The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1763 Battle of Feida (3)

1763. Battle of Feida (3)

In fact, unlike Wilhuff Tarkin and Crueya Vandron, who set their sights on the richest and most developed core circle of the galaxy, Dunn Wessex's goal It's very clear, that's the North.

Although in a sense, the North is now the most dangerous place in the entire galaxy, but for Dunn Wessex, it is not a threat to him at all.

As a high-ranking governor, even if the entire northern territory was beaten to pieces by the geth, it would not threaten his life. On the contrary, the greater the threat posed by the geth, the more political capital he can obtain.

In order to protect the Northern Territory, and at the same time prevent the terrifying geth from entering the inner and core circles of the galaxy, those nobles and wealthy families will never be stingy with their money bags, and they will even do their best to support the Northern Territory.

And in this way, as the Guardian of the North, Dunn Wessex naturally has all the political capital he wants!

He doesn't need to show up like Wilhuff Tarkin. On the contrary, he just needs to silently support the defense line of the northern border, and he can gain a powerful force that is comparable to these powerful people in the inner circle!

Now, Dunn-Wessex has chosen Gilad Perrine, and Perrine has lived up to his expectations. Even if he was promoted to Lieutenant General Commander-in-Chief of the Fida Defense Front, the affairs he manages are in his hands. It was several times more at once, but he persisted.

On the one hand, it reorganizes the fleet, abandons some unrealistic strategic policies, and reorganizes the planet's outer defense line. He used the remaining capital ships as the core and always maintained a strong defensive formation, making it impossible for the geth fleet to use its mobility.

At the same time, he also gathered a large number of fighter jets and bomber groups as his punch. Once the Geth want to take the opportunity to transport troops to the ground on the planet Feida, these transport ships will be frantically attacked by swarms of fighter jets and bombers!

His defensive strategy focuses on ground battlefields and supplements on space battlefields. It is the opposite of many other generals, but it is effective.

Pellaeon's fleet is also constantly adjusting its defense zone, and this adjustment is not aimless, but a targeted orbital bombing of some important areas on the ground battlefield.

Although this kind of orbital bombing was not flexible or comprehensive, as a tactical bombing, it greatly dealt a huge blow to the geth army on the ground. Several bases for manufacturing corpse puppets were destroyed, a large number of 'dragon teeth' were blown into pieces, and the corpses in reserve were turned into powder.

As a result, Gilad Perrine managed to stabilize the battle line without any more battleships entering the battlefield from the rear!

However, the recent actions of the geth on the ground battlefield have once again made Gilad Pellaeon feel a little worried.

He is in a command center located in Chinasti City, the capital of the planet Feida, directing the defense operations of the entire front.

But the news that just came made people feel nervous - the dark Jedi Knight Krickit was surrounded by the geth and lost contact. There is a high possibility that he was captured by the geth!

This is not good news, because Cricket was once a Jedi Master in the Jedi Order. After falling to the dark side, he and three other dark masters served as reinforcements, leading more than 20 dark warriors and apprentices to Planet Feida.

In the previous battles, these four dark masters exerted extremely powerful combat effectiveness, which once reminded Gilad Pellaeon of the battle with Anakin Skywalker and Jain during the battle on the planet Zanfatar. -The scene of these Jedi warriors fighting side by side in Altis.

This time, Dark Master Cricket sensed a communication base station of Geth. Because they already knew that Geth's operations relied heavily on these communication equipment, he prepared to lead a commando team to destroy the signal tower.

But this seemingly simple raid actually put Cricket in a tight siege and he was also captured! ?

How did the geth hide the ambush from a former Jedi Master? In the end what happened?

He looked at the three dark masters in the other direction of the conference table. These three dark masters also maintained a lot of respect for him. This was also the prestige that Pellaeon gained from battle to battle.

"I think the geth have put all their efforts into plotting against Lord Krickit for other purposes." Lieutenant General Gilad Pellaeon said slowly, "I mean, it's not a military purpose."

"What do you mean?" Pah, the human female dark master, asked with a frown.

"The direction Lord Krickit is going is not a key area. For us, it is the gateway to a settlement, mainly a protein production area. And the geth's recent attacks are mainly focused on our industrial facilities. Direction..." Gilad Pellaeon pointed to the holographic battle map and said, "I don't think the geth have the ability to starve us to death while the Cortaris blockade is always on alert, so they suddenly came here There must be another reason for setting up such a sophisticated trap around an agricultural facility."

"Ordinary people can't plot against us! It's impossible for the Geth! The only ones who can do it are the same Force-sensitive people! Jedi!" Pah gritted his teeth.

"It is impossible for the Jedi to help the geth, it may be the separatists-the Fourth Group or the Interstellar Banking Association..." Gilad-Pellaeon said, "In short, I think they have invested so much that they even risked There is a risk that the Dawn Principality will start a new war with the Empire, and the target may very well be Cricket himself.”

"What's the use of catching that idiot?" Pah asked with a cold expression.

"I have a bold idea... Corpse puppets." Gilad Pellaeon listed more than ten corpse puppets of different shapes in the holographic projection. "Currently on the battlefield, there are human corpse puppets, Yamriyi human corpse puppet, Nikto human corpse puppet, self-destructing corpse puppet, spraying corpse puppet, Kota six-legged beast corpse puppet, stone bear corpse puppet, etc... This shows that the geth's corpse puppet manufacturing technology is constantly improving. And they are not picky about the source of corpse puppet corpses. Basically, any biological corpse can be used..."

His eyes became serious, "So... what if they plan to make a corpse puppet of a Force-sensitive person?"

"Those bastards! How dare they!!" Another dark master struck the case and became extremely angry. Under his anger, the powerful fluctuations of the dark side force were even visible to the naked eye!

"No matter what the geth are planning, we must stop them. Get Cricket back." Gilad Pellaeon said.

"Don't worry about that idiot! Let the army launch a counterattack to drive back the geth's power in that direction! Then conduct an orbital bombing! Blast Cricket to pieces!" Pah said viciously.

Gilad Perrine was silent for a few seconds and nodded slowly.

Thanks to Hero and Yuan Zhi for the 1,500 starting coins! !

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