The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1980 The first battle against Grisk’s hegemony

1981. The first battle for Grisk’s hegemony

Chis led the delegation, headed by the Nurudo family and the Cipla family, to the reception hall. After a week of waiting, the anxiety and fear in their hearts had reached its peak.

Although Tang Xiao had previously agreed to send a fleet to assist them in their fight against Grisk's hegemony, there had been no response since then. No matter how they applied to continue the talks, there was no response at all.

This made the people in the delegation even a little scared, because after their previous meeting with Tang Xiao, they were completely wary of Duke Ming Ming, who would kill people whenever they disagreed, and they didn't dare to really trust him at all.

In the past few days, the Cipla family and the Nurudo family even proposed an incredible situation - that is, the Dawn Principality may be considering forming an alliance with the Grisk hegemony, and then using the Grisk people's mind control ability to Rule 'Chaos'!

The more they thought about it, the more they thought it was possible, and Qisi Ling currently had no means of communicating directly with them, so they could only think about it on their own. After a few days, they even had a nervous breakdown!

But now, they were suddenly notified to go to the drawing room. It was said that the Grand Duke Liming had invited them, so they hurried over as if they had received an amnesty.

However, as soon as they arrived at the living room, they were stunned by the mysterious and powerful star spirit wearing golden armor standing next to Tang Xiao!

"En taro Adun, a guest from Chisland. I am Rasdian, a high-ranking templar of the Akira tribe. I will work with you to solve the matter of Grisk's hegemony. I hope we can cooperate happily. "Russian's humble voice sounded in their minds.

As soon as they heard the voice in their heads, the Cipra family jumped up and almost screamed!

Someone was actually talking directly into their brains!

"Who are you? Are you a Grisk?" The Cipula family has been in a state of turmoil these days, and she is the most feared person in the delegation. She worries all day long that the Dawn Principality will come together with the Grisk Hegemony to deal with it. They are Qisi Ling.

As a result, now, a voice suddenly appeared in my head. If this method is not Griske's hegemony, what is it? ?

Rasdian said calmly: "Please don't be afraid, I am not a Grisk. We are Star Spirits, the eldest sons of God. This is the way we speak. This is indeed an application of telepathy, but we must not We will not abuse the power of the mind. Therefore, we will definitely let them be punished for the Grisk Hegemony."

The Nurudo family was much calmer. He looked at Rasdian with shock in his heart. He had never seen such a mysterious and elegant race. This man stood in front of them. With his extraordinary temperament, golden armor, and luxurious blue cloak, he really looked like a god!

"The... eldest son of God..." the Nurudo family repeated blankly, "You... are here to help us deal with the Grisk hegemony? Are you... also a member of the Dawn Principality?"

The race in front of them who claims to be the eldest son of God is powerful to the naked eye, so if they are all members of the Dawn Principality, the power of the Dawn Principality may be many times more terrifying than they imagined before! !

"We do have very close ties with the Principality of Dawn and Grand Duke Tang Xiao. Therefore, at the invitation of His Excellency the Grand Duke, we are here." Rasdian replied.

"That means you will return to Chisland with us?" the Nurudo family asked.

"The fleet of the Principality of Dawn is ready and ready to go at any time." Rasdian said.

"Wait a minute! This is absolutely not possible!!!" The Cipra family, who had been shivering in the back, suddenly jumped up and said loudly, "You and the Grisk Hegemony are the same! If you are brought back to the Chiss Territory, you will definitely bring you All of us are under control! Just like the Grisk!!"

Rasdian said: "We will never abuse the power of the mind. Please rest assured that we are here to help you."

"This is a conspiracy!! You are specially used for mind control!!" The Cipla family collapsed immediately, pointing at Rasdian and shouting like crazy, terrified.

Tang Xiao sat on his throne the whole time, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, watching everything happening in the audience as if he were watching a play.

