The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1738 The Sorrow of Liberalism (1)

1738. The Sorrow of Liberalism (1)

As soon as he heard this seductive voice, Volgograd-Kanidi was suddenly startled. He turned around and saw a slim figure standing in the shadow beside the curtain.

Blue skin, scarlet eyes, and charming figure... this is a Twi'lek woman! Moreover, one of the two Twi'lek-specific tentacles 'Leku' on her head was cut off, and now it is only inlaid with a string of colorful crystals.

This beautiful Twi'lek woman just stood there, not moving much. But her charming look alone can make people's vicious hormones surge just by looking at her.

However, if you look at her carefully, you will feel the extremely dark and chaotic aura on her body! It's chilling.

And the presence of this woman also made Volgograd-Kanidi feel a chill. He turned his head suddenly and said sternly to Tang Xiao: "I don't need your so-called help!"

However, Tang Xiao only had a sneer on his face, "You may not be able to find the shame to do some things, but it doesn't matter, Darth Lilim, she will help you. During this period, she will obey your command."

This Twi'lek woman is actually Tang Xiao's apprentice, Darth Lilim!

"Follow my command? She's just here to monitor me, right?" Canidi said coldly.

"Power must be kept in a cage. In the Principality of Liming, which high-ranking official is not under surveillance?" Tang Xiao replied calmly.

Canidy gritted his teeth and stared at Tang Xiao. He said word by word: "What is the difference between your behavior... and those of those tyrants!?"

"I don't care about other people's evaluations. I just care about whether the Model Sector can still be stable and loyal under my rule..." Tang Xiao said.

Communication was shut down, and the air in the conference room seemed to freeze.

However, Das-Lilim seemed not to have seen Volgograd-Kanidi's expression at all. She twisted her waist like a water snake and walked over, and her slender and tender fingertips gently scratched Kanidi's back. Then, she leaned on Canidi's shoulder and exhaled, "So... let's start? Who should we start with? The radical officer Jin Chen? Or the He who gave birth to a son with you and is now under house arrest? wall?"

"If you dare to touch one of their hair, I swear I will kill you!" Canidi said viciously.

"Then... what should we do?" Darth Lilim withdrew his fingers, put them in his mouth and sucked them, as if tasting the prey in front of him, "Kill all the traitors who dream of freedom and autonomy, and return them to Model. A peaceful and peaceful star district..."

"Now that I've sent you here, will there still be peace and harmony?" Canidi gritted his teeth.

"Then after I leave, it will become like this again...hehehehe..." Darth Lilim chuckled lightly, but then the smile on her face faded, and her expression suddenly became extremely gloomy, "As the master said, Say, if you don’t move...then it’s my turn..."

"I know what to do..." Volgograd-Kanidi clenched his fists, and his body even trembled slightly.

Governor of the Model Sector, Volgograd-Kanidi.

His popularity reached its peak in the Model Sector with this victory over the Galactic Republic fleet once again. Many people in the Model Sector speak of his great achievements.

In the mouths of these people, it was Volgograd-Kanidi who led them in production and construction, led them to cultivate wasteland and expand the land, and led them to defeat powerful enemies. And this time it was the same. It was precisely because of Canidi's ingenious calculations, his use of troops like a god, and the unity of the Model sector that he was able to defeat the overwhelmingly superior Galactic Republic expedition fleet.

Now, more people have begun to believe that only Volgograd-Kanidi can lead them to a new and bright future in the Model Sector.

But for Tang Xiao, who contributed money and work in this battle, and even fought in person, the people of the Model Sector felt that this was what he deserved. And many people also believe that because the flames of this battle even burned the Dawn Planet, the reason why the Dawn Planet is still as stable as a mountain is entirely because of Governor Canidi's wise leadership.

They completely selectively forgot about the Dawn Planet, but they still completely annihilated the 96 elite battleships led by Casio Tagg himself.

On the one hand, these people's views on Tang Xiao are out of prejudice, but on the other hand, they are probably out of ambition. For various reasons, the Model Sector’s call for autonomy has become very loud.

Compared with the Havin Sector, where the indigenous people are more powerful and more numerous, and the Sethwenna Sector, where the main military forces of the Dawn Principality are gathered, the Model Sector, which accommodates the largest number of alien immigrants, does have Such soil.

However, today, 19 BBY, April 17, the Governor of Volgograd-Kanidi suddenly announced that after the victory in the Battle of the Model Sector, the economy of the sector has been restored, so the Model Sector will have conditions to hold a An extremely grand victory celebration. The time will be three days later on April 20.

This celebration will celebrate the people of the Model Sector working together with one heart and one mind, fighting bravely against the enemy, and finally defeating the Galactic Republic army after a bloody battle.

The celebration will be held on all habitable planets in the entire Model Sector, including the planet Annaji, Maya-Kevir, Fang of Kuna, Fist of Kuna, Tail of Kuna, and Vathian Planet, Orville III planet, and some smaller colonial planets and mining planets, such as the Eye of Kuna planet, the Horn of Kuna planet, the Weeks planet, etc.

Even the prison planet Sonel will hold a celebration. The prisoners on the planet will have a day off, get extra food, and watch the documentary filmed for this victory in the exhibition square to enhance their enthusiasm for reform. The beast army from the planet Sonel will also return here, on the one hand to monitor the prisoners, and on the other hand, they can also participate in the celebration here.

The Governor of Volgograd-Kanidi will give a public speech to the entire Model Sector during the celebration, and he will announce important things in his speech.

