The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1859 The Galactic Empire Full of BUFFs (Part 2)

1860. Galactic Empire Full of BUFFs (Part 2)

In the past, no matter whether it was the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire, when they launched an attack on the Salukami planet, without exception, all backyards were set on fire and their chrysanthemums were exploded.

Those fleets that attacked the Salukami planet either had their troop transports attacked and a large number of soldiers became space junk floating in the universe, or their supply ships were blown up, resulting in the loss of energy and missile supplies during high-intensity battles. Interrupt.

Count Dooku would also hire some mercenary groups who were not afraid of death. When the fierce battle was in full swing, they would suddenly come out from behind and fire crazy output at the engine positions of the Galactic Empire warships.

There are also some more advanced tactics, which are to artificially create hyperspace turbulence or set up hyperspace blockers. Although these cannot truly cut off the hyperspace channel, they will sometimes cause deviations in the time and coordinates of the warships in the fleet arriving at their destination.

If there is a time difference, then the fleet is likely to be defeated individually because the forces cannot be concentrated in a short period of time. If there is an error in the coordinates and sometimes it is deflected to a planet, it will directly destroy the ship and kill everyone!

What's more, the hyperspace channels where the Salukami planet is located are not large hyperspace channels to begin with. If a fleet wants to get there, it must divide its forces and move forward.

At the same time, the more deadly thing is in another direction - the direction of the Mandalorian sector.

Severance Tann, the separatist super general stationed here, although she does not have many fleets, she still has an Infinity-class super aircraft carrier and a Conqueror-class battleship. The fleet she leads is elusive and often appears in places where the commander of the Galactic Empire fleet least expects it, and then launches a fatal blow like a poisonous snake!

The current Mandalorian star sector has long been reduced to a mess. We will talk about this later. In short, the Galactic Empire also didn't want to get involved there because it was too chaotic.

But Severance Tann is a famous general who can elevate military command to an artistic level. For her, chaos is not a bad thing. On the contrary, every time she can sort out a clear line in the extremely chaotic place, and then launch the attack with lightning speed.

Only after understanding this can we realize how unfair it is that Darth Vader can bring a super fleet of more than 700 capital ships and more than 3,000 small and medium-sized battleships to the planet Salukami, and then launch this decisive offensive. easy.

It can even be said that based on this alone, he can be called a famous general in the Galactic Empire who can rival Severance Tann!

This is indeed what the Galactic Empire advertises.

After capturing the Salukami planet, Darth Vader temporarily stopped. On the one hand, he shot all the residents of the Salukami planet and broadcast it live to the holographic network of the entire Federation of Independent Systems. Time to reorganize the fleet and restore the combat effectiveness of its warships as soon as possible.

This time he led an army to go on an expedition, and his goal was not just the planet Salukami.

His goal is to destroy the entire Confederacy of Independent Systems in one battle!

The news that Darth Vader led an army to capture the planet Salukami was sent back to the center of the empire (the planet Coruscant), finally giving the beleaguered Galactic Empire a shot of stimulant.

The empire's propaganda agencies promoted this epic victory, and also repeatedly played the returned battle videos, and there were even scenes of Darth Vader massacring the residents of the planet Salukami!

Because the Galactic Empire really needs this victory!

Under the bombardment of propaganda from major media, many residents of the empire also cheered for this victory. This magnificent and bloody victory stimulated the hearts of every citizen of the Galactic Empire, making their originally numb hearts become fervent again.

With the precedent of the massacre on the planet Salukami, everyone also ignored Darth Vader's peaceful and friendly acceptance of the first batch of surrenders, such as the planet Semels and the Technical Alliance.

Although if you think about it carefully, with the cruelty and bloodthirsty shown by Darth Vader, it is difficult to imagine that he would really treat his prisoners kindly.

Such anomalies were hidden behind the bloody massacre on the Salukami planet, but no one noticed it. Including Emperor Palpatine himself, he only believed that this was Darth Vader's method to stabilize the situation.

On the contrary, he admired Darth Vader even more because of it, because it allowed him to kill when he needed to be killed, release when needed, and be flexible in his methods.

This victory on the planet Salukami concealed many of the current problems of the Galactic Empire.

In fact, Palpatine's life is not easy now.

A set of data can intuitively show the plight of the Galactic Empire and Palpatine - from the beginning of 16BBY to July 4th, the end of the Battle of Salukami, during these seven months, the outbreak of war in the Empire The number of recorded uprisings is: 170,000!

Most of these uprisings are concentrated in the central and outer star regions. Relatively speaking, the core circle is slightly more stable, and even the inner star region is somewhat unstable. Most planets in the empire still live in fear.

After the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Palpatine directly adopted high-pressure measures in order to quickly consolidate his rule. He tore off the last fig leaf called democracy that the Galactic Republic once covered its face, and directly adopted a naked exploitation policy towards the planets in the Central and Outer Rim sectors.

Among these planets, as long as there is a little bit of value, the imperial fleet will arrive immediately. Then set up a governor's palace on the planet, appoint a governor and conduct plundering exploitation of all valuable resources and items on the planet. During this process, the residents of the planet were directly forcibly hired by the Imperial Governor-General at very low prices.

These people who were forcibly hired were, to put it bluntly, slaves.

They work in a high-intensity working environment and have only the most basic food and shelter. The Imperial Stormtroopers will not care about the life and death of these people at all, and will replace each one when they are exhausted. There will even be a plan on the governor's desk - when there is a shortage of labor on the planet, labor can be dispatched from other planets.

What's the meaning? Even if all the people on your planet die, they won't feel sorry for you! All they care about is resources and wealth!

And all planets under the rule of the Galactic Empire are subject to extremely high tax rates. If the taxes paid by any planet are not enough, the imperial fleet will arrive immediately!

If taxes and fees are not enough, there are others!

The imperial tax collectors will take away all valuable things. In the process, no one will care whether the things they take are really just for tax deductions.

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