1825. Force sensor

The capital of the Principality of Dawn, Planet Dawn, and the administrative capital of the planet.

Daphne Clement, the deputy prime minister of Dawn Principality, had just finished a video conference. She rested on the sofa for a while, picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip.

She was already one of the elders of the Dawn Principality, and was one of the first people Tang Xiao awakened. Since then, she has been in charge of the internal affairs and construction work of the fourth civilization until now.

Now she is approaching 50 years old, married to an engineer, the mother of three children, and three adopted children. But she is still full of energy and devotes herself to work and life with the greatest enthusiasm.

Although her position is deputy prime minister, she is Prime Minister Francis Underwood's deputy. But in fact, she has always been in charge of internal affairs, and no one can replace her. Francis' work is also more in diplomacy and other management aspects, such as the pretentious parliament.

Daphne Clement also started with only a dozen civilian staff at the beginning, and now manages the national economy and people's livelihood of hundreds of billions of people in the Principality of Dawn. She can be said to have witnessed the miracle of the development of the fourth civilization.

At this time, a polite knock on the door interrupted her rest, and she pressed the button to indicate that the other party could come in.

With a click, the automatic door opened, and an official walked in and delivered a document to Daphne Clement's desk, "Your Excellency, Vice Prime Minister, these are the results of this census, please take a look."

"I understand. You take a rest here first. After I finish reading the report, I may have questions to ask you." Daphne Clement said.

An attendant came in and brought a fruit plate and coffee to the senior official.

Daphne Clement placed the memory in the terminal in front of her, and then a huge holographic projection screen was projected, and a large amount of data began to appear.

[Results of this census, Dawn Planet Special Zone: total population 11 billion, with 6.72 million new immigrants. Among them, 10,337 cases of personal information were questionable, 776 cases of blood sample data were duplicated or incorrect, 202 people with Force sensors and 11 people with Force sensitivity were detected. 】

Force sensor is the name given to people with a midi-chlorian density of 1,000 to 3,000 by the Holy Spirit Research Institute established by the Principality of Dawn, which openly studies the knowledge of the Force. They are neither like ordinary people with a midi-chlorian density of less than 1,000 who have little response to the Force, nor are they like Force-sensitive people with a midi-chlorian density of greater than 3,000 who can control the Force to a certain extent after training.

In the past, Force-sensitive organizations such as the Jedi Order in the galaxy treated these people as ordinary people because they had no training value.

But for the Principality of Dawn, this is not the case! Because in the database, the way to train ghost agents in "StarCraft" is actually to use these people with neither high nor low psychic abilities to train.

Mainly because humans in "StarCraft" have just begun to evolve psychic powers, so except for a few super geniuses, such as Nova and Kerrigan, most other psychics have no psychic powers. Very weak. So they developed a method to forcibly awaken psychic powers through instruments and drugs, and train them into ghost agents through brainwashing.

Because of this, the Terran Empire's psychic research institutions lack training methods for those high-level psychics. And if you use that low-level method to train geniuses like Nova and Kerrigan, the result will naturally be out of control.

But in the world of "Star Wars", the situation is exactly the opposite. In this galaxy, because there are many high-level Force-sensitive people, they don't pay any attention to those who are low-level. Therefore, this type of people often become excellent thugs, excellent white-collar workers, elite snipers, etc. because of their keen senses, but they are not systematically trained.

So when it came to the Principality of Dawn, this formed a complement. According to the regulations of the Kingdom of Dawn, Force sensors will be recruited to enter the Ghost Academy for training and become ghost agents. This recruitment is mandatory, but family members of Force sensors will also be properly arranged and receive a substantial stipend.

And the current leader of the Ghost Academy, Gabriel Tosh, also proved that the top spice in the galaxy, 'Aura', can to a certain extent replace the terazine used to train ghost agents in the "StarCraft" world. For those with Force Awakenings.

Force-sensitive people with a midi-chlorian density of more than 3,000 will be sent to the Holy Spirit Institute. After preliminary Force education, those with higher quality and younger age will be secretly sent to the Twilight Covenant.

The Holy Spirit Research Institute is a Force research institution that integrates research, education, and learning. The main research direction is to explore the practice of the Force, as well as power systems in other worlds such as psychic powers, such as supernatural powers, and the existence and force of the Force. The relationship between.

Similarly, recruitment to the Holy Spirit Institute is also mandatory, and family members will also be arranged, and the conditions are much better than those of Force Senses.

And in the current vigorous promotion of the Principality of Dawn, it is also constantly conveying to the public that having a talent in the Force is a glorious thing, and it is a good thing like God's reward. So that the people will not be so disgusted with such recruitment.

The Holy Spirit Sect plays such a role. They use religious methods to explain the reasons for the existence of the Force to the people, alleviate the fear in the public's hearts through prayer, and recruit Force Senses and Force Sensitives. A veil of mystery.

Not only that, as the most powerful Force-sensitive person in the Principality of Dawn, Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn, was naturally the target of deification by the Holy Spirit Sect. In this way, Tang Xiao's status in the eyes of the people will also be improved.

Of course, after all, both the Ghost Academy and the Holy Spirit Research Institute are secret organizations and departments. Such forced recruitment will arouse great disgust and hatred no matter how much publicity and preparation is done.

So at this time, the secret intelligence department led by Solomon Lane is needed. The secret police will tell those who refuse to be recruited what it means to be obedient, what it means to drink a toast and not eat, but to drink a fine. After eating the fine, I still have to take the person. Walk.

Moreover, the current Secret Intelligence Department has great power, and they can easily label those who are disobedient with very legitimate labels, such as secretly liaising with the empire to steal confidential information, or hiding Jedi Knights with the intention of threatening Grand Duke Tang Xiao.

Without a trial, people can legally disappear overnight.

And here, Daphne Clement looked at the report and frowned, "The management of immigration is still too confusing... Why is there so much wrong information?" (End of Chapter)

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