuate. Let them seek their own blessings for the remaining battleships... It is better to go to the forward base first and reorganize the remaining ones. We will wait at most one day for the warships. After one day, we will blow up all the space stations and various supplies in the forward base and make a full retreat."

"Yes." The adjutant was also a little disappointed. He gave a military salute and walked over to make arrangements.

20BBY, ​​August 7th. Following the failure of the raid in the Model sector, the battle that broke out in the Yago-Dur system also ended in a disastrous defeat for the Galactic Republic.

On these two battlefields alone, the Galactic Republic lost nearly 400 capital ships and more than 200 small and medium-sized battleships! Almost half of the existing mobile battleships of the Galactic Republic were destroyed. As Gideon Tarkin said, the Galactic Republic has lost the ability to strategically attack at this moment.

And in the east direction, another fleet of the Galactic Republic's attack on the Salukami planet guarded by General Grievous was still very unsatisfactory.

Originally, the fleets of both sides went through several battles on the planet Salukami, and the Galactic Republic also made a lot of progress. However, soon, the second Ragnarov-class Titan battleship Shaman produced by the Confederation of Independent Systems suddenly joined the battlefield, and then destroyed a intact Jaeger-class battlecruiser with one shot.

Seeing this situation, the Republic Fleet also chose to retreat.

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