The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1926 The end of Felucia

1927. The end of Felucia

"You should know very well that if you draw a sword against me, the final outcome will be death, right?" Darth Vader said coldly. He slowly raised the lightsaber in his hand and opened the sword.

This is his unique and improved sword style, which seems to be like the fifth style of swordsman Sheen/Dejem-So, but also has some characteristics of the third and fourth styles of swordsmanship.

Seeing such sword power, even Sora Balk's face became serious.

If it had been anyone else, Thora Balk would have definitely scolded the opponent for taking it for granted to modify the starting hand of the lightsaber. But standing in front of him now was Darth Vader, one of the strongest men in the entire galaxy!

Faced with such an existence, Thora Balk would naturally not think that the adjustment of the opponent's sword force was just the result of taking it for granted.

Thora Balk took a deep breath, and then took out another object from his waist-a short-barreled blaster shotgun!

Then he slowly brought the back ends of the blaster shotgun and lightsaber hilt together, forming a strange sword gesture. It looks like the so-called gun fighting technique, and it also looks like some kind of variation of lightsaber swordsmanship, but in fact, this posture is to use the short-barreled shotgun as another lightsaber, using the lightsaber double-sword swordsmanship. It is a brand new technique based on gun fighting techniques!

The unique lightsaber swordsmanship belonging to the swordsman Sora Balk!

Thora Balk constantly adjusted his breathing. As his breathing rhythm continued to adjust, the connection between him and the Force was also in an optimal state.

Although his character could not be shaken by the words of Darth Vader, who in his opinion was just a stupid being, in fact, Darth Vader was right...

Thora Balk did come to fight Darth Vader with the mentality of sacrificing himself.

In fact, Thora Balk was still a very famous and tough rebel among the Jedi Order even at the landmark point of the Clone Wars, three months after the First Battle of Geonosis. The leader of the war faction.

During the Battle of Geonosis, Master Windu led more than 200 Jedi Knights to the planet Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi who was kidnapped by the Separatists, and Thora Balk He was one of the Jedi who participated in this battle.

And he relied on his superb swordsmanship to fight his way out of countless battle robots in the arena battle.

Until that time, Thora Balk still maintained a rational way of thinking about the development of the situation. He was still opposed to war. He believed that if the war was allowed to break out, both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order would deviate from their former paths.

However, at that time, Count Dooku found him and told him that the Galactic Republic had come to an end. This war would detonate almost all conflicts within the Republic and push the Galactic Republic into the abyss of destruction. Moreover, Count Dooku also told Thora Balk that a powerful force must be established within the galaxy in order to eliminate those internal conflicts.

Count Dooku said that currently only the Jedi Order still possesses moral and rational purity and supremacy. If the Jedi Order can be changed and rule the Galactic Republic in a more powerful manner, then all the issues he worries about , will be resolved. The biggest problem at the moment is that Masters Yoda and Windu, who lead the Jedi Order, don't think much about it. Therefore, they are the culprits who prevent the galaxy from becoming stronger and more united.

This was originally just Count Dooku's way of talking nonsense to people and ghosts at that time, but the problem was that because Count Dooku's eloquence was so good, Thora Balk actually believed it!

He wholeheartedly believed that what he was doing was to save the galaxy, save the Galactic Republic, and change the Jedi Order. He also prepared and trained for a long time for this. The result is that when Sora Balk first fell to the dark side, he didn't even have the slightest awareness. He always thought that he was just in the state of wandering between darkness and light when he used the Wapad sword technique.

After that, Sora Balk left the Jedi Order under the instigation of Count Dooku and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems to become one of the most powerful dark followers of Count Dooku. But his inner beliefs have never changed. He believes that he is fighting for the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order!

But now, after witnessing the reorganization of the Galactic Republic and the destruction of the Jedi Order, Thora Balk was already filled with despair. He believed that his struggle had finally failed.

