The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1788 Galactic Empire Navy Reform (3)

1788. Galactic Empire Navy Reform (3)

Therefore, the design of a large number of Victory II-class Star Destroyers was borrowed, mainly the layout of the energy system, to improve the efficiency of the reactor and reduce the loss of energy transmission, which increased the energy utilization rate of the Archon-class Star Destroyer by about 15%.

And in response to the situation where it is often entangled by enemy fighters during battles, resulting in the loss of the other, the Archon-class Star Destroyer added 40 point defense laser turrets, and redesigned the position of the deflector shield generator so that it will not be The enemy fighter jets suddenly attacked.

In addition to these major adjustments, the Archon-class Star Destroyer has also made many improvements in many details. Overall, it is indeed much stronger than the Knight-class Star Destroyer.

And that time was indeed six months ago, when the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire and Palpatine ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Driven by this, a grand tribute was made with an improved Archon-class Star Destroyer.

This gift is also one of the agreements reached by the current Quarter of Quarter of Quarter Power Shipyard with Dunn Wessex after paying a huge price.

On the one hand, Dunn-Wessex needed to try his best to clean up his mistakes in the Model Sector Raid Battle, and on the other hand, he needed to ensure that his wife's design could continue to be the main battleship of the Imperial Navy, so he accepted Little Quarter's proposal. Requested and agreed to help Kuat Power Shipyard, and received a lot of benefits, making this matter a good thing that killed three birds with one stone.

For this gift, Little Kuart took out all the capital of Kuart Power Shipyard and made a careful design.

After inviting Emperor Palpatine to personally participate in the gift, Little Kuart first arranged for a small planet with a diameter of about 6,000 kilometers. There were also some uncivilized tribal civilizations on the planet. He had people install a large number of surveillance equipment in many places on the planet, especially in the settlements of tribal civilizations, and then created many artificial landscapes.

The man-made landscapes include huge rail turrets, a large number of tanks, a large number of high-rise buildings, etc. Although they are all fake, the scale of these man-made landscapes is at the city level, and the cost is naturally extremely huge.

Not only that, Xiao Kuate also placed a lot of food in these man-made landscapes to attract people from primitive tribes.

At a time when the civilizations of primitive tribes were still worshiping the man who fell from the sky, were horrified by the huge buildings that appeared within a few days, and were cheering for the mountains of delicious food, thinking that they had been gifted by the gods. , disaster has arrived.

Emperor Palpatine arrived near the planet in an observation spaceship. In front of him were countless huge projection screens, showing every key part of the planet in an all-round way.

Then, two Archon-class Star Destroyers were in position, and Dunn-Wessex gave the order to conduct an all-round orbital bombardment of the planet! !

The two Star Destroyers each fired their 60-seat twin heavy turbolaser cannons with all their might, and terrifying firepower fell from the sky! Not to mention, all the missile launchers on the Star Destroyer were equipped with powerful nuclear missiles. Along with the bombardment of the turbolaser cannon, the nuclear missiles also fell from the sky to the ground, blooming with rays of light like the sun. !

In the face of this destructive firepower, the primitive tribes who were eating, drinking and carrying food in the artificial landscape were destroyed almost instantly! Man-made buildings were plowed down, tank models were blown away and melted, and huge rail guns were blown into ruins!

Primitive tribes and native creatures slightly further away from the bombing center fled in panic, but this was in vain - every inch of the planet's surface would be attacked by orbital bombing!

The oceans are boiling, the earth is burning, and the mountains are being plowed down! Violent plate movements formed new volcanoes, which began to erupt, accompanied by earthquakes of magnitude 9 or above everywhere!

In just half a day, this planet was completely blasted into a hell star that looked like there was nothing but countless lava!

And all of this, Emperor Palpatine has captured everything through ubiquitous surveillance equipment and drones! In fact, these devices are not needed. Palpatine can also feel the death of this planet through the induction of the Force!

The destruction of countless creatures brings the wail and pain of the Force! And this will be the best food for the dark side of the Force!

While Palpatine was in high spirits, Kuart immediately arranged for the two Archon-class Star Destroyers to conduct actual combat exercises with the other five Knight-class Star Destroyers after a simple supply.

This actual combat exercise was also carefully prepared. Those who controlled the five Knight-class Star Destroyers were all considered deserters and responsibilities during the previous raids in the Model sector and the assault on the Yago-Dur system. Ex-Navy man guilty of failure.

Little Kuart's promise to them is that if they can defeat the two Archon-class Star Destroyers in this exercise, then they will be completely exempted from all guilt!

And this was also regarded by Dunn Wessex as the best appetizer and presented to Emperor Palpatine. Emperor Palpatine will intuitively feel the despair of these people dying through the monitoring systems installed on the bridges of these Knight-class Star Destroyers, as well as the internal control and damage control departments.

Of course, although these deserters believed that 5 on 2 had an absolute advantage, they did not know that Little Quarter and Dunn Wessex had never considered the option of letting them survive.

These five Knight-class Star Destroyers are not in the best condition, and the energy supply of their engines is only about half. In other words, if they cannot destroy the two Archon-class Star Destroyers in a short time, their battleships will soon run out of energy.

And if attacked, energy is depleted faster and they lose faster.

At the same time, the proton bomb hidden in the energy core also ensures that if an accident occurs, the bomb will be detonated directly with a "precise and fatal shot" from the Archon-class Star Destroyer.

This asymmetrical confrontation quickly unfolded. Two Archon-class Star Destroyers commanded and controlled by elite Kamino clones immediately took off the fighters in the hangar platform. The Archon-class Star Destroyer has 16 V-wing fighters, 16 ARC-170 heavy fighters, and 16 V-19 light fighters. For this demonstration, the V-19 light fighters were converted into 10 Y-wings. bomber.

A total of nearly 100 fighter formations from the two Archon-class Star Destroyers launched a fierce bombardment against the Knight-class Star Destroyer. The Knight-class Star Destroyer firstly did not have a hangar platform, and secondly, it lacked effective anti-aircraft firepower. In addition, The tampered fire control system immediately fell into a hard battle.

While the Knight-class Star Destroyer was entangled by the fighter group, the two Archon-class Star Destroyers immediately rushed over. With their more powerful power and firepower, they quickly defeated each of the five Knight-class Star Destroyers. All ships destroyed!

Emperor Palpatine was very satisfied. He also saw and felt the last desperate cries of those on board the five Knight-class Star Destroyers.

This gift is very much to his liking!

Emperor Palpatine was so excited that he immediately decided that the Archon-class Star Destroyers would be built in large quantities as the main battleships of the Galactic Empire Navy!

At the same time, in order to commemorate the founding of the Galactic Empire, the Archon-class Star Destroyer will be renamed Imperial I-class Star Destroyer! !

Thanks to Xin Changkong Cuishan for the 300 starting coins! ! Thank you to the great and glorious human civilization Long Live for the 100 starting coins! !

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