"That's enough!!" The Nurudo family shouted, then walked over and pressed the shoulders of the Cipra family, and said seriously: "Okay... This star spirit is an elegant gentleman, and he is also a A powerful warrior, I'm sure of that. If he wanted to go against us, he would never choose this way."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the Cipra family to reply, he directly said to the assistants behind him: "Please ask the Cipra family to go back to the ship and rest... She has been under too much pressure these days."

The assistants naturally knew that under the current circumstances, they could not let the Cipra family continue to make trouble like this, so they quickly helped her away.

The Nurudo family sighed. Putting aside the stereotypes and conflicts between the two families, he still recognized the Sipra family's usual leadership and wisdom. But since coming to the Principality of Dawn, her self-esteem, even the self-esteem of the Chiss people, has been beaten to pieces by Tang Xiao...

Now that she saw a race like the Protoss again, she actually had a nervous breakdown when she was scared.

In fact, it can be seen from this that ever since the Dawn Principality built the Star Gate and forced its way to the outskirts of the Chiss Territory, the entire Chiss society has been in such a high-pressure state full of fear.

The emergence of Grisk's hegemony is the fuse that detonates this pressure cooker.

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke... then, we will return to the Qisi Territory. I believe that with the help of the Star Spirits, we will defeat the Grisk hegemony and bring back the news of victory." The Nurudo family bowed to Tang Xiao.

Rasdian also nodded to Tang Xiao, then he floated back into the air and flew towards the door.

Only the stunned Nurudo family and other members of the Chisling delegation were left watching this magical scene, and even felt a little at a loss.

At this time, Tang Xiao, who had been watching the show, suddenly said from behind: "Didn't you realize it? You Qisi people brought this upon yourself."

The Nurudo family was shocked. He turned around suddenly and saw that Tang Xiao had stood up from the throne and walked towards the back.

Qisi led a delegation to the Dawn Planet to meet with Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn and request reinforcements, and they did so.

A month later, the squadron of the Principality of Dawn sailed out of the star gate under the leadership of the Protoss High Templar Rasdian, and then began to recalculate the hyperspace route, preparing to go to the capital of Chissland, the planet Hisla. .

After this month of getting along, the Cipra family also overcame their fears and began to accept the existence of the stars. Rasdian is indeed an elegant protoss. He has no prejudice or any airs. He communicates with the Chiss very politely and humbly, and also tells them many stories about the protoss.

Although many of the memories of the protoss have perished in the mothership, they still have some vague pictures that show them the epic scenes in the rise of the protoss. And all of this was shared with the Chiss by Rasdian.

Up to now, the Cipra family and the Nurudo family are sincerely impressed by this protoss. The strength and wisdom he has shown are things that the Chiss have never seen before.

In fact, don't think that the fact that the Chiss have emerged such heroes as Grand Admiral Thrawn and Admiral Severance Tann is an indication of how powerful the Chiss are. On the contrary, the Chiss Territory is a very closed and isolated race in the unknown star field, and all day long, apart from conspiracy and calculation, they are fighting among themselves. The pattern between them and the protoss has been completely different from the beginning.

You must know that Severance Tann and Thrawn were both expelled from the Chiss Territory because they were not tolerated, and then they bloomed brightly on the vast stage of the galaxy. Their glory has little to do with the corrupt Chiss Territory... Don't forget that when Thrawn was young, he was almost expelled from the Chiss Naval Academy because he was falsely accused of cheating.

After leaving the Star Gate, the Cipra family came to Rasdian and said with a smile: "This is already the edge of the Chiss Territory. The planet Masos is also where the Dawn Principality's forward base and Star Gate are located. That's right. Proof of friendship between Chisland and the Duchy of Dawn."

She believed that the Star Spirits were also Tang Xiao's subordinates, so all her flattery towards the Principality of Dawn had no effect on the Star Spirits, who were all flattering.

However, she did not stop because of Rasdian's indifference. She also understood the power of the Star Spirit. From the perspective of her family, she had to find a way to get Rasdian's approval.

