The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1724 The end of the Galactic Republic (5)

1724. The end of the Galactic Republic (5)

Written by 2,000 people, this initiative is very formal, and it is also a rare paper document, handwritten. Behind the long document is a signature that spans five pages.

At a quick glance above, you can see Congressmen including Bana Bream, Mon Mothma, and Fang Za, who are also Palpatine's old enemies.

Flames of anger ignited in Sheev Palpatine's eyes. He calmly pressed the button on the table and said, "There will be an emergency meeting tomorrow."

"Emergency meeting? Your schedule tomorrow is not..." the respectful voice of Deputy Speaker Mas Ameda came from the communication line.

"I said, call an emergency meeting." Sheev Palpatine's voice was still calm, but behind that voice, there was an aura of chilling terror!

"Yes...yes! I will arrange it immediately!" Mas Ameda's voice trembled.

"That's right, arrange it immediately, hehehe..." Palpatine let out a distorted laugh, "After all, it is a proposal signed by more than 2,000 people! This is a big matter and must be resolved as soon as possible..."

When the news was conveyed that Speaker Sheev Palpatine would convene an emergency plenary meeting of the parliament tomorrow, everyone including Bail Organa, Representative Mon Mothma and others understood that this was their final decision. It’s a decisive battle!

decisive battle? Maybe that's not the right word. Perhaps struggling is a more appropriate description, because these congressmen have reached the end of their rope.

Otherwise, you will give up your position, or else you will fight to the end in despair.

The worried Bail Organa left her office and returned to her private residence. Today he planned to rest early so that he could face the powerful Sheev Palpatine in a better posture tomorrow.

However, just as he walked into the mansion, he suddenly saw a person sitting in the corner of the living room!

An old man with white beard and hair and an aging face... Bail Organa is no longer familiar with this face. Because this is the former Speaker, Finis Valoran!

Bail Organa calmed down his shocked mood instantly. He turned around, closed the door, and turned on the anti-monitoring system. First, he went to the refrigerator and poured two glasses of juice, brought them to Finis Valoran, handed him a glass of juice, and then sat down in front of the old former Speaker.

"I'm sorry for the sudden visit like this, Councilor Organa." Finis Valoran said, "The streets are now full of reconnaissance drones, and Palpatine's spies are everywhere. Every move we make is Under his supervision...Fortunately, I still know some people who can make a difference."

Bail Organa nodded solemnly, "If that's the case, you took a huge risk to come to see me in private. You must have something important to explain to me. Right?"

Finis Valorum nodded and said: "It is impossible for Palpatine to give up the power in his hands. Even the war itself has many unknown shady secrets. But based on some of the information I have, Judging from the situation, at least the outbreak of this war has something to do with Palpatine."

"It's too late to say this now." Bail Organa shook his head. "No matter what happens in this war, it is no longer important. Because we can no longer affect his power through this."

"But this is important," Finis Valorum said, "because only by understanding this, you will understand that no matter what you do, he will never give up his power. For Palpatine, Your views are still too naive. That petition will only make him crazier."

"This is the only thing we can do." Bail Organa said, "We cannot sit back and watch Palpatine trample the democracy of the Galactic Republic under his feet. Even if he continues to act in this perverse way, perhaps the existence of the entire Galactic Republic The foundation will be shaken!"

"The 'only thing' you did has no other purpose than making the situation worse." Finis-Valoran sighed and said, "Fortunately, I still have some old acquaintances, so after the petition was sent out Before that, I took the first step and erased your signature from it."

" can you do this!" Bail Organa was shocked.

Finis Valorum placed an untouched cup on the coffee table, stood up, and said slightly tiredly: "You are very important, Senator Organa. Don't let you get involved in this futile operation. "

"This is our belief and persistence! If Congressman Mothma knew that my name had been removed from the proposal, what would they think!? Where is the belief we insist on!?" Bail Organa snapped.

"At least, survive first," Finis Valorum said. "At tomorrow's meeting, Palpatine will destroy you all. No...he will destroy everyone who stands in his way to power, no matter what. Who is this guy."

After saying that, he opened the door and walked out.

Bail Organa saw that a shielding force field had been set up outside the door to ensure that his whereabouts would not be seen by anyone.

Looking at Finis Valorum's old back, Bail Organa had an extremely complicated expression on his face. He came to the bathroom feeling lost, turned down the temperature, and let the cold water splash all over his body.

In that shuddering temperature, Bail Organa thought...

The next day, an emergency meeting of the entire parliament convened by an executive order personally issued by the Speaker of the Republic Sheev Palpatine was held as scheduled.

No one dared to disobey Palpatine's instructions. No matter what they were doing now, all the council members immediately stopped their formation arrangements and hurried back even from the other side of the galaxy.

For a time, there was a bustling scene in front of the Galaxy Parliament Building. The congressmen hurried to the venue with their delegations and advisory groups, fearing that they would be even a second late.

Bail Organa came to the entrance of the venue and saw Mon Mothma, Bana Briam and others already waiting here. Seeing their firm gazes, Bail Organa's heart trembled a little, because he knew that his name was no longer in the 2000 book.

However, he still walked over and said: "Today's situation may be very difficult, and Palpatine's madness may exceed all of our imaginations. Before the meeting begins, I suggest that we should prepare as soon as possible."

Although Mon Mothma and others were a little surprised as to why Bail Organa suddenly said this, out of trust in him, they nodded and started to connect to the communication to contact some of their supporters.

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