18. Sudden commission

Bang! ! The wall of the bar was smashed open, and a man with a bruised nose was thrown out. Then the burly figure of T-850 appeared at the gap. He grabbed the drunks one by one with one hand, and then slammed them on the ground.

Boom! ! Several people were thrown to the ground, lying on the ground with a wow, and vomited out all the food they had just eaten.

A few seconds later, another drunk was kicked out of the bar and fell to the ground. Tang Xiao walked out with Cunte with a wine bottle in one hand. The fight just now didn't last too long. T-850 beat those drunks by himself until their mothers didn't even know them. And Tang Xiao are not easy to mess with.

As a legendary explorer, Cunte beat up a few hooligans for nothing. Although Tang Xiao can't use the power of the original force in public, it's no problem to swing a wine bottle to make up the knife. And in the past few days, he happened to be a little depressed, and all the pent-up resentment in his heart just happened to vent out.

"Go to hell! Are you looking for faults?! Are you looking for a fight?!" Tang Xiao angrily burst out a sentence of earth's national curse, regardless of whether those people could understand or not.

Ever since the fight started, Tang Xiao couldn't control the anger in his heart, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he only wanted to tear these people into pieces!

"Your...bantha's feces..." The drunk was still talking hard, and Tang Xiao slapped another wine bottle in his hand, which blossomed on the drunk's face.

These few blows made him happy all over, and all the inexplicable negative emotions in his chest exploded all at once, and he yelled hysterically as if venting, "Get out!!!"

His voice is like a demon roaring, although the volume is not loud, it makes people feel the shock from the soul!

Then, without looking back, he raised his hand and slapped the other drunk who wanted to sneak attack behind him, and sent him flying away! No one cared about why he could send people flying several meters away with a single slap, and no one noticed the thin flash of light on his palm. They were all captured by the fierce T-850 and Tang Xiao stopped.

"Let's go back to the spaceship. Let's go to the port of Mos Espa." Tang Xiao suddenly felt extremely tired, and he kicked the drunk man's crotch again, panting.

Looking around, those onlookers turned their eyes away one after another, not daring to meet Tang Xiao's gaze. In this lawless place, only strength is the best pass.

"It's from the Needle Rat Gang, a group of local gangsters who sometimes help Jabba with some things. Let's go, they must have accomplices, maybe they sent someone to go." Cun Te kicked the people on the ground. While walking, they searched the valuables on these people with ease.

"You inquired very quickly." Tang Xiao smiled wearily.

They walked all the way towards Truda's spaceship berth, and the pedestrians on the road saw them backing down and did not dare to approach. However, when they passed by a shed, they suddenly heard a gloomy voice from the shadows, "I have a business, 10,000 Upis, take it?"

Tang Xiao turned his head, but only saw a green-skinned Falin woman leaning against the corner of the wall with a sniper rifle on her back.

He frowned, turned his head and wanted to leave, but Quinto pulled him back and said in a low voice: "Boss, Jabba only gave 2,000 Upis for the previous trip. It's a big loss. If we don't take any more work, we I really can’t afford to pay for fuel.”

Cun Te smiled slightly, walked over and said, "If you want to entrust us with work, it shouldn't be this occasion, right?"

"You are very powerful, and you also have a good spaceship. So, I think you should be able to do this." The woman Farin said.

But Cun Te said straightforwardly: "So, how much did you get for this job?"

"This is not something you should worry about. I know that Jabac withheld your payment, and you need the money now. How about it, take it?" The Falin said coldly.

"20,000 Wupi, and you must tell me all the news about this job. Otherwise, you can find another person." Cunte has dealt with such people a lot, so he naturally knows what to say.

If it were Tang Xiao, his first reaction would definitely be to stay away from these people.

"Deal. Come with me." The Falin woman beckoned, and then lifted a cover inside the shed. Below it was a staircase leading to the ground.

Cunte thought for a while, and exchanged glances with Tang Xiao, so he followed Falin woman down first, Tang Xiao and Quinto walked behind, while T-850 and Spard stayed in the shed to guard the rear.

When she came to the basement, the Falin woman took out a communicator and turned it on, and a holographic projection appeared in front of her eyes. The figure in the projection is thin, at least close to two meters in height, as if a human being was stuffed into the pipe and squeezed around before being taken out.

This is a Muun, his complexion is extremely pale, he is wearing a black cloak, the hood covers the upper half of his face, and he also wears a mechanical breathing mask to cover his entire chin.

"This is the person who takes on this task, right?" Muen Ren glanced at Cun Te and Tang Xiao.

"That's right, they are one of the most reliable people that can be found here on Tatooine." The Farin woman replied.

"Very good." The Muuns nodded, "I'm Hego Damask II, your employer. Your job is very simple. Go to the planet Mequito and pick up a man named Semid Just send him to Planet Loen."

Hego-Damask II! ! ! Upon hearing this name, Tang Xiao's eyes suddenly widened! He quickly lowered his head to hide his emotions, so as not to be seen by others.

Cun Te didn't think so much, just nodded and asked, "That's all?"

"I assure you, that's all. Of course, you also have to know that since I asked you to pick him up, it means that there are other people who are interested in him. If you can do it, then you will get a good reward, and... Da The friendship of Mask Holding Group." Hego Damask II said lightly.

"Then who is the opponent we need to face?" Cunte asked again.

"This is an unofficial commission, so your opponent is everyone."

Cun Te thought for a while, but when he turned around, he found Tang Xiao nodding slightly, so he replied, "Okay, we'll take this job."

"I'll send you the information about Semid." Hei Ge said, his gaze fell on Tang Xiao, "This companion of yours seems... a little scared?"

Tang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, but he still tried to look relaxed.

Cun Te said: "He is our new crew member and has never seen the world. This trip will be with Kunto and me, so there will be absolutely no problem."

"Very well, it's best not to let such a newcomer affect your mission. This is very important. You must arrive at your destination within 89 standard hours." Hei Ge said slowly.

"That's for sure." Cunte quickly replied.

After finishing the communication, the Falin woman put a heavy bag in Cunte's hand and threatened: "This is 5,000 Upis, and I will give you the remaining 15,000 after the task is completed. Time is running out, you must start immediately, don't go Playing tricks! You can't afford to mess with this person!"

[Attachment 1 of Easter Egg Chapter: Hego-Damasque II]

Thanks to PrimalFenix ​​for the reward of 15,000 starting coins! ! Thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by Memories Fantasy City and book friend 20210218151243096! ! Thanks to samwyc for the reward of 500 starting coins! ! Thank you for the 201 starting coins rewarded by the Ebola Marburg virus! ! Thanks to The Game, the empty moon, and the holy magic sky for the 100 starting coins! !

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