The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1809 Deployment of the Confederation of Independent Systems

1809. Deployment of the Confederation of Independent Systems

The extremely grand maiden voyage ceremony of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier ended. According to previous arrangements, the captain of the first ship Infinity was determined to be the Neimoidian general Mar-Tuk.

This person was appointed, on the one hand, because he had outstanding performance in the Battle of Marastal Planet and the Battle of Rynos Planet, and was recognized by Tang Xiao. He is one of the few relatively reliable people in the Independent System Confederation. One of the most popular generals. On the other hand, his appointment is also a statement to the trade alliance.

Because the Trade Federation has contributed a lot in the development and manufacturing process of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier, and Newt Gunray is now very obedient, Mal-Took's appointment is also their recognition.

After all, Tang Xiao has more important things to do next for the Trade Alliance.

After the Infinity supercarrier entered service, it was assigned to Severance Tann's fleet and replaced the battleship Destruction as her new flagship. Although the size of the two super battleships is not much different, the many functions of the Infinity super aircraft carrier are naturally much better as a flagship than the Conqueror class, which is basically designed as a pure combat ship with energy pipes everywhere. .

And when the Infinity super aircraft carrier was equipped with marines, Jango Fett and a group of Mandalorian warriors, as well as Master Chief John 117, also secretly boarded the ship.

The current defense situation of the Federation of Independent Systems is mainly divided into three parts.

The first part is the main force led by General Grievous, stationed on the planet Salukami. This is the main gathering place of the Federation of Independent Systems. The Dark Titan battleship is located here. With its infinitely powerful 500-meter caliber super super super super matter electromagnetic gun, it provides a great deterrent to the fleet of the Galactic Empire. .

In fact, in the previous year-long offensive and defensive battle on the Salukami planet, the Shadow Titan battleship played the most important role. This terrifying battleship proved to be even more amazing in defensive operations, because under heavy protection, the Darkness did not need to consider tactical maneuvers at all, and only needed to keep aiming and firing.

Before Knight-class Star Destroyers and Imperial-class Star Destroyers appeared in large numbers, the 500-meter-caliber super cannon of the Darkness was basically like a child with one shot against a Jaeger-class battlecruiser, and there was no one at all. Can be spared! And because of the addition of Severance Tann, Count Dooku also learned to rely on the Force induction of the Dark Jedi, and then the Shadow's tactic of directly beheading the opponent's flagship from a long distance was invincible.

And as time goes by, the fleet reform plan of the Confederation of Independent Systems has continued to advance. Now the Confederate fleet has been equipped with a considerable number of Behemoth-class battlecruisers and Divine-class destroyers, and every time the Galactic Empire fleet attacks, that dense The Yamato artillery bombardment would almost cause them to suffer heavy losses in the first place.

Judging from the current battle situation, it is still just a luxury hope for the Galactic Empire to capture the planet Salukami in a short time.

The second part is the power of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the sides and rear. This force is often called the 'Smuggling Fleet'. It cooperates with the Titan Security and the Scourge Legion active in the Hutt space to expand its influence in space.

The existence of this fleet is mainly to ensure the supply line of Hutt space.

Now the Hutts are basically in the middle of a struggle between the Desiligic family and the Besadi family. Although it cannot be said to be a civil war, the overt and covert fighting between the two families has almost never stopped for a day. Such a chaotic situation naturally gave external forces an opportunity to take advantage of it. During the era of the Galactic Republic, Speaker Palpatine had been secretly helping Jabba, a core member of the Desiligic family, in an attempt to expand his power in the Hutt space. Influence.

The situation of the Besadi family is more complicated. The insidious and cunning tycoon Aruba has made the Besadi family more dangerous. At the same time, he has gradually marginalized the useless Gadula, allowing Tang Xiao to exert influence on the Besadi family. The influence of the Dee family was gradually eliminated. But facing the strong pressure from the Desiligic family, he also needed more foreign aid after all, so Aruba swayed with Count Dooku and Tang Xiao at the same time, and with their overt and covert help, he was able to compete with Desilijichi. The Ligic family resisted.

In addition, the Hutt space is originally a place where countless smugglers, gangs, and bounty hunters are mixed together, so Count Dooku is also using the Hutt space to obtain a large amount of supplies sent from other star regions, and Tang Xiao will also secretly pass through here. Ship a lot of stuff there.

This process requires the escort of a powerful fleet. That's what the smuggling fleet does.

The third part is Severance Tann's fleet.

Severance Tann temporarily left the Principality of Dawn and joined the Confederation of Independent Systems. It was an agreement reached between Tann and Tang Xiao because the conditions were met under special circumstances.

What special conditions? That was the destruction of the Second System Army of the Republic.

At that time, Master Windu led the Second Galaxy Army from the Nubian planet in the core circle of the Milky Way to expedition to the planet Mandalore and surrounding star areas. His plan was to break away from Palpatine, who had been confirmed as the Sith Lord, and preserve the next spark for the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order.

But whether it was Severance Tann, Tang Xiao, or Count Dooku, they didn't care what Master Windu planned. For them, including Palpatine, there is always a consensus - that the Jedi Order must die.

Therefore, as soon as the Second System Army passed the star area where Mandalorian planet and the Neutralist Alliance were located, they were immediately targeted by Severance Tann, and then after some operations, the main force of the Second System Army was annihilated.

And this battle created a conscious and de facto power vacuum in the planet Mandalore and the Neutrals Alliance. Because of the disastrous defeat of the Republic fleet, the Neutral Alliance, which originally had little confidence in the Galactic Republic, was worried. They originally only claimed to be neutral, but now they simply don't want to follow the Republic.

At the same time, because the Akiva planet, the hidden industrial base of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, was exposed during this battle, the past method of secretly manufacturing robots and warships for the Confederacy and then quietly sending them there no longer worked. After being exposed, there must be a force to guard here.

Under this circumstance, Severance Tann had a basis to apply to Tang Xiao to go to the planet Mandalore. She can develop freely in this direction, based on the Neutral Galaxy Alliance, and has a very free stage for her performance. At the same time, in order to stabilize the situation on the planet Akiva, Count Dooku must also support Severance Tann's actions.

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