The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1792 Tagg Family (Part 1)

1792. Tag family (Part 1)

Volgograd-Kanidi looked expressionless as he watched the military and police move out to arrest all the protesters.

He had actually known for a long time that since the last bloody crackdown, his image in the minds of the people in the Model Sector had collapsed. He had already prepared for this. He doesn't intend to care about these things now, he just thinks that if these people want to hate, then hate themselves, and that is enough...

If they hated Tang Xiao, the situation might get even worse.

On the planet Annaji, with the establishment of new temporary transit cities, all immigrants will undergo half a year of forced labor and brainwashing. Coupled with the strict control of current public opinion and the in-depth popularization of education, liberal ideas will It was lightened a lot.

However, considering that this kind of thinking is now the mainstream of the entire galaxy, especially the outer ring star region, the collision between the centralized autocracy and liberal ideas of the Principality of Dawn will continue in the future.

Canidi now feels this way. Tang Xiao seems to be intending to let such a thing happen in the Model Sector. Because in comparison, the other two star districts in the Principality of Dawn, the Haven Star District and the Seth Venna Star District, are not so troubled. Although there are liberal ideas there, the control is very in place.

Tang Xiao even allowed the liberals in those two sectors to form their own political parties and let them speak freely in the nominal parliament of the Dawn Principality - of course, it was of no use. But for those liberals, it is a pie that has always been dangled in front of them, but they can never bite.

Referring to some of Tang Xiao's previous misdeeds, Canidi felt that not only did he contribute to the riots that occurred in the Model sector, but at least he was allowed to let things go.

However, these things are not what Volgograd-Kanidi needs to consider. He needs to meet someone now.

Accompanied by his entourage, Canidi came all the way to a prison. Because of the existence of the prison planet Sonnel, prisons throughout the Dawn Principality mainly hold prisoners with minor crimes, so the appearance of the prisons does not look so cold and harsh.

But there are still B-1 combat robots patrolling 24 hours a day, and B-2 super combat robots standing guard at key locations such as the gate. And don't doubt it, there are secret cells hidden in some unexpected places. In the secret cells, the huddled-up Destroyer robots can roll out at any time and shoot all intruders into sieves.

After entering the prison, Canidi went directly to the outside of a small single-family house in the prison. These small single-family houses are used to house prisoners with special status.

Open the door and walk in. Outside is a glass wall, which isolates a small room with one bedroom and one living room for people to visit.

At this moment, in the small living room inside, a man wearing a gray prison uniform was sitting on a chair, flipping through a paper book. These prisoners are not allowed to touch electronic products, but they can read books, but they are all original paper books.

What surprised Volgograd-Kanidi a little was that the name of the book this man was reading was "Thirty-Six Strategies".

"When did you suddenly become interested in these books?" Canidi asked coldly, "Cassio Tagg."

This prisoner turned out to be the former Lieutenant General of the Galactic Republic, who commanded the last raid in the Model sector and was defeated and surrendered on the battlefield of the Dawn Planet, Casio Tagg!

Casio Tagg closed the book, glanced at Canidy, and said: "I just want to understand what kind of existence and what kind of theory it is that defeated me."

He put "Thirty-Six Stratagems" aside and saw that they were all military books.

Volgograd-Kanidi laughed dumbly and said: "You may think too highly of yourself, Mr. Tagg. On the battlefield, your performance is not much different from that of a child. If it weren't for the fact that you led the Galactic Republic, it would be unprecedented. If you have a powerful fleet, it will only take one day for me to defeat you.”

Casio Tagg was a little unconvinced and said: "I am hampered by too many things! It prevents me from making correct judgments! If you give me another chance... I will never lose!"

"Leading five times more troops to attack, your determination will not make people feel that you have made much progress, Mr. Tagg." Canidi said coldly.

"I will have a chance to prove myself." Casio Tagg said solemnly.

"I think the opportunity will come soon," Canidi said. "The Tagg family has already arrived and is negotiating terms with the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke asked me to come over and see you at the same time, so that you and your family can go first Meet you. Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield next time.”

Casio Tag's face looked a little ugly, and he turned his head away and stopped talking.

At this time, Volgograd-Kanidi had already taken out his communicator and connected to Tang Xiao's frequency band. The holographic projection flickered, projecting the figures of two people.

One of them is Tang Xiao, and the other is a woman in gorgeous clothes, about 50 years old.

As soon as he saw this woman, Casio Tagg was shocked and shouted: "Mother! Why are you here?!"

"I'm here naturally for you, my child." That woman has a noble temperament. Although the years have left traces on the corners of her eyes, she is well-maintained and looks to be in her thirties.

"Ms. Sanya Tagge is discussing your ransom with me, General Casio." Tang Xiao looked at Casio Tagge with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Casio Tagg gritted his teeth and said: "Such a thing is not worthy of your coming in person! Mother! As the leader of the Tagg family, you should..."

"Enough! Haven't you brought enough shame to our family?!" Sonya Tag directly interrupted Casio, then she turned to Tang Xiao and said: "I came here, on the one hand, to redeem you. On the other hand, I also want to see what kind of person this legendary Grand Duke of Dawn is. At the same time, there is still some cooperation to discuss."

"Ransom..." Casio Tagg's eyes twitched, "How much is my ransom?"

"You don't need to know the specific number, Casio. You just need to know that the family will pay a huge price to redeem you." Sonya Tag said coldly.

"What will happen after I return to the family?" Casio Tag said in a deep voice.

"You will join Tag Company. I plan to let you command our family's defense fleet and escort fleet to ensure that our family's caravan will not be threatened by interstellar pirates." Sonya Tag said.

Hearing this, Casio Tag's body trembled slightly.

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