1874. Zane Consortium

The Zane Consortium is a very mysterious consortium, so mysterious that not many people even know about it.

In fact, the original name of this consortium was Zann Remanufacturing, and its history was not long ago, about 40 years ago.

Originally, the main business of Zane Remanufacturing Company was to recycle and refurbish some equipment that had been eliminated by the Galactic Republic's military and police, and then sell it to the civilian market - yes, they would not even sell these items to the black market. Although there is strong black market interest in these military rejects.

The main customers of this company are relatively backward planets, some formally registered mercenary groups and security companies.

The person who founded Zane Remanufacturing Company was old Zane, a conscientious businessman.

Zane Remanufacturing Company's business gradually reached its peak with the outbreak of the Clone Wars, and a lot of military equipment was recycled. Even due to the continuous replacement of the Galactic Republic, warships such as the Karak-class light cruiser began to be obtained by Zane Remanufacturing Company, which was downgraded and modified, and the weapons and shields were reduced to civilian standards before being sold.

Even as the combat performance of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers continued to receive criticism, Zane Remanufacturing Company even recycled some damaged Jaeger-class battlecruisers! Of course, the recycling of this kind of capital ship must obtain official permission, and the flow of parts after disassembly must also be officially designated customers.

And such a company that is not large in scale, but has a wide range of connections and connections, as well as a certain industrial foundation, and is currently prosperous, has undergone a 180-degree change because of one person.

Because of this person, the Zane Consortium once grew into a very troublesome existence for the Galactic Empire. While maintaining a relationship with the Rebel Alliance as both enemies and friends, they even dared to directly compete with the Galactic Empire's fleet!

After blooming with dazzling light, the Zane Consortium was finally defeated, leaving this short history behind and disappearing into the long river of the universe.

Due to a series of changes caused by Tang Xiao's rise, the development trajectory of the Zane Consortium began to become different from the original plot.

However, the same as the original plot, the person who brought Zann Remanufacturing Company to a turning point in history has remained the same. He is still... old Zann's son - Tyber Zann!

Because Tiber Zane started two years before the founding of the Galactic Empire, he became the apprentice of Darth Tenebrous, along with Jon Shen!

Although Tiber Zane's talent in the Force is very bad, the reason why he is valued by Darth Tenebrous is because of his other trait-the talent for crime!

Tabor Zane can be said to be a born criminal. When he was sent to college by his father as a child, he began to gather people to gamble. He also ran a gambling machine similar to a card flop machine and made a lot of money. Expelled from school.

After being discovered by Darth Tenebrous, Tenebrous directly used constant hints and inducements to let Tiber Zane kill his parents with his own hands! Then he inherited Zane Remanufacturing Company and reorganized it into Zane Consortium.

During the initial period of time, Tiber Zane needed to learn from Darth Tenebrous, so the management of the Zane Consortium was carried out by Darth Tenebrous and Shen Qiaoen. Especially Darth Tenebrous. When he was active in the galaxy, his other identity was a famous spaceship designer. When he taught Darth Plagueis, he also played with the management of the company. Perfect.

Therefore, the Zane Consortium developed rapidly, and after acquiring some of Darth Tenebrous's hidden connections and resources, it quickly emerged as a huge industrial group in the three-in-one zone of the Outer Rim Star Region.

Moreover, Darth Tenebrous hid the Zane Consortium very well. The Zane Consortium changed its previous practice of not getting involved in black market transactions at all. He kept to himself, maintained the empty shell of Zane Remanufacturing Company, and constantly resold the Galactic Empire. The military handed over scrapped warships for dismantling and processing.

Because after the establishment of the Galactic Empire and large-scale military reforms, a large number of Jaeger-class battlecruisers were retired. However, decommissioned warships cannot be thrown away, and the warships need to be dismantled. The main purpose is to dismantle the engines on the battleships, drain the fuel, clean the reactors, and empty the ammunition depots to prevent these dangerous substances from leaking over time. In addition, the chips, databases, and control cores on the battleship's host computer that contain critical information, as well as military products such as turbolasers that cannot flow into the black market, also need to be removed.

Then some of the remaining parts, some of which were recycled by Kuat Power Shipyard, were used to build the Chaser-class aircraft carrier.

These tasks are too tedious and very time-consuming and manpower-consuming, so super large companies such as Quat Power Shipyard and Xina Fleet Systems do not bother to complete them. So it is basically outsourced to some other small companies. As for the remuneration, they are generally very low, but those small dismantling companies sell some of the less important parts after dismantling, and the relevant departments turn a blind eye and just accept a red envelope as this. It didn't happen.

After all, even if those small parts are taken back by those big companies and the military, they are of little use. It is better to make new ones. This is an accounting problem. Recycling an old part and refurbishing it and continuing to use it, and producing a new part are completely different things in accounting terms, and the latter is obviously more profitable.

Therefore, it is also a gray area to tell the Galactic Empire officials which parts to recycle, and which parts to report as damaged, and then produce new parts and ask the imperial military to pay for them.

So the profits of companies like Zane Remanufacturing Company actually come from reselling these parts.

Due to the reputation and connections that old Zane had accumulated in the past, Zane's consortium got a lot of work dismantling military warships, which made their business grow bigger and bigger. And Darth Tenebrusk is no better than the honest old Zane. He is even more unscrupulous in bribing, buying, and even kidnapping and threatening regulatory officials to hide some more sensitive and advanced parts.

At worst, let these officials report things like an explosion during disassembly, or that the part has been damaged by a separatist ion cannon. In short, there are too many gray areas that can be operated in the process of dismantling a warship!

As a result, the strength of the Zane Consortium has also skyrocketed, and it has begun to extend its tentacles into the Hutt space, secretly selling renovated warships to the two Hutt families, Besadi and Desiligic, who are experiencing large-scale conflicts.

Since Darth Tenebrous conducts most of his black market transactions through underground dark brokers, even if the business is very large, the Zane Consortium is still unknown.

This has become an important force in Darth Tenebrous's layout of the galaxy!

After the death of Darth Tenebrous, Shen Qiaoen began to hand over some of the operations of the Zane Consortium to Tiber Zane and let him manage it directly, while he was only secretly assisting.

And Tabor Zane, a young man who has just turned 20, immediately showed his talent. His methods are more extreme and cruel!

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