The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1963 Qisi Ling (Part 1)

1964, Chisling (Part 1)

A shuttle took off from the Eternal super aircraft carrier and flew towards Admiral Chiara's flagship, the Night Dragon-class heavy cruiser Vigilant.

By the way, the official shuttle of the Principality of Dawn is still the Neimoidian Sheathipede-class shuttle produced by Haor Chall Engineering, a subsidiary of the Trade Federation. This model of shuttle is so classic. Even in the original plot of "Star Wars", the Sheapod-class shuttle was still used until the end of the Galactic Empire.

Of course, the Sheapod-class shuttle has also undergone many modifications. The current model has more outstanding performance, improved protection and comfort, and a more beautiful appearance. It is also very close to the shipbuilding style of the Principality of Dawn.

The commander-in-chief of the Second Exploration Fleet, Lieutenant General Brent, and the deputy commander, Captain Keith Maxwell, these two strange combinations with vastly different military ranks but similar positions are in the shuttle, accompanied by There are also two negotiators, a protocol robot and two attendants.

They did not bring guards, because Keith Maxwell said that if there was a conflict, he could handle it. If he couldn't handle it, sending guards would be useless. Lieutenant General Brent was very confident in the combat effectiveness of this thorn. After all, Keyes fully demonstrated this in the training ground during the fleet's voyage.

In addition, although the commander-in-chief and deputy commander of the Second Exploration Fleet are not here, it does not mean that the fleet is undefended. On the contrary, this fleet has become more dangerous - because what they left to command the fleet is a T-series tactical robot!

Once they are kidnapped or detained, the T-series tactical robots will cold-bloodedly execute the preset combat orders, even if it leads to the death of Brent and others.

The shuttle flew in front of Admiral Chiara's flagship. Keith Maxwell looked out the window at this spaceship, which was completely different from the angular and mechanical shipbuilding style in the Milky Way, and said with interest : "The shape of their spaceship is quite strange..."

"Do you see anything?" Lieutenant General Brent asked.

"This is a battleship. I mean... it is the kind of battleship built purely with artillery warfare as the main idea without considering carrier-based aircraft." Case said, "The shape of this spaceship does not fully utilize the space. shape, so there will definitely not be a large built-in hangar. But I think this shape must be related to their unique reactor and energy transmission system.”

"You know a lot." Brent smiled.

"Although after boarding the mothership, the past memories are blurred, but I think... I spent my whole life on the spacecraft." Keith Maxwell said.

Brent nodded but said nothing.

The shuttle quickly entered through the entrance behind the Night Dragon-class heavy cruiser and landed on a small hangar platform. Chiss Defense Fleet Admiral Eliz Al-Alani Ziara is waiting ahead.

She is taller than expected, nearly 1.8 meters tall, which makes her even more majestic than she looks on the screen.

"General Brent, on behalf of Chisland, I would like to welcome you." General Chiara gave a military salute.

"This is also our honor." Brent and Keith also returned the military salute.

They walked all the way towards the bridge. Although Admiral Chiara showed a serious attitude, Keith Maxwell was an uncontrollable chatterbox. He took the initiative to lean in and talk: "I I heard that you Chiss people have four major ruling families in your cabinet, right?"

"Nine, actually." Chiara replied seriously, "It's just that four of the families are the strongest, so they are called Ruling Families. There are also five families that are less powerful, but they are also Also a member of the Cabinet.”

"Oh~~So all your affairs are discussed and decided by the nine-member cabinet?" Case suddenly realized.

"Those submitted to the cabinet are all military and national affairs. If they are ordinary matters, they will be resolved in the parliament. The Chisland's parliament is composed of representatives from the major colonies." Chiara did not hide the political system of the Chisland. , giving them a popular science guide, "Of course, matters with the Dawn Principality will naturally be handled personally by the four major families."

Lieutenant General Brent nodded silently. He knew that a political system like Chisling was actually an oligarchic democracy. A model between autocracy and democracy.

"Ah, so to be able to cultivate such a beautiful and powerful general like you, your family must also be a great family, right?" Keith Maxwell started doing what he is best at - flirting with girls.

Even the two negotiators behind them couldn't help but cast strange looks at him. This guy is really a vegetarian...

The Admiral Chiara in front of her was obviously not a beauty. She looked to be over 40 years old, and her angular cheeks made her look majestic, but she couldn't match her beauty.

Then this guy Keith turned out... Could it be that he didn't want to fight anymore?

Chiara looked back at Keith and said calmly: "The Eliz family is indeed one of the nine cabinet members, but it is not one of the four major families. The Eliz family has a strong reputation in the defense force and education. strength." After saying that, he nodded to Case.

Lieutenant General Brent and others were all shocked... weren't they? It sounds like Admiral Chiara's tone has softened a lot! Keith Maxwell doesn't know how to...

However, thanks to Keith's mouth, he kept chatting with Chiara along the way. Although Chiara was very secretive about their military matters, she still asked a lot about the cultural customs of the Chiss. .

I have to sigh with emotion. He is handsome and can speak well, so he will not suffer any loss wherever he goes.

When they followed Admiral Chiara's flagship and docked at the space port outside the Chiss' home planet of Csilla, they already knew a lot about the Chiss.

Keith Maxwell not only chatted with Chiara, but after discovering that although the admiral changed his attitude in the end, he still refused people thousands of miles away, he went to hook up with several other women. Soldier, I learned a lot.

Of course, it was a pity for Brent that he failed to hook up with Chiara.

In the family palace in the center of Csaplar, the capital of the planet Chisla, Brent and others received a meeting with the cabinet, the highest governing body of the Chissland.

The heads of the four major families sit in the center, and the heads of the other five ruling families sit on both sides. They all wear clothes of different colors to distinguish each other's families.

"Welcome, envoys of the Principality of Dawn. We want to know, is it peace or war that the Principality of Dawn brings to our Chis tie?"

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