She hopes to win over the protoss. It would be great if this joint operation between the Dawn Principality and the Chisland could be quietly turned into a joint operation between the Cipra family, the Dawn Principality, and the protoss.

"Out of respect and gratitude, our Cipla family will show our most sincere friendship and enthusiasm, and hope that our cooperation can last for a long time." The Cipla family continued, "I have made arrangements."

The Nurudo family glanced at the Cipra family, sneered and ignored them. Instead, they said to the T-series tactical robot next to them, which commanded the robot to control the spacecraft: "Integrate the fleet's navigation system into our system. The outside world Hyperspace navigation is completely different from that in chaos...the hyperspace channels here are very chaotic."

As he said this, he saw a little Chisi girl walking over. She looked about 10 years old, and her face was still childish. But compared to other Chisi people, this little girl's temperament is more sacred, like a saint.

She said to the T-series tactical robot: "Let the navigator jump according to the coordinates I mentioned. There must be no mistakes. Otherwise, we will be engulfed by hyperspace turbulence."

"This girl has powerful psychic powers." Rasdian said, looking at the little girl.

The little girl seemed a little afraid of the voice that appeared in her head. She took a step back and hid behind the Nurudo family.

"She is a Sky Walker and has third vision, which can help us locate ourselves in the chaotic hyperspace channel." The Nurudo family explained, "We Chiss rely on the help of the Skywalkers to navigate the chaotic hyperspace channel." Navigate through chaos and extend our control to dozens of surrounding planetary systems."

"I think she is too young to take on this important responsibility. She needs more training." Rasdian said. He thought about it again and asked, "In the galaxy, there once was a powerful Jedi. The warrior is called Anakin Skywalker. Did he also serve as a navigator here? [Note 1]"

The Nurudo family was stunned and explained: "I'm not sure about this. However, Skywalkers can only be held by women, and the third vision of many Skywalkers will gradually disappear after adulthood, starting from the age of 13 to 22 years old. Left and right. So we must continue to find and train new Skywalkers."

Rasdian stared at the little girl for a while and said calmly: "Your way of raising her is wrong. Regarding this, I think I should be able to do something for these girls."

"If we can get the guidance of the Star Spirit, it will be the greatest honor for our entire Qisi Territory." The Nurudo family quickly thanked them.

Rasdian waved his hand gently, and a ray of spiritual energy flashed in front of his eyes. He continued: "I already know the method of this Skywalker. Just tell me the coordinates and I will complete the navigation work."

"Okay." The Nurudo family was completely impressed by the Star Spirit, and they nodded in agreement without even a single question.

After getting the coordinates of the Hisla planet, Rasdian came to the navigator's console. It only took him a few seconds to complete the calculation of the hyperspace route and input it into the navigation computer.

This once again refreshed the knowledge of the Chiss people, because if such navigation work was left to Skywalker to complete, it would take at least ten minutes! As a result, the Nurudo family did not even have time to inform the capital of the good news here.

The fleet quickly turned on the hyperspace engine and entered the hyperspace channel and flew towards the planet Hisla.

When the fleet of the Principality of Dawn appeared in the outer orbit of the planet Hisra accompanied by white light, it was shocking to find that the capital of the Chiss Territory was on alert! Even the Endless-class super aircraft carrier of the Second Exploration Fleet is here! !

Just outside the planet, there are dozens of small spacecrafts wreaking havoc everywhere at high speeds. Their flying postures are extremely crazy, as if they are driven by madmen! These spacecraft tried their best to avoid the pursuing warships, and then opened fire wildly at the civilian spacecraft outside the planet Hesla!

And what makes people feel weird is that these crazy spaceships are all owned by the Chiss leader! !


[Note 1: Skywalker is the same name as Anakin Skywalker. Regarding this point, Marshal Thrawn also expressed the same doubts when he saw Luke Skywalker for the first time in the original plot. 】

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