The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1876 The Current Situation of Mandalore Planet (Part 2)

1877. The current situation of the planet Mandalore (Part 2)

Seeing these black spaceships, the faces of the residents in the town suddenly showed a look of fear. They packed up their stalls, picked up their packages, and fled in panic towards their homes.

The black spaceship landed directly on the street of the market in a completely defiant manner. The strong wind blown by the engine blew down the temporary stalls. The heavy landing gear crushed the goods that were too late to move. The originally bustling market suddenly became It was a mess.

On these spaceships, a black star logo is spray-painted! And this symbol once made countless planets in the Milky Way tremble more than ten years ago!

Black sun! Once the largest gang in the galaxy!

At that time, the Black Sun was wiped out under the joint attack of the Fourth Civilization, super corporations including the Trade Federation and the Enterprise Alliance, as well as Sith Lords such as Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, and Darth Maul. Their main base was destroyed, their property was divided up, and the smuggling market was also occupied by the fourth civilization and the Hutts.

It can be said that the reason why the Fourth Civilization was able to make a lot of money from spice smuggling was because the destruction of the Black Sun opened up a large number of smuggling markets.

And now, this black star sign also heralds the reappearance of the largest gangster in the galaxy!

The hatch opened, and Black Sun members wearing ferocious masks filed out one after another. They held very unique U-shaped blaster pistols in their hands. This blaster pistol is also one of the symbols of Black Sun and can fire two blasts at the same time. Can be bundled. Although it cannot be said to have much practical significance, at least it is a sufficient deterrent.

The last person who got off the spacecraft was a man wearing a red mask. He waved his hand and said loudly: "Okay! It's time to collect taxes!! Make up for the taxes we haven't collected!"

"Hahaha! Taxes are collected, taxes are collected!!!" The surrounding gang members laughed wildly and rushed over.

These gang members came to the streets, violently smashed open the doors of the residents' houses one by one, rushed in without explanation, smashed and looted, and all valuable things were looted by them!

A burly resident came out with an iron bar and shouted: "What are you doing?! We don't owe anyone any taxes!!"

"It's up to us to decide how much tax we owe!" A gang member walked over, picked up a pistol and was about to smash it. As a result, with a bang, he was knocked down by this resident with a stick!

"Damn it! I will never allow it!" the sturdy resident yelled.

Several surrounding gang members immediately raised their U-shaped pistols and pointed them at him. The resident gritted his teeth, but did not dare to move rashly. He held the iron rod tightly and refused to step back.

"Okay! I said, don't kill people! This is not what we should do." The leader wearing a red mask stepped forward and opened his clothes.

All he saw was two metal handles hanging impressively around his waist! One of them is a lightsaber!

The sturdy resident already had some fear in his heart. He naturally knew the lightsaber and what it meant. However, the red mask swayed around his waist. Without touching the lightsaber, he took off the other handle, picked it up and shook it. With a click, a half-meter-long electric baton stretched out!

"Yes, killing is wrong." Red Mask stepped forward, took a sudden step, and hit his head with an electric baton!

The sturdy resident picked up the iron rod and rushed towards him. He relied on the longer iron rod and was ready to fight to the death. Both sides would lose! However, the red mask's footsteps made a slight mistake, and the iron rod suddenly hit the air. At the same time, the electric baton in his hand stabbed the opponent's waist hard!

The strong resident was suddenly shocked and twitched all over, with smoke even coming out of his body. He fainted and fell to the ground, still twitching.

"Smash it with me!! By the way, don't kill anyone!" The red mask waved his hand, and more gang members immediately rushed into the man's house and smashed him without any hesitation.

"You robbers! I will fight with you!!!" An old roar came from the other side! I saw a man wearing metal armor and a full-coverage helmet with T-shaped eyepieces limping out with a blaster pistol and firing at the Black Sun gang members.

Seeing this, several gang members were frightened. They hid and screamed, "No! It's a Mandalorian warrior! It's a Mandalorian warrior!!"

They were running around, not even having the courage to resist.

The red mask looked over and let out an unpleasant laugh. He waved to the men next to him and asked, "What did I just say?"

"You mean, don't kill anyone..." the subordinate replied respectfully.

"No, no, no... I clearly said, calm down. Right? Calm down." The red mask said nonchalantly while waving his hands vigorously, urging the men next to him, "Quick, quick, quick, quick Hurry up..."

The subordinates understood and quickly took out a huge blaster machine gun from a spaceship. It was a Z-6 six-barreled blaster machine gun! ! A specialized weapon for the Clone Troopers' heavy firepower during the Clone Wars!

"Hahaha!" Red Mask threw away the electric baton in his hand, picked up the Z-6 six-barreled blaster machine gun with both hands and pointed it at the elderly Mandalorian warrior who was constantly shooting to drive away the gang members, and said with a ferocious smile, "I I told you to calm down!"

Da da da da da da! The six-barrel blaster machine gun fired an extremely dense burst of blaster beams! The old man was swallowed up almost instantly! But the red mask still didn't stop and was still shooting wildly! I don't know how long it took before he stopped.

When the smoke dissipated, the place where the old man was had been blasted like a honeycomb by the blaster beam. The old man's body had been beaten to pieces along with the inferior armor. The charred stumps were mixed with the melted armor and were inseparable at all. Only the full-coverage helmet was still intact, and it seemed that only this helmet was made of genuine Beskar steel.

"Hahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!!" The red mask laughed crazily while holding a blaster machine gun.

As he laughed, Black Sun gang members swarmed into the homes of residents who no longer dared to resist.

Black spaceships took off again, loaded with the belongings of the residents of this town, leaving only bursts of mournful cries and angry curses.

In the spaceship, the red mask leaned on the chair and connected to a communication.

The evil face of Tiber Zane was projected in the holographic projection.