Almost everyone in the Model sector was looking forward to it, because they suddenly discovered that this celebration actually left aside the other sectors of the Dawn Principality! The Haven Sector, the Sethwenna Planet, and the Dawn Planet are directly under the Sector, and these places will not participate in the celebration!

Not only that, although there is no clear news, there is indeed no mention that Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn will come to participate in person!

This small detail was immediately noticed by the liberals in the Model Sector, and in their preconceived thoughts, they immediately thought that this celebration was probably the announcement of the Volgograd-Kanidi The beginning of sector autonomy.

The important thing Governor Canidi said must be the declaration of autonomy for the Model Sector!

Many liberals immediately felt jubilant. They were extremely excited to see that they could finally take this final step. However, they also know that this matter still needs to remain low-key before it is completely announced.

When many liberals pass each other on the street, they often exchange glances and make a small fist pump to express their tacit understanding.

Some people have even started making signs and flags at home. Although they didn't know what pattern they should use as their flag if the Model Sector became autonomous, they still designed it imaginatively. The most commonly used one is the planet Annaji as the center, with 10 other habitable planets surrounding it, and then 5 colonies and mining planets arranged on the periphery.

Such a flag consisting of 16 stars has become a widely circulated flag style among liberals.

The entire Model Star District began to have undercurrents, and for a while the entire Star District seemed to be a bomb that could be detonated at any time!

At this time, their governor, Volgograd-Kanidi, was communicating with several secret frequency bands in his office. The seven holographic projections of people are at different positions on the conference table, four of which are humans, one is a Granite, one is a Semiresian, and one is an Aru.

【Are you sure you want to do this? Governor Canidi. This is your best chance to gain great power. 】One of the female humans said.

[I don’t quite agree with you, Ms. Krasis. ] The Gran man said, [We can easily foresee that the Dawn Planet will definitely take extreme actions to deal with the autonomy of the Model Sector. So before discussing this topic, should we discuss first, who can resist the fleet of Dawn Planet, and who can fight against the almost invincible Tang Xiao? 】

[However, Tang Xiao’s enemy is not the Model Sector. Even if the Model Sector becomes autonomous, we can still promise to maintain good-faith neutrality towards the Dawn Planet. We can still provide them with industrial products, labor, and various raw materials, and we promise not to trade with the Galactic Empire. It’s just that after autonomy, these things will be provided to ourselves first. 】Airu said.

The Semires people also said: [In diplomacy, we can also unite with the Federation of Independent Systems to put pressure on Tang Xiao. I believe that after Tang Xiao suddenly left Count Dooku to negotiate peace with the Galactic Empire six months ago, Count Dooku was very willing to help us in this regard. In fact, I have indeed had preliminary contact with the Confederation of Independent Systems. 】

[The idea of ​​autonomy in the Model Sector is too idealistic. It would be good to really achieve autonomy, but to achieve this goal, we need to meet the most ideal conditions in politics, diplomacy, economy, military and other aspects. But actually? ] Another male human said, [I don’t think Count Dooku will help us on this matter, especially when the Galactic Empire starts the battle on the planet Salukami again. He needs Tang Xiao's help more than liquidating Tang Xiao's betrayal. 】

"Okay, stop talking." Volgograd-Kanidi raised his hand and interrupted the discussion of these people. "I came to you not to discuss the issue of autonomy. What I want to discuss is , how to resolve this matter while minimizing casualties."

[It seems that you have made up your mind. ] The Elu man chuckled, [And you also know that it will cause casualties. 】

"Because this matter is not as complicated as you still know too little about Tang Xiao." Canidi said slowly, "If the Model Sector is autonomous, then it is death. Even if it kills everyone here , Tang Xiao will not allow this to happen."

【How dare he do this! 】The Semiers were a little angry.

[He got help from the planet Rendili. With the population of the planet Rendili, it would be a big deal to replace the people in the Model Sector. He can really do this. 】The male human who spoke before said.

[But in this way, the Principality of Dawn itself will suffer heavy losses, and its economy will regress for at least ten years! 】Airu said.

"So what?" Canidi shook his head.

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, once one understands Tang Xiao's attitude towards this matter, the matter of Model Sector Autonomy is actually not that complicated. Because they have no other choice.

[In that case, we have no other choice. Clean it! Show our attitude to Tang Xiao. Just like our planet's congressman Thunbark Tula, everyone is willing to be Tang Xiao's dog. ] The Samirs sneered.

[Your ideas are dangerous, Pikara. ] Gran said, [Because if you continue to think like this, the trend of autonomy will never really recede. And the sharp blade hanging above our heads will still fall at any time. 】

【snort! So, you plan to start brainwashing me? ] Samirsi snorted coldly and closed the communication directly.

"That's right, put away those dangerous thoughts. Tang Xiao's purpose is the same as Palpatine's. He wants to become the emperor, but the time is not ripe now. So the future direction of the Dawn Principality is actually not difficult to speculate. Freedom Ism has no place here," Canidi said.

[Since you have decided, we will naturally support you. This celebration was your plan, right? What are your plans? 】Airu asked.

Canidi said nothing.

[Are you planning to use this celebration to attract the most extreme liberals and catch them all in one fell swoop? ] The male human said, [So, the Beast Legion is not actually on the planet Sonel? 】

"I made a mistake... Indeed." Canidi sighed, "I agree that as long as the people under my rule can eat well, wear warm clothes, and live and work in peace and contentment, they will be satisfied. Even if someone knew it before When they told me about autonomy in private, I felt that it was their own idea, and I should respect it even if I disagreed with it. What's more, it's not like these people couldn't see the results of the Model sector's autonomy... So... Sigh... …”

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