Therefore, in this battle to guard the planet Felucia, Thora Balk had already been determined to die. But now the powerful force fluctuations caused by the battle between Death and Darth Vader attracted his attention. After rushing over to witness the battle, Thora Balk decided that there was still more time before he died. Do something.

Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker. Thora Balk, as one of the most powerful dark believers in the Confederation of Independent Systems, is naturally qualified to know this information.

Thora Balk naturally hated this traitor who personally issued Order 66 and destroyed the Jedi Order!

So he also made up his mind - no matter what Darth Vader wants to do, he must stop it! If he intends to kill Master Adi Gallia, who seems to be in a bad state, then he must not be allowed to succeed!

What's more, Thora Balk, as Adi Gallia's predecessor in the Jedi Order, had a good impression of this smart Jedi master. At this time, it is natural to pull Adi Gallia.

Seeing that the God of Death had run away, and it seemed that there was no chance to kill this powerful and strange Jedi this time, Darth Vader was angry, and he walked towards Thora Balk step by step!

If there is no way to kill Adi Gallia, then killing Thora Balk, one of the most powerful dark believers in the Confederation of Independent Systems, is also a very good result!

Darth Vader suddenly charged forward, slashing down the bloody lightsaber with terrifying power!

Sora Balk holds a sword in his left hand and a short-barreled shotgun in his right hand. He keeps firing and swinging his sword, combining distance and distance, using the coverage and range of the shotgun to restrict Darth Vader's movement, while at the same time the lightsaber in his hand is fully deployed!

The seventh sword technique, Wapad!

This powerful sword technique created by Master Mace Windu, only Windu, Sora Balk and Depa Billaba in the entire galaxy can practice it to the point of perfection!

The Wapad sword technique is extremely powerful. It combines the violence of Zhu Yue, the seventh sword technique of the dark side, and the stability of the sword technique of the light side. When used in the hands of Sora Balk, it is even more cunning and vicious, and combined with the short pipe With the blaster shotgun, he actually suppressed Darth Vader steadily for a while!

Just as the two men were fighting fiercely, neither of them noticed that an unexpected change occurred in the outer space of the planet Felucia that no one expected!

The current planet of Felucia is being surrounded by 10 Imperial-class Star Destroyers and 3 Cheer-class assault landing ships. These warships are deployed in planetary synchronous orbit and continue to send more Imperial Stormtroopers to land. At the same time, it is also providing fire reinforcements for ground troops and providing take-off and landing platforms for fighter formations.

And because Darth Vader defeated the God of Death in the previous battle and chased him far away, the ground offensive that had been interrupted due to the harassment of the God of Death was launched again, with the target directed at Fei. Coviteo City, the capital of Lucia planet!

For this offensive, the Imperial Army invested 100,000 troops, all clone warriors of the Imperial Stormtroopers, and they were all well-equipped. Including the 1-M medium-sized hover tank developed to fight against the Scorpion tanks of the Principality of Dawn and upgraded from the TX-130 Saber hover tank, and the 1-H heavy tank, which is the backbone of the Imperial Army and replaces the AT-TE walker. And the most powerful walker vehicle currently in the Imperial Army-AT-AT!

In addition, there are a full 200,000 troops deployed as reserves behind.

The huge army directly broke into the interior of Coviteo City, and the robot army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems also put up a very determined resistance based on the urban terrain.

Therefore, in this battle, in order to maintain the ground offensive, most of the Galactic Empire's fleets focused on providing support for the ground battlefield.

And at this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed out in the outer space of the planet! Immediately afterwards, a huge spaceship emerged from the hyperspace jump and appeared in the universe.

With a length of 4825 meters, a huge hull, and a sharp bow that looks like a bird's beak - it is the Conqueror-class battleship, the super battleship of the Confederation of Independent Systems! !