"I'll collect the tax for you." Red Mask said happily, "According to the rules, it's 70 to 30 cents."

"Hehehe... very good. I hope this time, I can remind Chao Chao Vizsla that you have to pay for things." Tabor Zane smiled evilly.

After Hei Ri's spaceship left, security officers came one after another. However, these security guards could not do anything. They said some useless words to the residents, and then left in despair amidst the residents' cries and curses.

A few days later, four or five burly warriors wearing Mandalorian armor drove to the town. They jumped out of the car, took off their helmets and took them in their hands, looking around, frowning.

"I remember... when I came here last year, it was quite prosperous..." The warrior leading the group was clearly Jango Fett.

He looked around. The once bustling market here was now in a mess, with only a few stalls patched together from fragments still displaying a few shriveled fruits.

There was almost no one on the street, only the hostile eyes looking through the broken windows.

"What... happened here?" Mandalorian warrior Rethoth said.

"It must have been looted. Who is it? This place is not far from Sundari City!" A Mandalorian warrior next to him was full of indignation, "Are all the security forces of Super Vizsla just eating shit? "

Jango Fett pointed in one direction and said: "Go to Old Tik and ask. He was once one of us, and he was already a brave veteran during the Battle of Galidran."

However, when they walked over, they only saw a dilapidated house full of holes, and the Mandalorian helmet, which was slightly twisted due to the continuous high temperature, was placed squarely at the door.

Jango Fett's body trembled with anger, "Asshole...Asshole!! They killed Old Tic!! Asshole!!!"

Regardless, he rushed to the nearby house, kicked the door open, rushed in, grabbed a man's collar and shouted angrily: "What happened? Huh?! Tell me!!!"

Frightened by Jango Fett's terrifying expression, the man hesitated for a long time before saying: "It's... it's Black Sun... Black Sun's people! In the past, they only came here to collect some protection fees, but this time... They took everything away...everything..."

"Asshole! Where are the security forces?" Jango Fett yelled.

"Security forces?" The man smiled bitterly, "They didn't do anything. Now we don't even have enough food rations, and they are not even willing to give us food relief..."

"Asshole..." The anger in Jango Fett's eyes was almost burning, "Hold on! I'll go find some food and medicine right away!"

With that said, he ran out like the wind.

A fleet of hoverbikes passed through the white desert at high speed, raising a long trail of dust.

Jango Fett and his group drove their motorcycles to the fastest speed and drove towards the depths of the desert. Soon, they entered a Gobi area and entered a very secret underground valley.

After driving through the initial desolation, deep in the valley, there was a modern base! There are people coming and going in the base, including B-1 combat robots and Mandalorian warriors wearing armor. There are more than a dozen construction vehicles and SCVs busy inside, expanding the base and building more facilities.

The whole place was in a state of prosperity.

Seeing Jango Fett and the others coming back, a very capable-looking woman wearing glasses walked out of the base. She came over and asked: "Why are you back so soon? Jango. Aren't you planning to go to Sundari to meet with our informant?"

"Qinqi Town was looted! Black Sun did it!" Jango Fett said in a deep voice.

The woman frowned and said, "It's Black Sun again? In the past three months, there have been more than ten cases of Black Sun causing chaos. And isn't Qinqi Town near Sundari City? Who gave Black Sun How brave is the Sun? And normally, if a few of the Death Guards under Chaozhou Vizsla go over, those Black Sun gangsters can be killed as easily as a slaying chicken!"

"I don't know. And Black Sun did a great job this time! They even evacuated the entire town!" Jango Fett said, "For such a large-scale robbery, Chaozhou Vizsla didn't even react at all. ! It’s really abnormal! Garcia, we need to organize a batch of supplies to be transported to Chinchi Town! Otherwise, at least hundreds of people there will starve to death! "

The woman named Garcia frowned and said: "We are also very short of supplies now. It is too reluctant to directly support a town. And that town is right next to Sundari City. If we do this, it is difficult to maintain the extraordinary - Vizsla They won’t take the opportunity to deal with us.”

"Don't worry about that! If Extraordinary Vizsla dares to come, I'll just let him see how powerful I am!" Jango Fett said.

Garcia frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "It's not impossible... Supporting Chinchi Town is also a way to expand our influence. I will think of ways to raise food and supplies. General Tann can help. Mobilize a batch of supplies from other planets. But the main problem is that now Chao Chao Vizsla has bought a large number of fighter jets from the black market, and he is likely to intercept our transport ship in outer space."

"He even has a ghost fighter!" Jango Fett also felt a little tricky.

"Ghost fighters have been sold on the black market for more than ten years. There must be thousands of ghost fighters sold. It is not unusual for Chao Chao Vizsla to obtain ghost fighters from the black market." Garcia said.

Jango Fett said seriously: "Anyway, let's settle the matter in Chinchi Town first. Over at Chao Chao Vizsla, I'll deal with him! I got information before that he built a military airport outside Sundari City. There are at least 50 fighter jets stationed inside. If we can destroy the airport, it will help somewhat."

"There are at least 5,000 troops stationed at that airport, and the number of Death Guards is unknown, which is very dangerous," Garcia said.

Jango Fett smiled, "We are Mandalorian warriors! We never consider how many enemies there are!"

At this time, there was a slight sound of mechanical transmission from behind, and a soldier wearing a full-body military green mecha came over, threw a memory to Jange, and said, "I took someone to the airport to touch it. , this is intelligence.”

Jango Fett opened the universal tool on his wrist and checked the intelligence content, "Topography, firepower points, garrison situation, patrol routes... You actually figured it all out? Haha! As expected of you! Master Chief!"

"It's time for a big fight!" Master Chief John 117 raised his fist and punched Jango Fett lightly and said. (End of chapter)

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