The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1727 Dawn Agreement (Part 1)

1727. Dawn Agreement (Part 1)

"It's not important. Palpatine's lie only needs to allow him to survive the first ten years of the Galactic Empire smoothly, just like his first term after becoming the Speaker." Tang Xiaolen Said coldly.

"His first term as speaker was completely humble, peaceful and approachable, which even made people feel that he was very weak." Francis Underwood said, "Everyone thought he was just Phoenix - Valoran is only second, so everyone is moving closer to him, hoping to draw him into their own camp. And in this process, Palpatine got both sides and received great support."

"But I still feel very unwilling..." Chief of General Staff Qi Jian said, "We all know that Palpatine's current situation is very fragile, but we were unable to seize this opportunity to give him a fatal blow."

"Palpatine and his Galactic Empire are fragile, but we are even more vulnerable." Helmut Zemo glanced at Qi Jian and said, "Our industrial production capacity has been developed to the limit, and with this Model With the end of the Sector Battle, the Model Sector will definitely fall into a turbulent atmosphere. Not only will we not be able to get help from the Model Sector, on the contrary, we will need to invest a lot of resources in the past to stabilize the situation and rebuild the planet Annaji."

Qi Jian shook his head and said: "Of course I understand... After the two major battles in the Model Sector and the Yago-Dur System this time, our mobile fleet is basically half disabled, and only the Xuanwu is left. We are supporting the scene. And it is different from the time we spent a lot of money to capture the planet Terminus a year and a half ago. At that time, our fleet was facing a replacement, so even if more than half of the mobile fleet was lost, it would only be rebuilt... But now... …”

"Our own production capacity has been greatly affected, and the domestic war pressure has continued to increase, almost to the edge of collapse." Qi Jian sighed, "I only hope that in this decade, we can be reborn."

"As for diplomacy, the first principle is that there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies." Francis Underwood said, "As for politics, the most important thing is position. And this time we changed our position. This step is the biggest benefit to us. As for the Galactic Empire, if you think about it carefully, they actually didn’t get anything...because we couldn’t do anything in the first place.”

Tang Xiao didn't speak, just looked at the holographic projection.

On top of that, Sheev Palpatine's speech was played repeatedly, and the scribe on the side recorded the full text of the speech. Then, naturally, experts from various fields came to interpret it word for word, and put Palpatine's speech into words. All the explicit and implicit meanings of this speech were unearthed.

This time the diplomatic strategy was initiated by him. And surprisingly, he originally thought that many of his senior officials would object, but it turned out that almost everyone was in favor of the ceasefire and signing of an agreement with the Galactic Republic.

This is true even for military personnel such as Qi Jian, Matt Horner, Ling Liang, Xian Hui, and Cheng Shitao!

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. Because everyone can see clearly that the Principality of Liming really cannot afford to fight...

As Qi Jian said just now, after the two major battles were fought this time, it seemed that the Principality of Dawn had won a great victory, but in fact, was this victory costless? Not really!

In the Battle of Yago-Dour, the Principality of Dawn lost 27 main warships and more than 80 small and medium-sized warships. Moreover, the Agonev-class interstellar base was severely damaged and forced to fall into synchronous orbit, and then was thrown out when the Yago-Dur planet changed its orbit, and has now been swallowed by the No. 2 star.

The cost of building an interstellar base is comparable to that of a small fleet! This is the fundamental reason why the Agonev-class interstellar base can protect the periphery of the planet like a strong shield on the battlefield!

In addition, due to the violent orbit change of the Yago-Dur planet, the planet has not yet completely entered a stable orbit. This will cause the production capacity of the Yago-Dur planet to drop by at least 70%!

In other words, if we want to maintain the defense line of Yago-Dur planet after this, we must continue to provide assistance to the Jiwen people through the Principality of Dawn. What's more, the Jiwen people also shoulder the important task of continuing to build the second Ankeron-class Titan battleship, the Yuanzhu. This is a bottomless pit that consumes a lot of resources and production capacity!

But it is obviously impossible to abandon the Yago-Dur planet. Not to mention that the Given people's plan to immigrate to the Lota planet has not yet been launched. The value of the three-body system of the Yago-Dur system as a natural line of defense is inestimable. .

This battle of Yago-Dur has shown how well the Given people, who know this galaxy well, are able to fight here, while it is difficult for the invaders to gain the same advantage here.

That's right, the Yago-Durr galaxy here is a three-body galaxy. If you have the ability, can you figure out the rules?

So after this battle, the Galactic Republic, oh no, it is now the Galactic Empire. If they want to enter the Yago-Dur system again, they will definitely be cautious or even give up directly.

Giving up on the Yago-Dur system at this time would probably make Palpatine laugh out of his teeth.

On the other side, the Model Sector is even more tragic!

Because the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force has too many troops, the power of more than 300 capital ships is unprecedented! With such a huge force coming, even Tang Xiao had to transform into Darth Malthael and go out to kill the enemy in person!

In this battle, the Principality of Dawn suffered even more heavy losses!

The first is the loss of battleships. In the long-lasting space station outside the planet Annaji, the Dawn Principality lost a total of 29 capital ships and more than 60 small and medium-sized battleships.

It doesn't seem like much, but this is all preserved due to the guerrilla tactics in Volgograd-Kanidi. Unlike the Yago-Dour battle, there were not many direct exchanges of fire between the two sides. And among them are 6 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 8 Jaeger-class battlecruisers that Darth Malthael personally took action with his death force. Governor Canidy used these for free. The warships were used as human shields, effectively reducing our own losses.

But even so, after the war, the remaining naval warships were basically injured, and many of them even needed to return to the dock for overhaul for more than three months!

Therefore, the fleet that participated in the space battle around the planet Annaji can basically be said to be useless.

The planet Annaji, which was directly attacked by the Galactic Republic, was in an even more tragic situation!

Thanks to Guardian Calvin Lan for the 1,500 starting coins! !

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