The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1829 Unknown Star Territory

1830. Unknown Star Territory


This is the king's final argument. ——At the entrance of the Imperial War Museum of the Fourth Reich, these words are engraved on a reduced statue of a cannon.


The Milky Way, the unknown star territory.

In a flat star map, this is a vast star region located on the west side of the Milky Way, occupying approximately a quarter of the Milky Way. Of course, the Milky Way is three-dimensional and rotating, but this star region always maintains this relative position.

In every star map of the Milky Way, the unknown star fields are blank. But this blank is relative. In fact, for the unknown star field, all galaxies and planets have been detected, but they are just inaccessible. The total mass of stars in the unknown star field is equivalent to about 15% of the entire Milky Way.

By the way, there are still many areas in this galaxy that cannot even be detected by detection, such as the Wild Star Area. In that star area, there are more secrets hidden, and there are also more deadly dangers.

In fact, even before the rise of the Galactic Republic, civilizations including the Killik Swarm, the Infinite Empire and other civilizations had explored unknown star fields, but basically had little success.

What prevents them from exploring the unknown star field in depth is the chaotic hyperspace network within the unknown star field. Astronomers vividly call this tangled hyperspace network the tangle.

To put it simply, the hyperspace channels in other parts of the galaxy basically have obvious lines to follow, one after another, with few intersections. Even if there is any overlap, it will be clear and will not interfere with each other.

Such a hyperspace channel is actually a unique environment.

In this galaxy, the reason why there are many backward political systems but extremely abundant resources and abnormal development of science and technology is because of the existence of hyperspace channels. This allows all civilizations that have mastered hyperspace jumping technology to expand their scope of action from within their own planet to the entire galaxy almost overnight!

Even the primitive hyperspace engine can allow a spacecraft to travel across the entire galaxy within a year! This is equivalent to millions of times the speed of light!

It is conceivable that the civilization developed in this way is completely a deformed form that is both powerful and backward. Many planets are even in the stage of slavery and are already spreading all over the galaxy.

But now, this set of things has hit a wall in the unknown star field.

Because the hyperspace network called the 'tangle' is really a network - you can't even call them channels! Starting from this point, you have no idea where you will be after leaving hyperspace! It may be next to a planet, or it may be next to a star, or even if you are not lucky, it will appear directly from the inside of the planet, and then be crushed into particles in an instant!

Countless astronomers in the Milky Way have conducted extensive research and discussions on this phenomenon in the unknown star field, but they have never been able to come up with a truly useful result.

Some people believe that the emergence of the unknown star field is related to dark matter energy, but they cannot explain why the Milky Way has such a completely different hyperspace environment while maintaining normal rotation.

And this is really completely different! For example, the Tingel Arm, one of the major cantilevers in the Milky Way, is a very typical existence - half of the Tingel Arm is inside the unknown star field, and the other half is outside the unknown star field.

Then this cantilever showed a strange phenomenon that half of the cantilever can use the hyperspace channel normally, but the other half is in the middle of the unknown star field and cannot be navigable at all. What's even more peculiar is that even if two different hyperspace environments are presented, the operation of this cantilever has no effect at all!

According to the basic research on dark matter tides by Milky Way astronomers, if it is really due to dark matter, it is likely to destroy the spiral shape of the Tingle cantilever. So this theory was disproven.

In addition, there is also the theory of hyperspace ripples, the theory of man-made barriers from ancient super civilizations, etc., there is a miscellany of everything. However, there is no theory that can explain the strange phenomena of the unknown star field, so the exploration of this star field has not yielded much results.

Of course, things are not so absolute. In the unknown star field, there are still some relatively stable areas that can be navigated using hyperspace jumps. But these channels are still unable to pass through larger fleets, and they are very hidden. Even those who know about them will not tell anyone else.

So at least what is known so far is that the remnants of the defeated civilizations, including the Tao people, the ancestors of the Mandalorians, the Kilik swarm, the Rakata people of the Infinite Empire, are still lingering in the unknown star field.

The largest exploration of the unknown star field was the "Overseas Exploration Plan" that was blocked when Palpatine was just elected as the Speaker of the Galactic Republic and one year after the Battle of Naboo.

This plan was a large-scale exploration funded by the then ambitious Deputy Speaker Mas Almeda and led by Jedi Master Jolus Sebaoth. Including a formation of Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers and 200,000 crew members.

The reason why Jolus Serbaos had the confidence to start this exploration was because he had invented a skill that allowed him to navigate through hyperspace through the Force, allowing a powerful Jedi Master to lead the fleet, thus allowing him to navigate the fleet. Voyage into the unknown.

But this costly plan still failed. Not a single member of the entire overseas exploration plan, including Master Jolus Serbaos, came back.

The mysterious veil of the unknown star field adds even more terror here.

However, the Galactic Republic did not give up its exploration of the unknown star territory. After the Republic Speaker Palpatine finally passed the "Military Creation Act" and established the Grand Republic Army, they divided a total of 20 legions, among which the Seventh Army was dedicated Exploring unknown star territories.

The Principality of Dawn, located in the southwest of the Milky Way, also attaches great importance to the exploration of unknown star fields.

Because the Unknown Star Territory is right behind the Principality of Dawn. Once anything happens there, the Principality of Dawn will be the first to bear the brunt!

After reaching a peace agreement with the Galactic Empire, the Principality of Dawn also launched its own exploration plan.

At this moment, a beautiful, streamlined, big bird-like spaceship is flying in the void. This spacecraft is approaching an asteroid with a diameter of more than 90 kilometers.

On the bridge, a communication is being sent: "This is the SSV Normandy, Captain Shepard. I have discovered a signal anomaly and am approaching..." (End of Chapter)

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