However, unlike the previously destroyed No. 1 ship Fang, and the No. 2 ship Destruction currently under Severance Tann's fleet, the sides of this battleship are not used to launch targeted high-energy electromagnetic pulses. The dish-shaped device was replaced by a pair of hemispherical devices.

This is the third ship of the Conqueror-class battleship, the Carnage! And equipped on this battleship is a secret weapon-the breath of the dragon!

After leaving hyperspace, the Carnage accelerated towards the planet. The Galactic Empire fleet, which was in planet-synchronous orbit, was unable to react for a while. By the time these battleships began to turn around under the orders of their respective captains, the Carnage battleship had already approached the planet and entered the planet-synchronous orbit!

The Conqueror-class battleship is not a battleship that can fight freely in the atmosphere. Its huge body makes it difficult to move in the atmospheric environment, and the action of the Slaughter was beyond everyone's expectations, because it was equivalent to giving up on its own initiative. Mobility, seems to want to confront the Imperial fleet head-on?

An Imperial-class Star Destroyer has already approached the battleship Carnage, and the two sides are exchanging fierce fire. The 500 medium-sized turbolaser cannons equipped on the Carnage battleship fired dense beams of light onto the Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

The Imperial-class Star Destroyer also showed the level of a new generation of battleships, standing firm even in the face of the powerful artillery bombardment of the Carnage battleship!

This is no longer the era during the Clone Wars, when Conqueror-class battleships could casually defeat Jaeger-class battlecruisers. Even if there is only one Imperial-class Star Destroyer, it still has the firepower and protection to compete head-on with the Conqueror-class battleship. Although the loser is definitely the Imperial-class, considering the huge size gap between the two, it can actually It is a good explanation of the changing times and the updating of equipment.

But the Slaughter battleship was obviously not coming for the Imperial fleet. After the battleship entered the synchronous orbit, hemispherical bulge-like devices on both sides unfolded, and inside was a strange-looking launcher exuding green mist!

The breath of the dragon!

Launcher of the biochemical virus Trihexalon! A super virus that can kill every living thing on the planet!

Before more Imperial-class Star Destroyers could arrive on the scene, Dragon's Breath opened fire! Rays composed of green smoke were immediately launched to the surface of the planet, and the green smoke began to spread instantly! The color is getting lighter and lighter, the scope is getting wider and wider, and it is gradually sweeping towards the entire surface of the planet.

The first to bear the brunt is the planet's capital city, Coviteo City, which is currently undergoing a fierce offensive and defensive battle!

Thora Balk also noticed the spread of the virus through his perception of the Force. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. Although the color of the poisonous gas could no longer be seen here, the extremely dangerous feeling coming from the Force was always reminding him. He, death, is falling from the sky!

He also immediately understood that he had been abandoned...

Count Dooku issued an order to use the dragon's breath on the planet Felucia. It was obvious that he would rather sacrifice the lives of more than 10 million civilians on the entire planet to eliminate all the main forces of the Imperial Stormtroopers here!

When he issued this order, he obviously did not consider the life and death of Thora Balk.

The old Weequay Dark Jedi Master looked to the sky in despair. It didn't matter that Count Dooku betrayed him, but what was even more unacceptable to Thora Balk was that Count Dooku betrayed his beliefs!

In the final analysis, he is not fighting for the freedom of the galaxy, nor is he fighting for a better future. What he is fighting for is only his own power and ambition!

"Doku...when did you start...abandoning your ideals?" Thora Balk sighed, and in his heart, the last trace of persistence was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Darth Vader's blood-red lightsaber pierced Sora Balk's heart! !

At the same time, 10 Empire-class Star Destroyers had arrived and started a fierce exchange of fire with the Carnage battleship in planet-synchronous orbit!

After holding on for more than two hours, the battleship Carnage was finally overwhelmed. Amidst the continuous bombardment by the Empire-class Star Destroyer, a violent explosion finally occurred. Fires ignited on the surface of the battleship, and then it fell uncontrollably!

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