The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1749 The Lundilli Robbery (Part 1)

1749. The Lundilli Robbery (Part 1)

At the Rendili planet spaceport, the huge passenger spacecraft took off into the sky, gradually rising into the sky with extremely powerful airflow. That huge body immediately outshone all the surrounding passenger spacecraft. Compared with this giant ship, even the AA-9 class spacecraft, the largest passenger spacecraft in the galaxy before, was just a tiny thing in front of it.

The whale-class passenger spacecraft is 1,150 meters long and 240 meters high. The overall structure is similar to a rectangular parallelepiped with an obvious hump. The spacecraft can accommodate up to 50,000 passengers and stores enough nutrients to feed these 50,000 people for 10 days. The spacecraft is also equipped with 8 tractor beams, which are mainly used for cargo supply and can also be used for self-defense in emergencies.

The design of this spaceship is a masterpiece. It not only provides 50,000 passengers with at least space to lie down and a storage box that can accommodate a large amount of personal luggage, but also fully considers the issues of eating, drinking and sleeping for so many passengers. .

It includes thousands of toilets, as well as a complex but efficient sewage treatment system, 8 canteens and supporting rapid food distribution channels, excellent ventilation systems, and convenient garbage disposal systems. It would allow these 50,000 passengers to at least spend the five-day journey from the Rendili System to the Annaji System in a relatively comfortable environment.

Because high-level hyperspace engines will take up a lot of space and the cost will also become extremely high. For example, on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, a full quarter of the space is given to the L-produced by Sina Fleet Systems. A2B type engine. Therefore, for this kind of civilian spacecraft, the general hyperspace engine level is not high.

As for the whale-class passenger spacecraft, the designer - Willix Blissex!

At this moment, he was standing on one of the towers of the space port, looking up at the huge figure of the whale class gradually moving away until it was completely invisible. On his face, a long-lost smile finally appeared...

"Well done, Willix. The whale-class's first official operation was a perfect success!!" His colleagues on the side praised, "I just heard from the people at the Immigration Bureau that the investment in the whale-class will allow us to immigrate The efficiency is doubled!”

"People from Lundili Interstellar Power Company also said that all the interstellar shipyards left here are now starting to build whale-class ships! The cost of this kind of spaceship is not big, 26 million credits per unit, and it mainly costs Basic raw materials. You are really a genius, Willix. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to design and build such an excellent passenger spacecraft." Another colleague also sincerely praised it.

Bang bang bang bang! There was a round of applause.

Willix-Blissex turned around and saw that dozens of colleagues in the tower control center had stood up and gave him warm applause.

Everyone here is sincere and there is not even a hint of jealousy.

Because they all know how much Willix-Blissex spent in the process of designing and building the Whale-class passenger spacecraft. He often stayed up all night thinking about the design of the spacecraft. He even designed and considered the layout of every part of the spacecraft, every passage, and every corner.

It was precisely because of his efforts that this perfect passenger spacecraft was able to appear in the world within a few months, and it was immediately put into immigration work.

What's even more commendable is that when Willix Blissex designed this passenger spacecraft, he had only one purpose - to help civilians avoid the destruction of war as much as possible.

On a smaller scale, if the immigration work of Planet Lundili cannot be completed in a timely and efficient manner, once the war starts again and hundreds of billions of residents are crowded on such a planet, large-scale material shortages may occur. It may even easily take away the lives of hundreds of billions of people!

An example of this was the Battle of Eriadu. At that time, the Governor of the 18th Army, Wilhuff Tarkin, faced the approaching General Ling fleet, so he concentrated all supplies and then recruited troops on a large scale.

As a result, after the Battle of Eriadu ended and the Fourth Civilization occupied the planet, the first thing to do was to recycle and dispose of the more than one billion corpses that had starved to death.

Willix-Blissex believed that if there had been a large number of Whales at that time, in the face of such a planet-level war disaster, at least a few more people could have been saved.

That's why he worked hard to design such an efficient large-capacity passenger spacecraft, just to do something for the people in this war-torn galaxy. He couldn't stop the war or the killing, but there was always something he could do.

And in order to keep costs down, he directly rejected the request to transform the design of the Whale-class passenger ship into a modular one. Although he heard that this request came from the top management of Rendili Interstellar Power Company, and that he was promised additional funds and compensation, Willix refused directly.

Willix knew that the modular design was required because they wanted to preserve the possibility of using the passenger craft for military purposes in the future. Although he is not completely opposed to the design of military spacecraft, such as the Victory II-class Star Destroyer, and the Victory III-class Star Destroyer that is undergoing preliminary design, he is also involved in the plan. But he couldn't accept that the cost of building the Whale-class ship would be increased for such reasons. The increase in cost would reduce the number of spacecraft and the fewer people who could be saved.

After that, Willix still retained some design interfaces, so that when there is not so much passenger transportation pressure, the whale-class passenger spacecraft can be converted into a medical spacecraft, which can be used to provide medical services to injured soldiers on the battlefield during wartime. , you can go to those backward and impoverished planets to provide medical support during peacetime.

Willix-Blissex smiled and high-fived his colleagues around him. When the news came that the whale-class passenger spacecraft had successfully entered the hyperspace channel, they were completely relieved and returned to their homes to have a good rest.

After making an appointment with each other to have a celebration party two days later, Willix-Blissex returned to his home, took a shower, fell into the soft bed, and fell asleep.

However, he did not notice that in the dark night, there were several pairs of eyes staring at his residence!

"Very good, the target has gone to sleep. One group, reconfirm the situation of the surrounding hidden sentries..." In a civilian building more than 300 meters away, a person was holding a telescope to check Willix's situation, and at the same time whispered in the communication command.

[There are secret bodyguards, but not many, only three, and their mental state is also very relaxed. 】

"Don't do anything yet. Group 2, has the surveillance system been cut off?"

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