The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1733 The Rise of the Galactic Empire (Part 2)

1733. The Rise of the Galactic Empire (Part 2)

Simultaneously with the changes in the Parliament, the Galactic Capitol was also renovated and is now called the Imperial Capitol. All the statues in the surrounding squares were torn down and destroyed, because these were the former martyrs of the Galactic Republic. Instead, there are a large number of statues of Palpatine himself. Walking in the square, you will feel like you are being watched by Palpatine almost everywhere.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Surveillance is indeed installed in these statues.

At the same time that the Senate was reorganized into the Imperial Senate, the former Galactic Republic military also underwent drastic reforms.

First, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic was disbanded, and the entire Republic military was reorganized into three parts-the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Army, and the Stormtroopers.

These three departments are all directly responsible to Emperor Palpatine and are independent of each other, so there is no need to set up another department above them.

In fact, the reason why the Supreme Strategic Command existed was because it was a department established at the beginning of the previous war to coordinate the chaotic Republic Army at that time. At that time, the Republic's military included the Republic's fighter force, battleship force, space-based force, the Grand Army of the Republic, etc., with overlapping powers and responsibilities, making it very confusing and bloated.

Now that the Galactic Empire has been established, everything has to be torn down and started again. As the top priority, the military naturally needs to be reformed.

The Imperial Navy, which is responsible for space operations, and the Imperial Army, which is responsible for surface operations on the planet, each perform their respective duties, which is very clear. The Stormtroopers were reorganized from the clone army and became an elite force directly under the emperor.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the stormtroopers, Palpatine ordered that the one-year rapid growth time of Sparti clones be slightly extended to make these soldiers more stable.

After the clone army and the Army were separated, the Imperial Army also began to prepare for widespread conscription for ordinary people. And their recruitment requirements are all for human races. Non-human races will almost never have this opportunity to enter the imperial army.

The first phase of the Imperial Army's recruitment plan is 5 billion, and it will continue to implement more recruitment plans and build more barracks and training bases in the future.

At present, all military officials were temporarily retained at the beginning, allowing them to continue serving in their respective departments. However, a few weeks after the establishment of the empire, Palpatine, who had initially stabilized the situation, also began to target military personnel.

Palpatine launched a purge campaign, and all officers deemed untrustworthy during the investigation were removed or even arrested, and replaced by those who were absolutely loyal to Palpatine.

In the process, some families with strong military traditions were also kicked out of the army, because these people were seen by Palpatine as obstacles to his absolute control of the army.

The Intelligence Department of the Republic is also a department full of holes and chaos. Previously, the Republic had a total of four different intelligence departments. These intelligence departments were inefficient and bloated. They were repeatedly played by the spies of the Principality of Dawn during the war, and many fighter opportunities were missed. During this reorganization, the four intelligence departments were unified into the Imperial Intelligence Agency (Imperial Intelligence), led by Armand Isard, the former head of the SBI.

At the same time, as Palpatine's loyal lackey, the Committee to Preserve the Republic (COMPOR) was also renamed the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR for short). The basic functions remain unchanged and continue to be a fanatic-like organization that promotes the glory of the empire and the emperor in every corner of the empire.

The Republic Youth League was also renamed the Palpatine Youth League, or the Imperial Youth League, also cultivating fanatical followers of the Emperor among the younger generation.

It is worth mentioning that the power of the Committee for the Maintenance of the New Order (COMPNOR) in the Empire has become very huge. They have control over almost every matter in every corner of the galaxy, as long as it is considered disloyal to the Emperor and detrimental to the Empire. interference.

As a violent organization directly under the emperor, the stormtroopers would often cooperate with the actions of the New Order Maintenance Committee to directly arrest people, and no one dared to stop them.

At the same time, a branch, the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), was established under the New Order Maintenance Committee. This agency is also directly responsible to Emperor Palpatine and is mainly used to check and balance the Imperial Intelligence Agency. It is equivalent to a secret police organization, responsible for monitoring and monitoring all parts of the empire, as well as investigating and arresting possible counter-rebellion elements.

By the way, the former Republic Admiral Wolf-Yularen was also forced to resign as an admiral when the ISB was established, and entered the ISB as a colonel.

This is because Admiral Wulf-Yularen sympathizes with the Jedi Order, and he has a very good relationship with the Jedi in previous battles, so relevant personnel believe that he should not continue to remain in the military. However, after review, it was determined that he was indeed loyal to the Galactic Empire, so he had the opportunity to enter the ISB.

Of course, Colonel Wolf-Yularen later relied on his outstanding abilities and absolute loyalty to the empire to be constantly reused and promoted, and finally became the deputy director of the Imperial Security Bureau, a position of high authority. This is a story later.

In a series of adjustments and reforms, the Imperial Security Bureau even extended its reach to the military. They installed a large number of security advisors in the military fleet to ensure consistency between the military and the imperial government.

In fact, this was a very effective move, and it did ensure the loyalty of the Imperial Army to Emperor Palpatine himself in the days that followed.

After basically stabilizing the situation on the planet Coruscant, now called the center of the Empire, Palpatine began a deterrent operation across the entire Empire.

First, there was a large-scale construction project to transform the former Jedi Temple into the emperor's palace. The former Speaker's Palace was also expanded on a large scale and a magnificent building, the Imperial Palace, was built.

After that, he began to organize stormtroopers to conduct military parades everywhere. For this reason, he even dispatched the garrison fleet that stayed in the center of the empire to show off his power in various places.

His move was actually very necessary, because the empire had just been established and its foundation was unstable, and there were conspiracy rebellions almost from the first day. And the Stormtroopers and the newly formed Imperial Navy carried out a bloody suppression of all planets that might rebel!

This is why Palpatine signed an agreement with Tang Xiao so simply and was willing to take huge risks to open up the Lundili trade route! Compared with the original plot, the Galactic Empire, which was established more than half a year earlier, is unstable in all aspects. He must free his hands from the frontline battlefield as soon as possible to stabilize the situation in his own backyard.

The establishment of the Galactic Empire has been precarious from the beginning... The Milky Way will also move towards an unknown and crazy future...

【End of this chapter】(End of this chapter)

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