The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1930 The End of the Confederation of Independent Systems (4)

1931. The End of the Confederation of Independent Systems (4)

Count Dooku looked down at his abdomen in disbelief, then looked up at General Grievous. He used his last strength to slash out with his sword, cutting off General Grievous's arm.

General Grievous did not pursue the victory, he just took a step back and looked at his dying opponent coldly.

Poof, Count Dooku's whole body was weak, and he knelt on one knee. His trembling hand covered the wound on his abdomen, and his other hand still held tightly to his cranked lightsaber. He maintained this posture like this until he died. of severance.

General Grievous then stepped forward and squatted in front of Count Dooku's body. He slowly took off the metal mask with a piece missing from his face, placed it in front of the body, and chanted the ancient Cali people's tune. Ballads.

A black Belgrab-22 fighter jet landed in the sky, the cockpit opened, and a robot pilot jumped out and stepped aside.

General Grievous then stood up, took another deep look at Count Dooku's body, turned around and jumped onto his own Soulless fighter, started the engine and took off.

At this time, a burst of strong electric sparks erupted from the heads of the 100,000 combat robots who participated in the mutiny at the same time, followed by billowing smoke. These robots all fell to the ground like puppets with their strings cut off and stopped moving.

General Grievous directly piloted the fighter jet and flew out of the outer orbit of the planet where Admiral Trench was guarding. He went to the space port to join the Destruction-class battleship, and then took this group consisting of one Destruction-class battleship and 10 The cobbled-together fleet of Generous class frigates headed towards the Hutt space.

At this time, according to Count Dooku's previous instructions, the battleship Carnage, which went to the planet Felucia and used the dragon's breath to wipe out all life on the planet, had been forgotten.

The robot operator aboard the Carnage battleship still faithfully carried out Count Dooku's final combat order and flew towards the planet Felucia. Even though the Destruction-class battleship that was supposed to meet halfway did not arrive, this battleship still Single ship forward.

After entering the planet Felucia, the battleship Carnage, according to the preset combat instructions, broke into the synchronous orbit of the planet Felucia and fired the breath of the dragon, and ignored the Imperial-class Star Destroyer that came to defend it, and was finally hit. Shen.

Fortunately for the residents of the planet Felucia, the Carnage was quickly surrounded and attacked by 10 Imperial-class Star Destroyers, so the dragon's breath only fired one shot, and only the capital area of ​​the planet was attacked. A viral infection. Because the Capital District had faced fighting before, most civilians were evacuated, so only about 600,000 people died in this disaster.

After the Galactic Empire army occupied the planet Felucia, they immediately began to clean up the remaining viruses spread by the dragon's breath and eliminated ecological hazards. This was one of the few good things the Galactic Empire had done.

At the same time, in the meeting room of Dawn Planet and Grand Duke's Mansion, dozens of figures were projected in the holographic projection on the side.

The Fourth Group's top director, Gross Shelby, Trade Federation Governor Newt Gunray, Interstellar Banking Association (M) co-chairman San Hill, Enterprise Alliance chairman Parcel Argent, Protoss Zelakas, the leader of the Silak tribe, leaders of the core races such as the Vasaris, Jivins, Salarians, Semires, and Vathians, as well as General Ling, Volgograd-Kanidi, Chief of General Staff Qi Jian, Navy Commander-in-Chief Matt Horner, etc.

The people attending the meeting here are all powerful and important figures in the Principality of Dawn, and they can influence the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people with just a few moves. And now, these people are gathered together, all surrendering at the feet of the person sitting in the main seat of the conference room——

Duke Li Ming, Tang Xiao!

The Principality of Dawn has not had a summit of this level for a long time, and now this meeting is being held just because a major event that can shake the entire galaxy has just happened!

The Confederacy of Independent Systems, disband!

This plan was started by Count Dooku after the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY. Under his constant lobbying, a large number of outer and middle star systems that were dissatisfied with the Galactic Republic joined it. At that time, they were called separation ism movement.

After ten years of expansion and planning, the Separatist movement finally developed and expanded, with tens of thousands of star systems joining it, and a secret agreement with Count Dooku.

By 22 BBY, Count Dooku and core members officially signed on the planet Geonosis and confirmed the establishment of a regime independent of the Galactic Republic - the Confederation of Independent Systems!

The Galactic Republic responded immediately, declaring war on the Confederacy of Independent Systems and launching a surprise attack on Geonosis, kicking off a massive civil war known as the Clone Wars.

The two sides engaged in fighting across the entire galaxy. The Confederation of Independent Systems' military fronts once pointed directly at the inner ring of the Milky Way. Even the gateway to the core circle from the inner ring of the Milky Way, the Delon Galaxy, was attacked.

But in the end, the Galactic Republic relied on its extremely large industrial capacity, nearly unlimited population, and economic volume dozens of times greater than that of the Confederation of Independent Systems to push back the front line. The Confederacy of Independent Systems began to turn defensive during the war.

The Dawn Planet also expanded a large number of areas during the war, and announced the establishment of the Dawn Principality in 20BBY, ​​and Tang Xiao became the Grand Duke of Dawn. At the same time, Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederation of Independent Systems, also officially took office as the head of the Confederacy. This also marked the change of the Confederation of Independent Systems' definition of this war from a galactic civil war to a life-and-death contest between countries.

However, during this process, the Galactic Republic, which was suffering from internal and external troubles, was unable to suppress its internal conflicts. Under the plan of the Republic Speaker Palpatine, it was reorganized into the Galactic Empire!

In this war, the Galactic Republic became the first to be unable to bear it.

Immediately afterwards, Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn and the Galactic Empire made a separate peace and withdrew from the war. The Confederacy of Independent Systems led by Count Dooku was forced to shrink its front and make its final resistance in the eastern border of the Galaxy.

The war lasted for another four years. With the fall of the Salukami planet, the final line of defense of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Confederacy was completely unsustainable in the war, and failure was an obvious outcome.

But no one thought that even though the Confederation of Independent Systems was already on its last legs, the one who dealt the final blow to the Confederacy was not the Galactic Empire, but the former supreme military commander of the Confederation of Independent Systems - General Grievous!

General Grievous suddenly launched a mutiny, raided the Laxus subplanet, the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and killed the head of the Confederacy, Count Dooku! !

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